Friday, 16 November 2012

Israel/Palestine. UK Election Non Event. BBC Children in Need.

I have a few things to get off my chest this morning. The first is the naked aggression shown by Israel against the Palestinians in Gaza. An Israeli official was interviewed on RT yesterday and categorically stated that there had been no collateral damage in the missile strikes on Gaza. He said that as RT were showing film of injured children being rushed into hospital. He said that Israel had a right to defend itself. He is correct on that score, but the use of white phosphorus against civilians is a crime against humanity. All this is taking place with the backdrop of the Israeli government authorising the houses of Palestinian people to be demolished to make way for Israeli settlers. This abomination looks set to continue for a while yet. How many innocent people on both sides have to die to feed Netanyahoo's already inflated ego?
On Thursday an election was held to choose who would be the inaugural Commissioners of Police in the various regions of England and Wales. The apathy of the vast majority of the population was there in abundance. The average turnout of voters ranged between 10% and 17%, and at one polling station in Newport in south Wales nobody turned out to vote, yes, you read it correctly, nobody could be bothered to get up off their couches and go to vote. This whole election was a complete farce from start to finish. The government spent 100 million pounds on an election that fell flat on its face.
Last night, the BBC held it's annual "Children in Need" telethon. No doubt millions were raised by the very generous donations by the British public. However, I am going to sow a little dissent into this yearly round of BBC's emotional blackmail fest. This has been going on for close on 25 years in which tens of millions of pounds have been raised. My question is, why are so many children in this country of plenty still living in poverty? Where has all the money actually gone? We are fed snippets of news about worthwhile causes that have been helped, but where has the bulk of the money gone? Until the BBC publish a complete breakdown of where the money has been spent, I will not be contributing a penny. Also, there is still the ongoing child sex abuse scandal from which the BBC have been trying to distance themselves. The fact that BBC officials and employees turned a blind eye to blatant child sex abuse in the 60s 70's and 80's and beyond is evidence enough for me to stop contributing to the blatant emotional blackmail employed by the BBC to get people to contribute. It's time the BBC became transparent, after all, it exists because of the license fee we all pay.
Till next time.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Political Party Slogans = Propaganda

The Labour party conference slogan this year is "One Nation" There is at least one obvious flaw in that statement. We are not one nation, we are Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Sure, we work together, live together and in Afghanistan, we fight and die together. That, however is as far as it goes. Scotland's parliament is putting together a package to convince Scots that we would be better off seceding from the union. The Welsh Nationalists have the same goal. People in Northern Ireland would like to join with The Republic of Ireland. Does that sound like one nation? One home truth for the Labour Party. They don't want to lose Scotland for the reason that they cannot regain power without the massive Labour vote in Scotland. Blair and now Miliband do not give a toss for Scotland and the Scottish people, in that respect they are no different fron the Tories. The devout Marxist that is Miliband is not to be trusted. His loyalties do not lie with this country, they lie just across the channel in Brussels. He and the party hierarchy are leading us down the road to a Marxist society coated in a Federal EU shell.
Next week it is the Tory turn to bombard us with propaganda. What slogan will they come up with? We have already had "The Big Society" and "We are all in this together" The slogan "Big Society" does not mean a UK society, it means a European society. Yes, Cameron's goal is the exact same goal as Miliband's. cameron does not want to lose Scotland from the union for the simple reason that he and past Tory Prime Ministers right back to Thatcher loved ruling the Scots without ever having a legal mandate to do so. The fact that Thatcher decided to try out her Poll Tax policy in Scotland and nowhere else was an illegal act and she got away with it. After massive protests all over Scotland including a no pay policy, she made the huge blunder of wheeling the Poll Tax out in the rest of the UK. That proved to be one huge nail in her political coffin. Protests and riots ensued and soon after she was stabbed in the back by her "loyal" collegues. Her slogan was "The Lady's Not For Turning" After the Poll Tax fiasco she turned alright, right out the front door of No 10. The sight of her in floods of tears gave me a warm glow i'm not ashamed to say.
To sum up, political slogans are in themselves, meaningless. They are just slogans thought up by the various party spin doctors (liars) They mean nothing and should be treated as you would treat a phrase from a talking parrot.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Milliband. Fake, Fraud and False.

Please do not be fooled by Ed Miliband's "I'm one of the people" speech yesterday at the Labour Party conference. He is most certainly not "one of the people" He has been brought up and still is a devout Marxist. He wants control of the entire population. He kept mentioning that he would rebuild the UK as one nation. He definitely wants "one nation" but he doesn't want it to be the UK. His one nation is called Europe.
This extreme left winger is a very dangerous man. He has delivered speeches to the left wing Fabian Society and he attended the Fabian dominated London School of Economics. He maintains that he wants to take the Labour Party back to their 1945 values. This is a case of smoke and mirrors to woo back the voters that Blair lost when he founded the red herring that was New Labour. He, and all the other prominent Labour Party MP's are all paid up members of the New World Order globalist agenda and they will lie, cheat and whatever else is required to achieve their goal. He is not to be trusted and most definitely not to be voted for. Till next time.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

The Political Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

This could be any leader of a political party in the UK, USA or Europe. Also there are plenty of people who mimic those sheep on a daily basis. Wake up or face the consequences.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

I Pity The Children In This Video.

The children are not to blame for what they are saying in this video. The parents are most certainly to blame. Those kids are being brainwashed on a daily basis by parents that are also being brainwashed by a propaganda fed mainstream Israeli media that are the lackeys of the warmonger leader, Netanyahoo.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

The influence of intelligence services on the British left

The influence of intelligence services on the British left: The influence of intelligence services
on the British left
A talk given by Robin Ramsay to Labour Party branches in late 1996
This is a very interesting article that delves into the murky waters of gathering intelligence. » France: Monsanto’s GMO Corn Causes Cancer, Organ Damage in Rats » France: Monsanto’s GMO Corn Causes Cancer, Organ Damage in Rats: France: Monsanto’s GMO Corn Causes Cancer, Organ Damage in Rats.
I urge everyone to read the article. I have read many articles about GMO crops and 90% have been negative towards these crops and almost all have connections directly or indirectly with Monsanto.
I personally try to avoid products that have been genetically modified. For me, organic is usually best.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Problem, Reaction, Solution.

I am writing today about the tragedy that was the cold blooded killing of the two police officers in Manchester yesterday. However, I am not in full agreement with the official story behind the shootings. Out of all the interviews I watched on various news channels, the phrase most used was that the police should be armed as a matter of course while carrying out their duties. This sent my mind into overdrive, wrongly, I hope, with the scenario that these two policewomen were sacrificed to give the powers that be the pretext to arm the UK police forces. My reasoning behind this is that when the future economic plunge into meltdown occurs, the Police will already be armed and there won't have to be the usual formality of a court order permitting them to carry firearms. With these two murders, the people who are really in charge of this country have created a problem which in turn has provoked a reaction and so the pre- arranged solution is able to be carried out, not forgetting that it is the public who are calling out for this. Thankfully, it will be weeks, if not months before an act of Parliament can be passed allowing the routine arming of our policemen and women. As I said, I sincerely hope I have got it wrong, and if so I will post an apology.
My sympathies go out to the families of the two police women who were so cruelly murdered.
Till next time.

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Blair, Olympic deals and the glimpse of another Britain

Blair, Olympic deals and the glimpse of another Britain: Blair, Olympic deals and the glimpse of another Britain
This a brilliant article by John Pilger about the Olympic sponsors Dow Chemical who were the manufacturers
of  Dioxin, a poison used on the population of Viet Nam which was code named Agent Orange.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Britain’s Global Legacy of Conflict - David Icke Website

Britain’s Global Legacy of Conflict - David Icke Website: Britain’s Global Legacy of Conflict.
It's amazing to think that when I was at school all those years ago my favorite subject was history, although I wasn't taught too much Scottish history. It was mostly the history of England and then the British empire. We were fed a diet of "the empire was the driving force for good in the world and the countries we ruled gained untold benefits." After leaving school but still with an avid interest in all things historical that I did some further reading on the Great British empire and found to my horror that not very many people actually liked us, in fact most of the populations of the countries we occupied hated the very sight of us. The more I read the more I understood why. Exploitation on a grand scale was one thing, reducing the population to abject poverty was another. my conclusions were that the British empire was the exact same as every other empire that had ever existed, evil.
Till next time.

A Simple Life With Loads Of Complications.

At the moment I am just doing my usual thing, trawling the Internet looking for interesting pieces of news and researching what is really going on in the world. While I am doing my thing, there is a builder outside fixing a hole in my roof. He would be appalled to read what is going under his very nose in this country. He is a hard working man just trying to make a good living for him and his family. He is not asking for much, just the freedom to enjoy life with his family and provide for his children's future. If only it were that simple. The government are trying to take everything away from him and millions like him by introducing austerity to this country to pay for the criminal activity of bankers and corporation executives who are bleeding this country dry. The ordinary man and woman in the street are not responsible for the massive debt that our government say we owe, and yet we are to bear the full brunt of trying to repay it. To finish, I would love to just go on line and listen to music, watch football and movies and play games, but I can't, I have to find out all I can and try to pass the information on to anyone who will listen. some of the things I read scare the hell out of me and some make me so angry that I just want to throw my laptop through the front room window. Thankfully, people are waking up to the fact that something is wrong and are in turn telling their friends and relatives. Hopefully, anyone reading this will take up the baton and run with it. we need all the help we can get.
Take care. Till next time.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Lying Politician, US Lying Politician, UK Child Poverty.

Nick Clegg, leader of the Lib Dems and deputy Prime Minister today called for an emergency tax on the super rich. Cameron will not be pleased because he is feeling pressure from his own Tory party to actually cut taxes. looking at this from another perspective, the Lib Dem annual conference is taking place in a few weeks and as they are not the most popular political party at the moment, due to their involvement in the Con Dem coalition, Clegg could be seen to be drumming up a decent attendance at the aforementioned conference. Also, Clegg himself comes under the term super rich along with the Prime Minister and the vast majority of the cabinet. To sum up, Clegg's comments should be filed under the term complete bullshit. He has no intention of actually introducing a bill in parliament to tax the super rich.
Mitt Romney is the GOP choice for the upcoming presidential election in the USA. Whether he wins or loses he is just another puppet to be manipulated by the globalists. I watched a video this morning on the Infowars youtube channel where Douglas J Hagmann, an investigative journalist quoted his source in the US Dept. of Homeland Security, who told him that the Obama administration are planning, or have planned a false flag event with the purpose of making sure Obama gets re-elected. It's a video well worth watching. I know there was a lot of internet activity prior to the start of the London Olympics that predicted a false flag would happen. All I would say is can you imagine the level of disbelief if there actually had been a false flag at the Olympics? It would have been very interesting to see the UK government try and explain it away. I will be keeping a weathered eye on any developments in this story.
The End Child Poverty website says that there are currently 4,000,000 children living in poverty in the UK. These statistics are a disgusting blight on our society. Since 1980, the BBC has raised well over £600,000,000 from their "Children in Need" TV fundraiser. Where has all the money gone and what was it actually used for? That's £20,000,000 per year which I think you will agree is a hell of a lot of money. I am not accusing anyone of wrongdoing, but, I would have thought that such an amount of money should have made a significant difference to our society. There are also a plethora of children's charities that also raise substantial amounts of money, and yet the numbers of children in poverty in this country goes up year after year. I will be doing a lot more research on this subject.
Till next time.

Friday, 24 August 2012

US Elections. UK Royals. Fascist MP's.

First of all I will say a few words about the US elections. The American people have two choices, and the choices are not Republican or Democrat, it's vote or not vote. The two parties have long since ceased to be different. They are both controlled by the same people, and they are Wall Street bankers at the lower level and New World Order advocates at the higher level. The two candidates are a joke. Obama has been shown to be a bare faced liar. For instance, "I will close down Guantanamo Bay" the last time I checked it was still going strong. Also he said he watched live, the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden, and that was subsequently proven false. Obama also has a problem with his personality. When he is giving a speech even he doesn't seem to believe what he says. He talks in a boring monotone that sends people to sleep. Romney on the other hand is a complete incompetent, just ask the people of Massachusetts. His performance in the GOP debates was lame in the extreme. He didn't seem to have a grip on reality. The fact that he has a personal fortune of around $250,000,000 while 63 million Americans are on food stamps, is a huge problem. His Mormon faith is also a problem because a sizable portion of the American people see Mormonism as a cult and not a religion. My bet for a winner would be Obama, for the reason that it's better the devil you know as opposed to the devil you don't know. I think it could be a close run thing but it's Obama to win.
UK tabloid, The Sun has published incriminating photos of Prince Harry. On a personal level, I couldn't care less as I have nothing for contempt for the royal family. They are parasites living off taxpayers money while raking in millions from their estates all over this country. There is also the charge of inbreeding that hangs over them. The Queen and her husband Phillip have the same great great grandmother, Queen Victoria which makes them blood 3rd cousins. As for Harry, he is supposed to be a responsible army officer when in fact he is a small child in a mans body. If it was left to me, I would kick all of them out into the street.
Five so called rising stars in the Conservative party,  Chris Skidmore, Kwasi Kwartang, Priti Patel, Elizabeth Truss and Dominic Raab have said that it is the laziness of the British workers that is ruining the economy. They want to model our workers on the Asian model like India or China. They seem to forget that Asian factories are renowned as sweat shops paying breadline wages for working long hours.
I believe that is actually what they want, ie. they want to cut wages and curtail workers rights. These fascist like MP's are extremely dangerous because they are continuing a sinister trend in UK politics that is heading for a real fascist streak in our right wing parties. I will be keeping a close eye on these MP's in the future.
Till next time.

Thursday, 23 August 2012

BBC Censorship.

To my knowledge this video is no longer available to watch on youtube. The BBC have censored it. It shows a pro Syrian government militia fighter being unwittingly used as a suicide bomber by Syrian rebels. Fortunately for him, the bomb failed to detonate.

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Empathy. Or The Lack Of It.

I was watching the video of David Icke giving a lecture at Oxford University and he mentioned the word empathy. He said it in the context that people who are without empathy for their fellow human beings can commit untold atrocities on their fellow human beings. For instance, I couldn't just go up to someone and stick a knife into them for no other reason than I felt like it. The reason being that I was not brought up to do that. I was brought up to have empathy, i know right from wrong, cruelty is not in my nature as it isn't in the nature of the vast majority of human beings. This is one of the reasons that at first, I couldn't believe that 911 was perpetrated by certain rogue elements inside government, and with the knowledge of the president. Take away the feeling of empathy and it becomes totally believable. The global elite are totally devoid of empathy for us. They believe we are at the level of cattle, to be used for whatever purpose they decide. Once I had come to terms with that, I didn't find it hard to believe (with lots of research) that other major incidents in recent history were also committed by various governments around the world. For instance, the 7/7 London bombings, The Iraq war, The Iran Contra affair in 1986 to name just three. The global elite do not have the same mindset as us, they are as completely different to us as salt is to sugar. The sooner we all get our heads round this, the sooner we can fight them. Compared to the total population of this planet, their numbers are pitifully few. At the moment they are fighting a war of divide and rule against us. If we can come to terms with that then we can band together and win through against them. It is as simple as that.
Till next time.

Friday, 17 August 2012

South African Shootings. Russian Punks. IKEA.

The indiscriminate shooting of South African mine workers protesting over poor conditions and wages was a step back to the days of apartheid. Admittedly, some of the workers were armed, albeit with spears and machetes. To shoot thirty of them was barbarous in the extreme. The BBC news story this morning is laying the blame solely at the feet of the workers. No surprise there. No attempt to actually investigate the incident, just spouting the official line. They really are a disgrace to the name journalism. It will be interesting to see what action is taken over this.
I have been doing a bit of research into the Russian female punk band Pussy Riot case. My opinion is that the whole thing is a huge publicity stunt. I have tried to watch a couple of videos on youtube and they are absolutely appalling. To a certain extent the stunt has worked because the bands music sales have soared throughout the world. The down side is that some of them could be going to jail. I think they should all be going to jail, not for what they did, but for inflicting their so called music on to us.
On a lighter note, IKEA are planning to open a chain of budget hotels. I can just imagine booking in at reception and being handed a flat pack and being told to build your room yourself. Perish the thought. Till next time.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Julian Assange Granted Political Asylum.

Julian Assange has been granted political asylum by the Ecuadorian government. The first place the government post this important news is on twitter. They can't even be bothered to make an official statement in front of the UK news cameras. Well Cameron, your governments bluff has been called. The empty threat to storm the embassy was just that, empty, just like your brain Cameron. The Ecuadorian government have acted with integrity and transparency at all times in this matter. They even offered the Swedish government access for them to come to the UK to question Mr. Assange. They refused. The reason for this is as I expect, that the case they have  is flimsy in the extreme or, it is a totally fabricated case. Earlier in the year they sent officials to Serbia to question a suspected murderer. Why not in this case? Double standards is the answer. The US involvement is in my opinion, confirmed.
It is unlikely that the police will "storm" the embassy, they will probably mount a siege of sorts in the short term, but in the longer term, who knows. Going by Cameron's past handling  of crises, he will do a complete U-turn. Thankfully, Julian Assange has some breathing space and hopefully he can be spirited away to carry on his work. Till next time.

Julian Assange. Israel. Extradition.

Today, the UK government reached a new height of stupidity. It was announced that if Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, who is seeking asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, is not sent out to be arrested by the police, they will force an entry in order to arrest him. It is about time that this farce was ended once and for all. it is widely known that the charges the Swedish government have brought against him are completely false and it is just an excuse to hand him over to the US authorities. If the police do actually storm the embassy, it will have serious repercussions for UK embassies throughout the world.
An article in the Israeli, Haaretz newspaper says that hundreds of Israelis have signed an on line petition urging Israeli Defence Force pilots to refuse to carry out orders to bomb Iran. This is just part of growing opposition to Israeli government policy. Street protests have been taking place for the last year or so but it is not reported in the lamestream media. Ordinary Israelis are beginning to realise that a strike on Iran would not go unpunished. Iran is well armed and has the capability to strike back. I don't think that the US actually wants Israel to carry out it's threat, at least not until the Syrian crisis is settled.
On the 24th February, Christopher Tappin, a retired UK businessman was extradited to the US on charges of selling batteries to Iran. The US say that these batteries could be used as components of surface to air missiles, Mr. Tappin says that he was lead to believe that they would be used in the automotive industry. If found guilty, Mr. Tappin could spend the rest of his life in prison. This week, a UK bank, Standard Chartered, was fined around $300,000,000 for dealing with among others, Iran, Libya, Burma. Yes, you read it right, they were fined, no one was arrested. Where is the justice? The answer is that where banks are concerned, there is no justice. Banks rule the world. The money involved in Standard Chartereds dealings were upwards of $250,000,000,000. Yes two hundred and fifty billion dollars. Double standards in the extreme. Till next time.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Taking a small break.

I will be off the air for a couple of weeks due to my wedding on Friday, 3rd. August, and then our honeymoon. I will be posting again from Tuesday 14th.

Friday, 27 July 2012

Origin of the Olympic torch relay.

The Olympic games opening ceremony takes place today. My question is, what have London 2012 and Berlin 1936 got in common? The answer is, one, the torch relay and, two, thousands of troops on the streets. The idea of a "torch relay" was introduced by Carl Diem, a German sports administrator. The torch relay was just that a relay of runners who carried the torch through Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Austria and Czechoslovakia. The whole thing was filmed by the world renowned German director Leni Riefenstahl, and used for propaganda purposes by Josef Goebbels. He used it to show the world that Germany had risen from the ashes of the First World War and was prospering under Hitler's leadership. The torch relay for London 2012 has been used for the the same reasons. It has visited the most prosperous regions of the UK. That is understandable because the poorest places in the UK are becoming more akin to a third world country than a country with membership of the G8. Like Berlin 1936, we also have thousands of troops on the streets. This is the most militarised games since 1936, not as many personnel but, much more firepower, including a Helicopter Carrier, missile batteries and a high powered sonic weapon. Are they expecting trouble? Hang on a minute, I have forgotten the "war on terror" silly me. The one thing I will be watching for is if they carry out any drills or exercises. Both 911 and 7/7 took place at the same time as US authorities were exercising a scenario of flying planes into buildings and UK authorities were carrying out an exercise of a scenario of bombing the London underground and buses. Quite a coincidence you might think. The only thing is, I don't believe in coincidences. There is a whole raft of sites on the Internet with predictions of a terrorist attack during the Olympics. Most are just scaremongering but a few are just plain scary. I will let all who read this do there own research and make their own mind up. I hope London 2012 goes off without a hitch. Till next time.

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Gun Control. Threat to the US constitution, or sensible move.

This is one of the most disgraceful pieces of video I have ever seen. For a mayor of a city (New York) to publicly call for the police force to go on strike is a crime against the citizens that live in that city. I actually think that he meant all police in the USA. As for the interviewer, Morgan is one of the most sleazy, so called journalists that has ever lived. Gun ownership in the US is written into the constitution in the second amendment. The right to bear arms. here in the UK it is against the law to have a gun unless one is vetted and  purchases a licence. The fact of the matter is, criminals will always get their hands on weapons. You can pass any gun control laws you like, they will still get guns. For saying what he said, Mayor Bloomberg should be removed from his post immediately.
One instance when carrying a gun saved lives occurred in the US a few days ago when a Mr Williams was in an internet cafe when two armed males entered the cafe and threatened to fire. Mr Williams pulled out his concealed handgun and fired at them. They understandably left in a hurry. If he had not been able to lawfully carry a gun, criminals, who pay no attention to the law could probably have ended the lives of the people in the cafe.
I realise that it is a sensitive issue and I don't mean to denigrate ordinary people who have been the victims of gun crime that are calling for tighter controls. I would just like everyone to take a step back and think the whole issue through. Knee jerk reactions seldom work. Till next time.

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Yet more Olympic nonsense.

I hate to go on about the Olympics but, this yet another poorly thought out Olympic plan. This morning at six AM. specially designated "games lanes" came into operation. Drivers of vehicles who violate these lanes will be subject to fines of up to £130 or, if the vehicles are impounded, it will cost £200 to get them back. These lanes are primarily to allow Olympic officials and dignitaries travel quickly from their five star hotels in the Park Lane area of central London. How sensible. Instead of staying in hotels in the vicinity of the venues, tens of thousands of workers trying to get to their place of work will be inconvenienced so that a few so called dignitaries can take there free seats in the stadium in time. Yet another farce surrounding these corporate games.
The BBC are continuing there Psy Op, brainwashing exercise trying to convince us all that we are "gripped" by the Olympics. I for one am far from gripped by these games. The BBC can spout there corporate sponsored propaganda all they want. I became immune to marketing scams a long time ago. I will be keeping a weathered eye open to see the amount of bad news the government try to get out while a sizeable portion of the population are distracted by the Olympics. Till next time.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Denver Shooting, UK Tax, Gaza Border, BBC Olympic Coverage.

Did anyone see the footage of the man accused of the Denver cinema shooting? If so, you couldn't have failed to observe a man drugged up to his eyeballs. I have been trying to find a reason for his condition and have come up with countless articles describing him being admitted to the cinema through an exit door. There have also been accounts of him being seen talking with one or two other men in the cinema. Alternative news sites are saying that this mass shooting follows the M.O. of past mass shootings that have taken place in the US. This has also been seen as coincidental with a vote in the Senate next week to do with gun control. I personally do not believe in coincidences. Was this man set up by the authorities to incite the general public to come out in favour of gun control? I don't know, but it would not come as a surprise to find out he was a patsy.
The chancellor of the exchequer, George Osborne, today said that the recession is down to the extra bank holiday to mark the Queens jubilee, also, the bad weather is to blame, and yet again the government inherited a vast deficit from the last government. Come on George, when will it cease being other peoples fault for your failed policies? The minister for trade, Lord Green said today that it is amoral for the public to pay for services like building work, in cash. He said that paying in cash makes it easy to avoid paying income tax. It is not any easier than giving the rich a huge tax cut in the chancellors last budget. I think that the tax issue is a smokescreen for the run up to a plan for a cashless society. It is one of the main goals of the world elite to have a one world digital currency. Yet another means of controlling the population of the planet. I wonder how long it will take to see this mentioned again.
Egypt today opened it's border with Gaza, a move that will infuriate Netanyahoo. It will be interesting to listen to him trying to blame Iran for this. He did announce today that a further eight Palestinian West Bank villages were to be bulldozed to make way for an IDF training ground. The farmers who own the land will still be able to work their land on weekends and Jewish public holidays. That's kind of him. Yet another case of Israeli aggression that will go unpunished by the UN.
Anyone watching the BBC 24 hour news channel could be forgiven for thinking that there was nothing happening in the world except for the London Olympics. It has been almost blanket coverage. I wondered if all the conflicts in the world had somehow stopped to allow the Olympics to get full coverage. I jest of course. I find it pitiful in the extreme to watch so called journalists virtually prostrating themselves at the feet of Sebastian Coe as if he has performed some kind of miracle in heading the organising team. This man has been paid a seven figure sum for his "work" The security scandal seems to have been forgotten in the wave of hysteria surrounding the run up to the opening ceremony. Will the games go off without incident? I hope so but I wouldn't bet any money on it. Till next time.

Friday, 20 July 2012

Olympics. A Corporate Farce.

I'm getting sick and tired of hearing about this company or that company is sponsoring the London Olympics.
I heard this morning that in the immediate vicinity of Olympic venues, if you run out of cash, and with the extortionate prices at the food stalls, that is a distinct possibility, only visa company ATM's will be available. No other cards will be accepted. Also, if you want to buy a bag of chips (fries) on their own, you can only do this from MacDonald's. Other stalls can sell chips but, only if accompanied with other foodstuffs, ie fish, burger etc. Advertisers have also overstepped the mark. It is an offence to use certain words and phrases to advertise products. For instance if charity shops want to place the Olympic five rings in the window of their shops, they could be prosecuted. Words like gold, silver, bronze, Olympics, Games, Summer, 2012,there are others but I think the words I have shown give an idea as to the level of censorship. This is actually an act of Parliament and convicted offenders can be fined up to a total of £20,000. What kind of a country do we live in when a company can decide what we can and cannot show in our shops and restaurant's?
I am disgusted with the level of restrictions that have happened around this Olympics. The company that won the contract for games security, G4S have made a complete mess of it. It turns out that G4S lost the contract for security at the EU Parliament in April of this year and have effectively been blacklisted by the EU. The reason being that they were found to have engaged in illegal activities in Israel.
Thankfully I will not be attending any of the games events but I hope they go off smoothly.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Subliminal Messaging.

This is a follow up to yesterdays Control post. It just shows the efforts that the powers that be will go to to control our lives. The TV coverage of the upcoming Olympic Games will undoubtedly contain a whole raft of subliminal messages. The only thing we can do is be aware that they are there.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Our Lives Controlled.

Our lives are not our own. A very strong statement to make, but if we were to take a cold hard look at our lives and the way we live our lives we will see that the vast majority of our lives is influenced by outside forces. From the moment we attend school we are being influenced, not taught but influenced. The curriculum in schools is promulgated by government who decide what is to be included in the curriculum. Outside of school we are bombarded by advertising of one type or another. Even the BBC, the PBS station here in the UK indulges in covert advertising. For instance, at the recent Wimbledon Tennis tournament, the BBC cameras would focus in to the shirts of the ball boys, straight onto the logo of the manufacturer. This also happens during non sporting shows. It is not an accident. There is also a myriad of examples of symbolism that is visible on billboards, TV adverts, newspapers etc. Pyramids, all seeing eyes, zodiac and masonic symbols permeate every aspect of our lives. For instance, currently, ITV are running a show that is trying to uncover a potential star to play Jesus in a new production of "Jesus Christ Superstar" The logo used in the titles of the show is a pentagram. When did a pentagram become a symbol of Jesus? Why are they doing it? Are they trying to equate Jesus with Lucifer? After all, the pentagram has always been a symbol of Lucifer, so why use it in a show about Jesus? Have a look at the logo of the London Olympics.
When the logo was first unveiled, it was roundly vilified as a eyesore, as you can see, on further inspection it is letting everyone know just who is running things. All the major corporations in this world are under Zionist control. When I mention Zionism, I am not equating Judaism with Zionism, in fact there is no connection between the two.
Our lives are controlled by Zionists and it is time that we woke up to this fact. I am not saying that we should not watch TV or go to the Mall or the Cinema. Just be aware exactly what is being shown to us and learn to discern propaganda from reality.

Falklands War. False Flag?

I have been a staunch critic of ex PM Margaret Thatcher ever since she came to power. I have been thinking about the stance she took in the lead up to the Falklands war. At the time she was a very unpopular PM due to recession and high unemployment. With one year till the next general election at which she was almost certain to lose, the Falklands crisis came at a very opportune time for her. The Argentinian government at that time was in a state of crisis. General Galtieri was also a very unpopular leader or should I say dictator. I stumbled onto a website called in which it puts forward very convincing arguments that suggest Thatcher and Galtieri, together arranged the crisis that led to war. They both used the crisis to whip up the respective populations to a patriotic frenzy. It succeeded, but Galtieri underestimated the deviousness of Thatcher. I am not sure that Galtieri actually wanted outright war. I think he was expecting a negotiated settlement but Thatcher on the other hand was sure that British forces were superior to the young Argentinian conscripts who were sacrificed by Galtieri. She was right, but only just. At the end, British supplies were running out and the Argentinian Air Force were capable of halting any resupply of the British forces. Thatchers gamble worked. The Argentinian troops surrendered just in time.
My point is that it shows that politicians have no qualms about sacrificing human lives to further their personal political aims. The next year, Thatcher won a huge victory in the election. Nothing changed, public industries were sold off on the cheap, unemployment continued to rise and riots broke out in many UK cities. The public had been conned, AGAIN.
There is no concrete evidence that Thatcher and Galtieri colluded, but, the information in the site I mentioned is compelling.

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Security Failures in the Run Up to the London Olympics.

Over the past week or so we in the UK have been bombarded with news that the security firm G4S has made a complete mess of the security arrangements for the London Olympics. It has been reported that they have not hired enough staff to cope with the influx of visitors who will attend the various events and also the people they have trained have not been adequately trained. The company have been paid hundreds of millions of pounds and have not delivered the goods. Because of this, eighteen thousand British troops will be deployed to cover for the failed security company. Among other security arrangements, the Helicopter and Commando Carrier HMS Ocean has been berthed on the Thames in the centre of London, also, surface to air missile batteries have also been stationed around the city. Sky news website, today ran a story that says that US TSA staff will be used at Heathrow airport to supplement a shortage of security staff there. I am glad I won't be going anywhere near London in the next few weeks. I would not want any member of the TSA putting their hands down my trousers like they do in the States. There has still been no mention in the lamestream media of the 100,000 foreign troops that have been flown into this country. Numerous alternative news channels have run the story. Admittedly, there is no photographic evidence, but, there is no doubt that all this military might has not been put in place for nothing. Only time will tell.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Banking Scandal, God Particle, Agenda 21.

I am absolutely furious this morning. I have been looking at the news on various channels on TV and all are showing that the financial markets around the world are falling. Not a drastic piece of news if it weren't for the fact that the reason given for the fall is that the ex Barclay's Bank employee is giving evidence to a committee of MP's this afternoon. It is disgraceful in the extreme that a criminal giving evidence and probably going to name a few other criminals should adversely affect the markets. It should be the other way round, the markets should be happy that criminal wrongdoing is about to be exposed and hopefully stopped. That would be the case if the markets were run by law abiding citizens, however, the markets are run by criminals for the benefit of criminals.
Yesterday, scientists reported that they had "almost" found the God particle. Bad enough from people who usually believe nothing without concrete evidence. Today these same scientists say that they "believe" that they have found it. I have always been told that "belief" is primarily used in a religious context, and "belief" in that context is always ridiculed by members of the scientific community. They can't have it both ways. They have either found God or they have not found God. If they have, would that make them born again scientists? I jest of course.
I will post more about the next subject in days to come. Agenda 21. If you have not heard or looked into the term then you need to do it soon. Basically, it is the UN along with mega corporations attempt to take over every, and I mean every aspect of our lives. Firstly, they are doing this on a local level albeit within a global plan and they want to take over all land and natural resources. This would be done under the environmental umbrella and anyone questioning this would be labelled environmental terrorists as is happening in countries like Australia where if you question the carbon tax, that is the label you are saddled with. In a nutshell, if they can control all land, then they can control everyone on the planet. I will post more in the days to come but i urge everyone to research this for themselves.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Bad news from the banking sector AGAIN

I have just come back from a great holiday in Sunny Beach in Bulgaria. I never looked at any news programmes on TV or bought a newspaper. It was brilliant, but now that I'm back home, the first thing I see is that there is yet another banking scandal. I am not quite sure what it is all about as yet, but hearing that Barclay's CEO Bob Diamond is in it up to his neck comes as no surprise to me. He came with a suspect record and he seems to have continued his dodgy practises in his present job, or his previous job as he has just resigned. He has said in veiled terms that if he is going down, then he will take a lot of people down with him. Significantly, there is no criminal investigation pending, instead, Cameron has said that he will set up a Parliamentary enquiry into the scandal. Of course this will be a whitewash on a massive scale as quite a few politicians of all parties have connections to the banking sector and quite a few skeletons would be in full view if the proposed enquiry was a full public judicial enquiry. Throughout the last few years since the initial credit crunch of 2007/ 2008 various instances of criminal wrongdoing have been highlighted in the banking sector but, and this is a big but, no criminal charges have been brought on anyone of any note. Resignations have been deemed enough of a punishment. This in itself is a scandal perpetrated by politicians for the benefit of politicians. They do this while drastically cutting social security benefits to very vulnerable people in this country. Benefit cheats are pursued with a vigour usually reserved for murderers and child molesters. Don't get me wrong, cheats deserve to be prosecuted but, my question is, why are tax cheats not pursued with the same amount of vigour? The whole financial sector needs to be overhauled from top to bottom. The UK financial industry have become used to getting away with fraud and criminality. The system is rotten to the core and people need to realise that their money is not safe in banks, and I mean all banks. We need to keep a close eye on our money because if a collapse, and the next collapse will be of biblical proportions, happens our money will be lost and we will have no way of getting it back. I am not scaremongering, I am simply observing the markets and the world news and the whole world system is teetering on the edge of a precipice. They have got away with it by just printing money, but they can't keep doing this forever. Sooner or later the dam will burst. I don't need to go into any great detail because I think people will have a fair idea what will transpire.
Despite the continued banking disasters, I still have optimism that we will not go over the edge and that a solution will be found. There is still hope.

Thursday, 7 June 2012

European Political Union

The German Chancellor, Angela Merkel today, June 7th finally showed her true colours. She is proposing a full political union of Europe. This has always been the ultimate goal, and this is why the EU or Common Market as it used to be known was founded. The global elite want firstly to divide the planet into regions, ie. the European region, the American region, the African region and so on. Then they will combine the regions into three of four larger regions and then a one world government. Merkel today started the ball rolling for a European region. This must be opposed by all free thinking and freedom loving people, it is the road to tyranny and oppression. I find it very coincidental that only a few days after the Bilderberg meeting in Chantilly Virginia, that Merkel all of a sudden without even hinting about it, comes out with the phrase, political union. By the way, I don't believe in coincidences. This has Bilderberg written all over it. 
Yet another issue that requires vigilance.

UN Statement on Syria. A Farce.

I am watching a UN official making a statement on the current violence in Syria. He actually said that despite reliable corroborating evidence, the blame for the violence rests totally at the door of the Syrian government. This a complete falsehood. The government under Assad do have to take a portion of the blame, but the rebels, along with NATO forces must take their fair share of the blame. The latest "massacre" happened just before this UN statement and it is public knowledge that Obama has been trying to formulate a plan along with Cameron to sidestep the UN and intervene independently. This statement has been worded  for the UN to open a way for a Libyan style resolution to keep the UN in charge. The Syrian people are being exploited by the UN along with it's paramilitary wing, NATO as a way of isolating Iran. I have no evidence to back up what I will say next, but I strongly believe the there are Israeli agents operating in Syria and have been from day one. In fact it would be strange if the Israelis did not have a pressence in Syria. To finish, I would urge all who read this not to take anything at face value. Do your own research, the site is a good place to start.
I post this while I am angry so there might be a few mistakes, but I will update this as soon as new info comes my way.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

The Syrian Problem.

I have been reading an awful lot of articles and blogs about the disaster that is Syria. It has been obvious for months that this is more complicated than the lamestream media would force us to believe. Contrary to what they say, it is about a lot more than just establishing democracy. Reports have surfaced from Syria that lay the blame at the door of NATO who have allegedly infiltrated the rebel movement and have formed death squads who disguise themselves as government militia. Also, Al Qaeda have been mentioned, but while I have no doubts that all of the above are heavily involved, a further cause has been sighted, and that is that old festering sore that is sectarianism. Sunni vs Shiite and Islam vs Christian and all points in between. The US and UK's answer is send the troops in. You only have to look at Libya to realise what a disaster that would be. The NATO countries have already been caught shipping arms to the rebels so they obviously can't be trusted to broker a solution. I am wary of the UN being fair in this matter and what I am about to say will seem extremely controversial. Countries like Russia and China (I know all about their human rights abuses) could be asked to formulate a strategy for peace. You will notice that I don't say "regime change" I don't think that is the answer. My belief is that every faction has to get around the table and hammer out a solution that can be acceptable to all. Russia and China could chair such a meeting. Controversial I know but again as I said, take a look at NATO's handling of Libya.
I would like to know if I am being silly or if anybody agrees with me.

Friday, 1 June 2012

IMF Hypocrisy, US Election Silence. N Korea.

The head of the IMF, Christine Lagarde is a hypocrite of the first magnitude. She has been vomiting out her elitist propaganda about how the ordinary people in the Eurozone should stop moaning and keep paying their taxes. That would be all well and good except for the fact that out of her massive salary as head of the IMF, she, herself pays no taxes whatsoever. She keeps all of her money for her greedy little self. She should shut her mouth and actually try and find a way to ease the burden on the people of the Eurozone.
People in the US are wondering why Obama, since the announcement that Mitt Romney will almost certainly be the opposition to himself in the upcoming Presidential election, has not outlined any of the issues that he will fight the campaign on. The answer is simple. He has not received his orders yet. When the Bilderberg meeting in Chantilly Virginia ends on Sunday, he will be summoned and subsequently told exactly what he is to do to fight the election. the attendance list has been posted on the infowars website so that people from all over the world can see exactly who is attending from their particular country. From a UK point of view, two of the attendees are Peter Mandelson and Kenneth Clark. The fact that it is unlawful for a serving member of Parliament to attend any meetings that are held in private, doesn't seem to matter. In the past, the likes of Ted Heath, Thatcher, Blair, Ed Balls have all attended. There will be no coverage of this cabal on the likes of the BBC or Sky, and the only newspaper that has anything about it is the London Guardian. The alternative media, on the other hand if absolutely full of reports and articles with live video of the protests outside the venue. The coverage is well worth a look.
Lastly, I saw a report today from the US admitting that US special forces are at this moment operating inside North Korea. What are they doing? Spying of course. Is this the prelude to a "Korean Spring"? Never say never. You will find info to all this and much more on sites like The Drudge Report, CLG, Infowars, Wideshutuk, and a host of other sites on the net.
One last tip. When building your fallout shelters, go deep.

The Tavistock Institute. Beware.

This is an introductory video  to a very sinister organisation which deals in global manipulation through organised chaos. I will be posting more information about this subject in the near future.

Thursday, 31 May 2012

US Threatening Syria. Bilderberg.

I heard a very worrying item on the news today. It seems that the US government along with the UK government, are seriously planning to take action to "resolve" the crisis in Syria without consulting the UN. In the past, any such intervention in a country's internal affairs was called naked aggression. Without beating about the bush, I would guess that this whole plan was yet another in the US's grand plan to completely isolate Iran. However, I don't think that Iran is the US's ultimate goal. I think isolating Russia from the middle east is the goal. One fly in the ointment is the fact that Pakistan and China are quickly becoming "new best friends" and I don't think the US were expecting that, although the CIA's excessive use of unmanned drones in the skies over Pakistan played no small part in bringing China and Pakistan together. Yet another story that will run and run.
The 2012 Bilderberg meeting started today in Chantilly Virginia. It was no surprise to me to find that there was absolutely no mention of it in the British media, except for a substantial blog in The London Guardian. The most important gathering of the global elite this year, and no one at the BBC thought it worthwhile to give it a mention. The fact that they are deciding our future didn't rate a mention. Thankfully, independent journalists are covering it. Men like Alex Jones, Jim Tucker and Luke Rudkowski are on the ground outside the venue trying to get some inside information on what is actually being discussed. I will be keeping a close watch to see what comes from it.
That's all for this evening.

Global Warming. Proof.

After years of research, I have at last found concrete evidence that global warming is a one hundred percent fact. I am truly sorry for doubting Al Gore.

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

News Snippits and a Rant.

A few things to talk about today. Firstly the supreme court in London has ruled that Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, can be extradited to Sweden on charges of serious sexual assault. The judges however, did not deliver a unanimous verdict which suggests that some of the panel had serious doubts over the case. He will obviously appeal and so this story will run for a few months more.
It was also announced today that Pakistan and China will forge closer links between the two countries. In my view this will really annoy both Obama and Cameron which can only be a good thing. It is about time that they were made to believe that they are not the centre of the universe as they both obviously believe.
The troubles in Syria rumble on and on. It was announced today that Syrian diplomats are to be expelled from the UK over the reports of the alleged massacre in a city in Syria a few days ago. The BBC were caught lying about it by showing a photo of bodies lined up in a warehouse that they said was in Syria. However, they had to retract it because it turned out that the photo was taken in Iraq quite a few years ago. It was also admitted officially that both the US and UK had supplied arms and ammunition to Syrian rebels during the first days of the ceasefire. The last time that diplomats were expelled from the UK was last year just before we took to the skies and bombed Libya into submission. Could the same be about to happen in Syria? I would not be surprised.
The media induced hysteria surrounding the Queens jubilee this weekend is being notched up day by day. They seem to think that everyone who resides in the UK will be participating. I for one, will have nothing to do with any of it. My opinion is that the entire royal family are a bunch of money grabbing parasites who should have been abolished years ago. The duke of Edinburgh was once heard to say that when he died, he wanted to come back as a virus and kill millions. That is the type of person the elite want us to idolise. I hope it pours with rain for the entire weekend.
Well that is about it for the time being.

Thursday, 24 May 2012

The ongoing climate change debate.

It really makes my blood boil when I listen to politicians and so called celebrities discuss issues that really matter to the people of this country and totally miss the point by dancing around the subject instead of cutting right into the heart of the issue. One of the issues on tonight's BBC Question Time programme was the issue of climate change, and the country's energy needs in the future. Everyone on the panel was in favour of one energy source or another, but no one even remotely touched on the issue that man made climate change is a complete myth. Today I watched a series of videos about that very subject and found that the scientists, and there are many, that completely refute the idea that humans are the total cause of climate change and global warming, can actually back there reasoning with hard evidence that shows that it is not carbon that causes a rise in temperatures, rather, it is the rise in temperature that causes releases of carbon. Data obtained from samples of ice that formed in both the Arctic and Antarctica clearly show climate change  has occurred at various times during the history of the world, in fact if the climate wasn't in a constant state of change, then that would be a problem. Evidence also shows that heightened activity in the sun causes rises in the planets temperature. Man made climate change is a myth perpetrated by the big energy companies who now receive massive amounts of tax payers money to fund so called research into new ways of producing clean energy. We are constantly told that we have reached peak oil and that it will run out soon. Lies, new sources of oil are being found all over the planet. One site is the Falkland Islands which has huge reserves. What is correct is that burning fossil fuels creates carbon waste, however, that is exactly what plants need to help them grow. Has anyone noticed how lush with growth trees are when they grow at the side or a short distance away from major roads that have a lot of traffic on them? The good part of the pollution debate is the recycling part. Of course it is better to recycle that just to bury our rubbish in a landfill site. We still throw too much away, but not as much as we used to.
One of the so called solutions put forward by governments is to force us into paying a "carbon tax" literally, a tax on breathing out and breaking wind. Australia has already levied a carbon tax and it will be rolled out to other countries very soon. It is a con, used by governments to rob us and use the proceeds to fund tax breaks for the rich and bail out the criminal banks. I don't have to name the banks, you already know them. Go on then, I will name them. Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Barclay's, RBS, Lloyd's TSB, etc.
To conclude, we are not in imminent danger of dying due to global warming. We are in imminent danger of being driven into poverty by our criminal politicians and bankers. Question everything and research the issues for yourselves. More to come on this one.

Euro Crisis, Can Cameron handle it?

I have been watching David Cameron over the last week or so and have noticed a steady increase in him dictating to the countries in the Eurozone and more specifically, Greece. His tone is changing by the minute. It seems to me that the nearer Greece comes to leaving the Euro, the more he seems to panic. My question to him would be, "is there something you are not telling us David?" He has said all along that we in the UK are prepared for the possibility of Greece leaving, but, and this is a big but, he has never come out and said exactly how a Greek exit would affect us. He and his government, along with the Bank of England have a plan, they say, but, they will not divulge anything about the so called plan to us. No one in this country has mentioned the dreaded "run on the banks" but I would bet that there would actually be a run on the banks if Greeks withdrew. The only question is, how big a run would it be? In Greece, bank holidays and closing ATMs have been mentioned along with a military presence on the streets. Could it happen here in the UK? I wouldn't bet against it.
Interesting but scary times ahead.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Slavery In The UK.

A man called Adrian Beecroft has appeared on the news here in the UK over the last couple of days due to his slave master attitude to workers. First of all he is rich, second, he is a substantial donor of money to the Conservative party. His occupation is listed as venture capitalist. In other words, he does no work himself, he lets his money do the work. The main focus of my post is however, that he was commissioned by David Cameron to produce a report on employment law. His report, if implemented would take us back to Victorian times. In effect, workers would have absolutely no rights. Employers would be able to sack anyone for no given reason whatsoever. He advocates an end to company pensions and also flexible working hours which would affect single parents who would no longer be able to work which would drive up the unemployment figures. He also wants to do away with the employees right to take their employer to a tribunal if they feel that they have been unfairly dismissed. Basically, he advocates doing away with workers rights altogether. He is actually saying  that this financial crisis is the fault of working people in this country and that we have to pay for it with our livelihoods.
Number one, this crisis is not of the workers doing, it is entirely the fault of rogue financial companies manipulating the markets through blatant fraud and criminality. The fact that nobody has been brought to justice for it, says more about the state of our justice system and the governments who oversee it. The major financiers messed up and our equally culpable government rewarded them by bailing them out using the ordinary people's tax money with no prospect of getting it back. We have, in effect, been sold into slavery by an elite who don't care about anyone but themselves. Beecroft is yet another parasite who feeds off of our austerity and rakes in the money. I would be very interested in having a look at his tax records.
Another very interesting piece of this story is the fact that Ed Milibland (that is how I see him) the leader of the Labour Party who are supposed to be the champions of the working class in this country, has not uttered one word condemning this slaves charter. To his credit, Vince Cable, the business minister has called the report "a load of rubbish" You can probably tell that I am extremely angry about this.
Cameron will implement this at his peril. The working people will only be pushed so far and then a breaking point will be reached and who knows what will happen. Don't forget that it is only nine months since last years riots. That is all I will say, but I am sure I will have more to say as this story unfolds.

Friday, 18 May 2012

Obama the Kenyan Arms Dealer

It is now out in the open. The US are openly supplying the Syrian rebels with arms. They are doing it through Bahrain and Saudi intermediaries. Surely this a breach of international law. To find numerous articles about this, all you have to do is type in, "US supplies Syrian rebels with arms" and there is pages of it to read. Someone, Obama, has to be held accountable for this. Of course there is the added trouble for Obama that the truth about his birthplace has at last come out. His wife, in the above video categorically states that his homeland is Kenya.

Thursday, 17 May 2012

The Queens Jubilee debacle.

I feel I have to say something about how I feel about the Queens upcoming jubilee, unfortunately for her, I will not be saying anything good about it. I have just returned home after visiting the local grocers shop and whilst there I spotted a poster in the doorway advertising a Jubilee celebration party at the local primary school. This is one big con, because the young children who will be attending this event won't have much insight into why it is being held. Of course they will have been told what it is all about, but I would bet that for the youngest children, they will just see the bit about the "bouncy castle" and "ice cream" and of course the obligatory burgers and hot dogs. All thoughts about the Queen will have gone right out of their heads. Because the kids will want to attend, their parents will also have to attend and all of this will of course be captured by the local newspaper photographer who will publish the photos and then copies will be sent down to show the Queen that her loyal subjects are actively celebrating her jubilee. I do not know anyone who is remotely interested in the Queens jubilee. They are only interested in the two days off work they will have. This is a diversion to keep our minds off of the impending Euro disaster that is heading our way and the threat of war if the rogue state of Israel decide that Iran needs a good bombing. We are being hoodwinked into believing that because the economy isn't getting any worse, things must be good. The government announced a 45,000 drop in the unemployment figures that leaves 2,600,000 still unemployed. These figures as we all know, are manipulated. The real unemployment figures are somewhere in the region of 4,000,000. The stats the government published are only the unemployed who are claiming benefit. No doubt the BBC will have blanket coverage showing all the celebrations throughout the United (divided) Kingdom. I for one will not be watching. I do not care what the Queen does and I don't care what her parasite family does either.
Happy jubilee everyone.
Ps. This is costing the British taxpayer millions when the Prime Minister says that we all must tighten our belts as we enter a period of austerity, but don't forget, "we are all in this together"

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

The Proposed Trial Of Saif Gaddafi.

I have been hearing a lot over the last day or two about whether Col. Gaddafi's son Saif will receive a fair trial or not. This question has an easy answer, and the answer is most definitely no. At least he won't if the trial is held in Libya. Another consideration is exactly where he will be tried. there are moves for him to be tried in the Hague under Libyan jurisdiction or even for him to be tried in Libya under the Hague's jurisdiction. The fact that there is still massive amounts of fighting still going on in Libya will have an influence in the decision making process. There are reports that black skinned Libyans are still being targeted for ethnic cleansing. Don't you just hate that term "ethnic cleansing." It sort of puts a veneer on to the proper word for what is going on, and that is genocide. Genocide is being committed in Libya as we speak. The people responsible for orchestrating this so called continuation of the Arab Spring are of course the NATO governments ably assisted by that paragon of virtue, the UN. I am ashamed to say that my government here in the UK have to take, along with France and to a lesser degree, Italy, almost total responsibility for the devastation visited upon the innocent people of Libya, and if it means anything, I wholeheartedly apologise for what my government has done. I hope that when Saif Gaddafi faces trial, it will be a fair one and that he will be able to bring evidence that it was him and his father who funded Sarkozy's initial election campaign.
I for one will be watching this story unfold.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

US Media Presstitutes.

This video highlights the unabashed bias of the US mainstream media towards who they believe to be irrelevant to their interests. Everyone who watches this should be horrified at the nonchalant way this man seems to think that whatever he says will simply be accepted by the viewing public. he should be immediately sacked from his position along with the producers who probably ordered him to ignore what had been tweeted. This is blatant censorship and if we are to trust what is in fact a public service, the truth, no matter how it affects us all, must be told at all times.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Texting Whilst Driving.

If you receive a text message whilst you are driving, you should pull over and stop the vehicle if you want to read it. That should be the case. In New Jersey, a man reading an incoming text whilst driving swerved onto the other lane and hit a motorcyclist and his passenger. They both sustained serious injury which resulted in both having their left legs amputated. They subsequently brought a lawsuit against the offending driver and their lawyer also included the person who was initially texting the driver. Surely the offending driver has the moral obligation to pull over and read the text(s) The sender, if it were me would assume that proper precautions had been taken and that it was safe to continue texting.
The judge will give his ruling on May 25th. I will be very interested in the outcome, which, if the judge finds that the initial texter is also liable, would set a dangerous precedent.
Watch this space.

The Proposed Internet Spying Bill, etc.

I see that Hilary Clinton is in India for "friendly" discussions with the Indian leader. Rubbish. She has been sent to bully the Indian government into imposing sanctions on Iran because they are making a non existent nuclear weapon. If I was the Indian leader, I would be telling her to go away and bother someone else. It will be interesting to see what transpires.
Today in the UK parliament the Queen (parasite) will give her usual speech to mark the opening of another session of parliament. I have read that it will contain sections on job creation and investment. So did the last speech and unemployment has risen and the UK is back in recession. The thing about this speech that really bothers me and it should bother everyone who uses the internet, is the bill to allow the UK security services to monitor all, yes ALL internet activity. Whether you are looking for cheap car insurance or booking a holiday and even researching your family tree, you will be spied on. Not only that, but a record will be kept of each individuals activity. This is a step too far in the war against non existent terrorism. This has nothing to do with keeping us safe and everything to do with keeping us in check. It is all about control. personally I will go on criticising our government in any way I see fit using language I see fit. I don't care what happens. Cameron is using the Queen to sanitise this invasion of our privacy because if it is an old woman who is telling the nation that we need to be spied on then maybe we will accept it. Not me. To be fair to Cameron, when has he ever been fair to us? he is just carrying on the work Blair and Brown started. This is a license to spy and people will only realise this when their neighbours start disappearing in the middle of the night. You might think that I am overreacting, but it is actually happening in China right now.
I see that yet another underwear bomber has been caught. This time however the CIA have said that he is a double agent and he was carrying a new type of bomb, one that contains no metallic objects and also that it is almost undetectable. I smell the bovine excrement in this one. Yet another CIA patsy who will be hung out to dry.
I will say this one last thing and I say it to David Cameron. If you are looking for terrorists to arrest then why have you not arrested Tony Blair for the murder of UK troops and innocent Iraqi civilians, and, oh yes, the suspicious death of Dr. David Kelly. Just a thought David if you find yourself with a bit of spare time.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

France, UK, Olympic rip off.

It was good to see that the French voters finally managed to get rid of that obnoxious little man Sarkozy. He was unable to to disprove the allegations that Col. Gaddafi had funded his initial election campaign, and it was significant that Sarkozy was one of the most vociferous in getting Gaddafi executed, sorry, murdered. Now that he is no longer in power, I hope that Mr. Hollande will hold a public enquiry into Sarkozy's election campaign.
Cameron and Clegg have come out and said that they will reaffirm the coalitions vows. Does this constitute a civil partnership, and therefore bigamy, as they are both married already? I jest, of course.
I noticed that the Americans have thwarted an attempt, or should I say another attempt to smuggle a bomb hidden in a passengers underwear onto a plane. It was a set up on Christmas day in 2009, and I have suspicions that it is a set up now. This bomb did not contain metal and so would not have been detected. What about the scanners? The CIA stepped in and apprehended the would be bomber. Have the CIA agents got x-ray vision? I await further developments with interest.
The test event at London's Olympic stadium highlighted some worries for spectators attending the real thing. Food and drink prices were reported to be excessively high. For instance, a 500ml bottle of water will cost £1.60 and a basic lunch will cost as much as £40. No drink will be allowed to be taken into the events and, food will be allowed, but not an excessive amount. Spectators will be allowed to take empty bottles in to the stadium and fill them up with water for free. Rip off prices, I think you will agree. There will be airport style security at the events and armed troops will be on the streets in and around the venues. All in all, a pretty intimidating atmosphere. Thankfully, I will not be attending.
The turnout of voters at last Thursday's UK local elections was very low, in fact the majority of eligible voters did not bother to cast their vote. Ed Miliband, today commented that we face a crisis in politics due to the disillusionment of the electorate. I think he got it wrong. The politicians face a crisis. The reason that people do not vote is because they see that it makes no difference who or which party you vote for, everything carries on as before. The three big parties have the same policies and tell the same lies about what they are going to do to benefit the people of this country. There is never any benefit for the people, there is only benefit for the rich minority and British soldiers are still fighting and dying in illegal and unnecessary foreign wars. The population of the UK are being backed into a corner and very soon there will be a tipping point and when that is reached, who knows what will happen. I have an idea, but voicing it is probably illegal, and as our internet activity is being illegally monitored, it would not be prudent to mention the word riots. Oops.
That's all I have for now.

Friday, 4 May 2012

UK Border Control, Austerity and the French and UK local elections.

I watched BBC question time again last night, and the thing I noticed was the way that the politicians are slowly twisting the facts about the financial collapse, credit crunch, call it what you will. Ian Duncan Smith (Tory) Harriet Harman (Labour) and Menzies Campbell (Lib Dem) are all starting to mention "personal debt" as being the cause of the financial crisis. The bankers are not even being mentioned by name any more, and people are even starting to forget the names of the banks we actually bailed out. Ian Duncan Smith only fleetingly mentioned the blame attached to the previous Labour government. Austerity was only mentioned in connection with the Eurozone, not with us in the UK. They started with the shambles that is the UK border agency and their inability to cope with passengers arriving at the various airports that serve London. Only Mark Serwotka, leader of the PCS. Public and Commercial Services Union mentioned the massive job cuts that are creating the huge queues at the airports. The first thing that Ian Duncan Smith said was "It is not my responsibility" typical Tory. Chaos in the run up to the Olympics was mentioned with horror, but, not because it would affect people arriving for the Olympics, but because it would look bad for the UK and the government. As usual, they have their priorities round the wrong way.
Rupert Murdoch was next. Only Mark Serwotka said that he agreed with the report produced by the parliamentary select committee that said that Rupert Murdoch was not fit to run a company. It stands to reason that the boss should know about the actions of his employees. The rest of the panel hedged their bets about the report.
The French presidential elections took center stage next with Harriet Harman and Mark Serwotka siding with the socialist candidate, Francois Hollande, and Ian Duncan Smith and Dragons Den participant Theo Paphitis opted for Sarkozy stating that there would be chaos in Europe if Hollande won. Theo Paphitis said "we live in a free market economy" If he thinks this is a "free market" then he is deluding himself. They went on to talk about the austerity measures that are in force throughout Europe. Ian Duncan Smith said that "austerity is a good thing." The man is an idiot. Paphitis said that "there is only so much money to go round." Wrong. The Bank of England, when there are signs that the banks are in trouble again just go ahead and print money. This was the point where the panel, apart from Mark Serwotka, focused on "personal debt" rather on national debt. Worrying.
On to yesterdays local elections and the fact that both the Tories and Lib Dems recieved an absolute battering from the electorate. The results are not all yet in but it is a disaster for the ConDem coalition.
That is all for now.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Head of the Bank of England, Mervyn King Admits Failure. Too Late.

Today, Sir Mervyn King admitted that the Bank of England had failed to act to warn of the coming banking sector disaster in 2008/09. His excuse is that he was hamstrung by the decision to move the regulation to the FSA, financial services authority. Rubbish. He was doing exactly what he was told by the very same banks that were going to fail. If he had spoken out about his fears earlier, the banks might not have been able to make a case to be bailed out. A succession of governments have to take the blame for this shambles. Thatcher allowed a culture of greed to emerge in the city of London when she came to power in 1979 and her policies were continued throughout the eighties and into the nineties, and yes, even when Tony Blair became dictator, sorry Prime Minister, Thatchers policies were continued. To quote from the movie "Wall Street" "Greed is good." The downside to that culture is that it is only good if you are one of the top earners in the business world. They can be greedy, but we have to pay for it. This, is in fact tyranny of the worse kind. Throughout Europe, the same policies are being carried out by the governments of Greece, Spain, Portugal, to name but three, and things are coming to a head. When you look at financial crises in recent history, the problems were sorted by orchestrating huge wars, and we are heading for the same scenario today. The Israel/ Iran problem is ongoing. There is still fighting going on in Libya, the same in Syria and Afghanistan. Today, Russia said that it would consider a preemptive strike on the proposed US/NATO missile defence shield in Europe which they see as a direct threat to themselves.
Back to Mervyn King. His solutions to the financial crisis has been to just print money, yet another blast from the past, which led to hyper inflation. This is a road to destruction, in more ways than one. There is no sign that this crisis is going to end any time soon. The whole of Europe has gone back into recession. Rubbish, we are, and have been for a while, in a depression. No growth, no work, no hope, and what is our illustrious Prime Minister focusing his attention on? The Queens jubilee and the Olympics. More public money wasted. The Romans coined the phrase "bread and circuses" They at least had bread. We are running out of bread. the only hope is that the population of the world will wake up before it's too late. There are flickers of awakening in countries already, but it has to grow into an inferno. Only then can we turn this planet on it's head.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Thy Destruction of the "Family"

This video should shock each and every one of you. Tony Blair is, in effect saying that children in this country should be brought up by the state. I can't believe that he even advocates that the behaviour of children should be assessed even before they are born. In effect, what he is actually saying is that any unborn child that shows signs of physical or even mental defects should be aborted, and no, I am not reading too much into this. Blair had been letting organisations like Common Purpose and Demos advise the people who set the curriculum for our centres of education. They use a system called NLP, Neuro Linguistic Programming. It is used to alter the way people behave in given situations. Common Purpose are heavily involved in training UK police forces using NLP. The results have been quite alarming. The policing of demonstrations and protests show signs of having been devised by people who have undergone NLP.
The fact that Blair is targeting as yet unborn children is a scary scenario. The present government under David Cameron, despite what Oliver Letwin said on the video, is a staunch supporter of the work done by both Common Purpose and Demos. Despite his outspoken defence of family values, Cameron, through his governments policies, are secretly trying to undermine the very concept of family. In effect, he and his paymasters are in the process of destroying the "family" as we know it in this country.

Thursday, 26 April 2012

The Leveson Cover Up/Whitewash.

I have been watching snippets of the questioning of the Rothschild Zionists Rupert and his son James Murdoch. It should be quite obvious to everyone that nothing concrete will come out of this sham. It is a Rothschild Zionist being questioned by another Rothschild Zionist about the crimes of the employees of Rothschild Zionists. This enquiry was called to find out about proven crimes committed by employees of the Murdoch mafia family. I am not sure if there is also a police investigation running parallel to this enquiry. If there is no investigation, then there should be. The only drawback to that would be that it would be carried out by the Metropolitan Police, and we know full well how that august body carry out their duties. The fact that serving policemen have been implicated in phone hacking by the now defunct News of the World brings into question the impartiality of the aforementioned police force.
This enquiry is costing the taxpayer millions of pounds and I have no confidence that the public will be better protected from rogue journalists and police officers. My reading of this is that Leveson will, at the end of the enquiry, recommend that an independent regulator be commissioned to monitor the actions of the press and that a voluntary, note the word voluntary, code of conduct be written up to guide the press in this country. Any new code of conduct should be lawfully binding. I await the outcome with interest.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

UK Parliament. Prime Ministers Questions. Farce.

I watched, against my better judgement, Prime Ministers Questions on the BBC parliament channel. It was the usual mix of schoolboy shouting and downright child like antics of grown men and women. However, it was worth it to see Cameron squirming around in his seat when the double dip recession was mentioned. true to form, Cameron blamed too much debt by the last government, too much debt by the banks and last but not least he blamed it on too much debt by the people of this country. He has been in power for two years and it is not his fault that we are back in recession. As a Prime Minister, he is incompetent, or he would be if he was actually trying to get this country back on it's feet. The fact is, he isn't. He is in power to help, firstly, the banks and the city of London, and secondly, he is helping the UK military industrial complex. To help both, he needs our armed forces to be involved in foreign wars. He gives tax payers money to the banks and the banks give that money to our arms manufacturers who then sell the weapons back to the government who pay for them with yet more tax payers money. We live in a kleptocracy. We are being governed by thieves and it's time we woke up to that fact.
to watch Ed Millibland letting Cameron off the hook was disgusting, and also seeing Ed (Bilderberg) Balls squealing like a schoolgirl was also disgusting. Cameron, at no time, gave a straight answer to any question he was asked, especially about his dealings with mafia don, Rupert Murdoch. He defended the culture secretary and so tarred himself with the same brush as the aforementioned Jeremy Hunt. Cameron knows full well that him and his millionaire government cannot be touched and he carries on with his disastrous policies without caring who he destroys in the process.
If anyone was in any doubt that our system of government needed to change, the governments we have had since 1979 when Thatcher was elected, including the Labour government, should be enough of a reminder that power corrupts and we have had our fare share of corrupt politicians.
I have not misspelled Ed Millibland's name incorrectly. It is just the way I see him.

Third World UK.

I've just heard on the BBC news that the UK is officially back in recession. Who are they trying to kid? We were never out of recession and this announcement should have been that we are now officially in "depression" Cameron has been in power for a matter of days short of two years and he must now realise that his policy of cut, cut cut is an abject failure. Jobs are not being created and we are still spending a huge amount of money fighting pointless wars and are looking to start new ones, Syria and Iran. We still have the Liam Fox scandal outstanding and now we have the scandal of the culture secretary, Jeremy Hunt and his connections to Rupert Murdoch. The chancellor's budget a few weeks ago was one huge hand out to the rich. When will people in this country realise that we are being sacrificed for the benefit of the privileged few. The government are privatising the NHS by stealth, secret courts have been given the go ahead. The military will be on the streets during the Olympics and I believe that will be a regular occurrence due to the cuts imposed on the UK police forces. The population is being backed into a corner and at some point the pressure will be released and I hope
it is released peacefully. Do I believe it will be peaceful? No. The more deprived areas of our cities are beginning to resemble the third world and it is down to despair on the part of the people who live there, but the majority of blame must be placed at the feet of successive governments who failed to invest in these areas at critical times in the past. We are like a river that is being dammed and this dam is poorly built and so it will break and god help us all when it does.
Remember one thing. Despite the bad economic news, Cameron will carry on as normal, for the simple reason, he doesn't care what happens. He will escape intact. Along with the parasitic millionaires that inhabit his government, he will be OK. We are insects to him and he will swat us down without a second glance. This country will vote in regional and council elections on May 3rd. I urge everyone not to vote for any of the three main parties. Either don't vote, or vote for independent candidates. If we start now, this process of change will be peaceful, but we need to make our voice heard now.

Julian Assange.

I have watched the founder of Wikileaks two programmes on RT and was quite impressed. His lack of experience as an interviewer has allowed his interviews to be relaxed and the people he has interviewed have been allowed to do most of the talking. I won't go into detail about the people he spoke to, you can go to RT's website and watch for yourselves. The aspect I want to highlight is the hysteria that has broken out in the mainstream western media. Almost without exception, RT have been condemned for giving the controversial head of Wikileaks a platform to air his and so called undesirables opinions. This, to my eyes, is blatant double standards, especially in light of the lack of condemnation of both the Bahrain government and the head of formula 1 for allowing the grand prix to go ahead despite at leas one death in the hours leading up to the start of the race and also the attempted firebombing of a Team India car as it was heading back to the team hotel.
Usually, I am in favour of keeping politics and sport completely apart, but in this case, the sport in question was being used by the Bahrain government to portray the country as being stable, when, clearly, it was far from that.
As for Julian Assange, I believe that he deserves to be given a voice to highlight exactly what he and Wikileaks are actually trying to achieve and no holier than thou media moguls have the right to prevent anyone from their right to free speech.
I think there is more to come from this story.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Mordechai Vanunu.

I felt that I had to blog about this man because he seems to have slipped off the radar. His story is a tragic one that however highlights Israel's disregard of basic human rights. Israel regards him as a traitor but, outside of Israel he is regarded as a whistleblower who in 1986 revealed details of Israel's secret nuclear programme. He was a nuclear technician whose conscience cause him to oppose the very concept of Weapons of Mass Destruction. He revealed his secrets to the UK press. Mossad, the Israeli secret service, lured him to Italy where he was abducted and taken back to Israel and was tried in private. he was found guilty and sentenced to  
eighteen years in prison of which, at least eleven were spent in solitary confinement. he was released in 2004 but has suffered harassment and arrest ever since due to his so called violation of his terms of release. These terms included, A ban from using phones and owning cell phones, banned from having contact with citizens of any other country. Banned from having access to the Internet. Forbidden from approaching any embassy or consulate. Forbidden from coming within five hundred meters of any international border. Banned from leaving the state of Israel. A court in 2005 allowed him to visit Gaza and the West Bank but the Israeli authorities reversed the court's decision. Despite the draconian restrictions imposed on him, Vanunu has been able to give interviews to foreign press, which included a live telephone interview with BBC Radio Scotland.
He has received quite a few international honours including being voted Rector of Glasgow University in 2004 by the students. He was of course unable to carry out any of the duties due to his confinement within the state of Israel.
Mordechai Vanunu's case highlights Israel's complete disregard for basic human rights. This is what they can do to a citizen. What barbarities are they inflicting on the Palestinian people that is kept hidden from foreign eyes. It is about time that the government of the state of Israel was brought to account for years of human rights abuses.
I will continue to try and highlight Israel's lack of transparency with regard to due process of law. They have escaped punishment for too long and now is the time for the international community to act. Delay will only exacerbate the problem.

Friday, 20 April 2012

BBC Question Time

I thought BBC's question time would have been quite fiery, due to the appearance of the new MP for Bradford West, George Galloway. However, it was a low key George that we saw.
Question 1 was to do with the Home Office farce that is the continuing saga of the proposed deportation to Jordan of Abu Qatada. The home secretary, Theresa May appears not to know the rules regarding the timetable of appeal. The EU court of human rights says the appeal can go ahead and May says that the appeal was 24 hours late. She was wrong and the appeal can go ahead. Galloway said that the UK government must abide by the rule of law contrary to the extradition treaty that exists between the UK and the USA which allows the USA the luxury of not having to provide one shred of evidence as to the guilt of anyone they deem guilty of a crime against the USA. Tory peer, Baroness Warsi as expected absolved Theresa May of any blame and said that it was the EU court's fault. When asked if May should resign, she said no. The rest of the panel said she should consider her position, but the Lib Dem representative said "I haven't a clue," which should probably be his party's slogan for future elections.
Question 2 was about Galloway's victory in the recent Bradford West by-election. The three main party panelists played it down stating that it was a protest vote. Galloway answered back saying it was a massive cry for change. His version of the change wanted by the voters was completely different to the change proposed by the rest of the panel. The people want real change in politics which would include the way that political parties are funded. The message is to keep money out of politics and to make MP's more accountable to the people who vote for them. George Galloway fielded a few awkward comments from the audience quite well and put forward his plans very well.
The budget was next on the agenda and you could see the Tory and Lib Dem panelist squirming quite a lot. It came down to the abolition of the 50p rate of tax giving the rich in this country a cut of around £45,000 per year, while cutting benefits to the poorest section of our society. Also the tax on static caravans, which is a precursor to a tax on all property. The government panelists didn't have a leg to stand on when George Galloway mentioned that the chancellor, George Osbourne, didn't even realise that his earnings fell into the top bracket for tax. he in fact gave himself a huge tax break, while hammering the poorest in our society. The Tory panelist Warsi showed her true colours by mentioning her globalist agenda, and her Lib Dem colleague mentioned his green agenda.
The last question was about the Bahrain Grand Prix, due to be staged on Sunday. All members of the panel agreed that it should not take place. George Galloway went on to mention the imminent visit to Windsor Castle by the King of Bahrain whose government have been allegedly guilty of considerable human rights offences. Personally, I think it is a disgrace to even allow this man into the country at all. David Cameron is apparently the one who has allowed him in, but I firmly believe that the Queen has far more power than we think she has and has personally invited him in.
All in all, not the programme I had hoped for, but interesting all the same.
One other thin related to the Bahrain story. I watched Sky News this morning and the reporter on the ground in Bahrain, stated that the incident that saw the Indian Team car petrol bombed on their war back to their hotel was an "isolated" incident. What would he have said if the people in the car had been killed? Could his playing down of what could have been a disastrous incident have been that Sky Sports have exclusive rights to cover the Grand Prix and if it was cancelled it would hurt his employers in their bank account? As usual, a disgraceful piece of reporting by Sky.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Australia's Green Party Call For Global Government.

Just over a week ago, the Green Party of Australia called for Global Governance to combat the threat of Human caused global warming and climate change. This is just the first attack on state sovereignty by the so called protectors of the planet. Greens all over the world are starting to voice opinions in favour of a one world government. The Australian Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, last November, introduced the worlds first "carbon tax" in effect a tax on breathing. Polls showed that upwards of 80% of the Australian population were opposed to it's introduction. It was imposed on the population anyway. This is just the start. In the near future, more and more dictators, sorry, prime ministers/presidents will try and impose similar taxes. As usual the mainstream media have ignored this, further proving that they are themselves controlled by the globalist and New World Order agenda. This is a war and we had better start fighting back because the attacks will get bolder and if we continue to be indifferent to what is happening, we are finished.

India's Nuclear Threat.

India, today launched a test long range missile, the Agni-IV. This missile is capable of carrying a one ton warhead to anywhere in China and also to eastern Europe. a few days ago, North Korea tested a long range missile and the western governments and mainstream media went ballistic, pardon the pun. Nothing has been said about India's test, which is strange because India and China have an ongoing border dispute. They fought a war back in 1962 and the dispute continues. In March of 2009, a senior officer in the Indian army, after a major military exercise, predicted that India and China would be at war. Personally, I had absolutely no idea that there was still an ongoing border dispute between those two country's, far less a threat of war. Nothing, to my knowledge has been reported in the UK media about this, and from only fifteen or so minutes research about this, I would tend to believe that the threat of war is only too real. The only stabilising factor could be that both country's are members of the BRICS economic partnership, and a loss of economic revenue might negate the chance of a war over a piece of land high up in the Himalayas.