First of all I will say a few words about the US elections. The American people have two choices, and the choices are not Republican or Democrat, it's vote or not vote. The two parties have long since ceased to be different. They are both controlled by the same people, and they are Wall Street bankers at the lower level and New World Order advocates at the higher level. The two candidates are a joke. Obama has been shown to be a bare faced liar. For instance, "I will close down Guantanamo Bay" the last time I checked it was still going strong. Also he said he watched live, the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden, and that was subsequently proven false. Obama also has a problem with his personality. When he is giving a speech even he doesn't seem to believe what he says. He talks in a boring monotone that sends people to sleep. Romney on the other hand is a complete incompetent, just ask the people of Massachusetts. His performance in the GOP debates was lame in the extreme. He didn't seem to have a grip on reality. The fact that he has a personal fortune of around $250,000,000 while 63 million Americans are on food stamps, is a huge problem. His Mormon faith is also a problem because a sizable portion of the American people see Mormonism as a cult and not a religion. My bet for a winner would be Obama, for the reason that it's better the devil you know as opposed to the devil you don't know. I think it could be a close run thing but it's Obama to win.
UK tabloid, The Sun has published incriminating photos of Prince Harry. On a personal level, I couldn't care less as I have nothing for contempt for the royal family. They are parasites living off taxpayers money while raking in millions from their estates all over this country. There is also the charge of inbreeding that hangs over them. The Queen and her husband Phillip have the same great great grandmother, Queen Victoria which makes them blood 3rd cousins. As for Harry, he is supposed to be a responsible army officer when in fact he is a small child in a mans body. If it was left to me, I would kick all of them out into the street.
Five so called rising stars in the Conservative party, Chris Skidmore, Kwasi Kwartang, Priti Patel, Elizabeth Truss and Dominic Raab have said that it is the laziness of the British workers that is ruining the economy. They want to model our workers on the Asian model like India or China. They seem to forget that Asian factories are renowned as sweat shops paying breadline wages for working long hours.
I believe that is actually what they want, ie. they want to cut wages and curtail workers rights. These fascist like MP's are extremely dangerous because they are continuing a sinister trend in UK politics that is heading for a real fascist streak in our right wing parties. I will be keeping a close eye on these MP's in the future.
Till next time.
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