Well, we are now 22 months into this politically controlled madness and at last a fairly large part of the population of the planet are waking up to the ludicrous attempts by medically untrained politicians to control a "virus" that has never been isolated, see www.nomorefakenews by John Rappaport, which means, the vaccines that have only undergone exceptionally limited testing have been rolled out all over the world. First of all we were promised that once we had received a vaccine we would go back to normal. LIE. We were then told we needed a second vaccine and back to normal. LIE. We were then told we needed a so called booster, the only thing was, the booster wasn't like the first two vaccinations, it is in fact a gene altering concoction of various ingredients. Certain people spoke out and warned us what was going on. Millions of people ignored those warnings and trotted up to receive the jab. Very soon reactions and side effects appeared in their tens of thousands which included brain damage, respiratory damage and deaths. I will be posting evidence for all I have written but you could just research it yourselves. To continue. The methods used by governments to try and halt the spread were laughable in the extreme. (Anti) Social distancing, two meters apart, even outside. They never took wind into consideration. Masks. None of the masks were airtight and so were useless. Meeting friends was limited, weddings were either cancelled or the number of guests were limited. Visiting relatives in care homes or hospitals were forbidden ensuring the elderly died virtually alone. Not to mention that at the start of it all, elderly people were taken out of hospital without being tested and put straight into care homes. That in itself was criminal. The upshot was that people with mental health issues skyrocketed to previously unheard of numbers.
To continue, it's January 31 2022. The entire alternative news outlets have been mostly concentrating on the truckers convoy in Canada. Upwards of 50,000 trucks made their way to the capital, Ottawa while the Canadian prime minister, justin trudeau vanished. He is allegedly in the USA somewhere. Truckers convoys have now appeared in Australia, The Netherlands, Belgium and now in the USA. The UK has escaped this but only because the prime minister Johnson has scrapped all restrictions to do with COVID and even the vaccination mandate for all NHS employees has been scrapped. That was probably done to avert the sacking of up to 80,000 unvaccinated employees.
I was going to mention the tension surrounding Ukraine but I will leave that for the next post. Till next time.