Thursday, 16 August 2012

Julian Assange. Israel. Extradition.

Today, the UK government reached a new height of stupidity. It was announced that if Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, who is seeking asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, is not sent out to be arrested by the police, they will force an entry in order to arrest him. It is about time that this farce was ended once and for all. it is widely known that the charges the Swedish government have brought against him are completely false and it is just an excuse to hand him over to the US authorities. If the police do actually storm the embassy, it will have serious repercussions for UK embassies throughout the world.
An article in the Israeli, Haaretz newspaper says that hundreds of Israelis have signed an on line petition urging Israeli Defence Force pilots to refuse to carry out orders to bomb Iran. This is just part of growing opposition to Israeli government policy. Street protests have been taking place for the last year or so but it is not reported in the lamestream media. Ordinary Israelis are beginning to realise that a strike on Iran would not go unpunished. Iran is well armed and has the capability to strike back. I don't think that the US actually wants Israel to carry out it's threat, at least not until the Syrian crisis is settled.
On the 24th February, Christopher Tappin, a retired UK businessman was extradited to the US on charges of selling batteries to Iran. The US say that these batteries could be used as components of surface to air missiles, Mr. Tappin says that he was lead to believe that they would be used in the automotive industry. If found guilty, Mr. Tappin could spend the rest of his life in prison. This week, a UK bank, Standard Chartered, was fined around $300,000,000 for dealing with among others, Iran, Libya, Burma. Yes, you read it right, they were fined, no one was arrested. Where is the justice? The answer is that where banks are concerned, there is no justice. Banks rule the world. The money involved in Standard Chartereds dealings were upwards of $250,000,000,000. Yes two hundred and fifty billion dollars. Double standards in the extreme. Till next time.

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