Thursday, 16 August 2012

Julian Assange Granted Political Asylum.

Julian Assange has been granted political asylum by the Ecuadorian government. The first place the government post this important news is on twitter. They can't even be bothered to make an official statement in front of the UK news cameras. Well Cameron, your governments bluff has been called. The empty threat to storm the embassy was just that, empty, just like your brain Cameron. The Ecuadorian government have acted with integrity and transparency at all times in this matter. They even offered the Swedish government access for them to come to the UK to question Mr. Assange. They refused. The reason for this is as I expect, that the case they have  is flimsy in the extreme or, it is a totally fabricated case. Earlier in the year they sent officials to Serbia to question a suspected murderer. Why not in this case? Double standards is the answer. The US involvement is in my opinion, confirmed.
It is unlikely that the police will "storm" the embassy, they will probably mount a siege of sorts in the short term, but in the longer term, who knows. Going by Cameron's past handling  of crises, he will do a complete U-turn. Thankfully, Julian Assange has some breathing space and hopefully he can be spirited away to carry on his work. Till next time.

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