Thursday, 21 April 2011

Waste Of Space

This is a rant about a blight on our society. It's a section of our society that is totally obsessed by this cult of celebrity. It is quite a sizeable section that includes magazine editors,journalists? papperrazi, and a whole host of meaningless individuals (the people who buy the magazines) The "celebrities" themselves are some of the most ignorant (Paris Hilton, Jordan etc.) stupid ( peter andre, kerry katona) and down right pains in the arse (russell brand, johnathon ross) It is this obsession with these ridiculous people that is stopping us waking up to the pathetic state of our country. We are being ground down by a government that do not care that we are slowly sinking into the bottomless pit of a economic depression.
PLEASE PLEASE stop this constant bombardment of celebrity gossip and concentrate on real issues that actually mean something.

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

BBC reports that the UK has sent ten army officers into Libya to "liaise" with the rebels. William Hague said that they were not there to train or fight with the rebels. He must think we are all totally stupid.
Could this be a prelude to invasion? We wait with interest.

Sleeping With The Enemy

The title of the blog entry in the Financial Times Westminster Blog by Jim Pickard on March 29th read, "Our New Allies Eastern Libya and Al Qaeda. It turns out that  the NATO supreme allied commander in Europe said that there had been flickers of intel' indicating the pressence of Al Qaeda and Hezbollah in eastern Libya. The Conserative peer, Baroness Warsi said on Sky that it was very concerning. Strange that we have not heard a thing from our illustrious PM about this matter. We just carry on as allies with our supposed worst enemies. If NATO think that Al Qaeda will just walk away when this war eventually ends, then I think they are in for one huge dissappointment.