Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Climate Change.

I feel I have to have my say about the farce that is the climate change debate. I read an article a couple of weeks ago from the UN stating that we have 10 years to stop climate change. Are they being serious? Stop climate change. What time of year will it stop? I hope it's summer, wouldn't want to live in perpetual winter. Yes, now I'm being ridiculous. The great American comedian, George Carlin summed it up when he said, " The planet's fine, it's humans that are the problem." He went on to say that human arrogance knows no bounds if we think that we can save the planet. The planet has been in existence for billions of years and undergone many transformations through meteor strikes, ice ages, volcanic activity and floods, and, yes, it's still here. I do agree with one point, pollution is a problem but, if the powers that be really believed that pollution could signal the end of the world, they would have acted to stop the use of fossil fuels long before now. I could go on about chemtrails, HAARP etc. but in the grand scheme of things, the earth will be here long after we have vanished from history. If we were a danger, to use once again the words of George Carlin, " The planet would shake us off like a dog shakes off fleas. "
In my opinion, man made climate change is a pretext that is being used by the one percenters to scam us out of money, ie. carbon tax.
Till next time.