Thursday, 31 May 2012

US Threatening Syria. Bilderberg.

I heard a very worrying item on the news today. It seems that the US government along with the UK government, are seriously planning to take action to "resolve" the crisis in Syria without consulting the UN. In the past, any such intervention in a country's internal affairs was called naked aggression. Without beating about the bush, I would guess that this whole plan was yet another in the US's grand plan to completely isolate Iran. However, I don't think that Iran is the US's ultimate goal. I think isolating Russia from the middle east is the goal. One fly in the ointment is the fact that Pakistan and China are quickly becoming "new best friends" and I don't think the US were expecting that, although the CIA's excessive use of unmanned drones in the skies over Pakistan played no small part in bringing China and Pakistan together. Yet another story that will run and run.
The 2012 Bilderberg meeting started today in Chantilly Virginia. It was no surprise to me to find that there was absolutely no mention of it in the British media, except for a substantial blog in The London Guardian. The most important gathering of the global elite this year, and no one at the BBC thought it worthwhile to give it a mention. The fact that they are deciding our future didn't rate a mention. Thankfully, independent journalists are covering it. Men like Alex Jones, Jim Tucker and Luke Rudkowski are on the ground outside the venue trying to get some inside information on what is actually being discussed. I will be keeping a close watch to see what comes from it.
That's all for this evening.

1 comment:

Aristilus said...

Thanks for the comment. It's good to know someone is reading my blog.