Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Third World UK.

I've just heard on the BBC news that the UK is officially back in recession. Who are they trying to kid? We were never out of recession and this announcement should have been that we are now officially in "depression" Cameron has been in power for a matter of days short of two years and he must now realise that his policy of cut, cut cut is an abject failure. Jobs are not being created and we are still spending a huge amount of money fighting pointless wars and are looking to start new ones, Syria and Iran. We still have the Liam Fox scandal outstanding and now we have the scandal of the culture secretary, Jeremy Hunt and his connections to Rupert Murdoch. The chancellor's budget a few weeks ago was one huge hand out to the rich. When will people in this country realise that we are being sacrificed for the benefit of the privileged few. The government are privatising the NHS by stealth, secret courts have been given the go ahead. The military will be on the streets during the Olympics and I believe that will be a regular occurrence due to the cuts imposed on the UK police forces. The population is being backed into a corner and at some point the pressure will be released and I hope
it is released peacefully. Do I believe it will be peaceful? No. The more deprived areas of our cities are beginning to resemble the third world and it is down to despair on the part of the people who live there, but the majority of blame must be placed at the feet of successive governments who failed to invest in these areas at critical times in the past. We are like a river that is being dammed and this dam is poorly built and so it will break and god help us all when it does.
Remember one thing. Despite the bad economic news, Cameron will carry on as normal, for the simple reason, he doesn't care what happens. He will escape intact. Along with the parasitic millionaires that inhabit his government, he will be OK. We are insects to him and he will swat us down without a second glance. This country will vote in regional and council elections on May 3rd. I urge everyone not to vote for any of the three main parties. Either don't vote, or vote for independent candidates. If we start now, this process of change will be peaceful, but we need to make our voice heard now.

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