Sunday, 19 May 2013

The EU. In or Out for the UK.

The war between the "in the EU" and the "out the EU" factions continues apace here in the UK. First of all, I am in the "out" camp, but, and this is a big but. The Conservative Party in this country have been seen as the party of the upper class and the well off sections of society. They have continuously denied it but it is definitely and undeniably true. Taking that into consideration, it is not surprising that when the "minimum wage" was introduced, the Conservatives were against it using the "business will suffer" argument. Didn't really make a difference because the Conservative government amended the tax laws to compensate. They were also against most of the rules and regulations to do with the European Court of Human Rights and workers rights because it made it difficult to get rid of so called "troublesome workers." My point is that if and when we vote to leave the EU, a Conservative government will ride roughshod over all the laws imposed by the ECHR. Minimum wage will go, workers rights will be drastically reduced and Trade Union law will make it virtually impossible to go on strike.
Being in the "out" camp, I have probably made a very good case for staying in the EU, but, my belief is that the EU, and Barrosso stated this last week, is headed for federalisation and this is far worse that anything the UK Conservatives could come up with. All of Europe governed from Brussels and no sovereignty for individual countries. Foreign troops on the streets of cities all over Europe to control the population. One more step to a one world fascist government, which brings with it, UN Agenda 21, Codex Alimentarius and drastic population reduction, 80% at least. A nightmare scenario.
Till next time.