The news yesterday that the duchess of Cambridge had given birth to a baby boy left me indifferent at best and openly hostile at worst. There has been almost total coverage on BBC, Sky and ITV to the exclusion of every other news story on the planet. To say that the coverage has been over the top is, in my opinion, an understatement. The celebrity worshipping UK public have become hysterical in it's admiration for what is actually just another woman who has given birth. I am full of admiration for every woman, including my ex-wife who gave birth to our daughter in 1982, that gives birth. It's a little miracle. However, this birth is being celebrated as if it is the second coming of Christ. It isn't. It's a little boy who will be privileged beyond belief. He will want for nothing, get the best medical treatment our money can buy and be educated at the best schools and universities in the country. It's not his fault that he was born into such disgusting wealth, just an accident of birth.
My point is that while he will be fed the best food, 350,000 families in this country will have to rely on food banks. He will be kept warm throughout the coming winter while hundreds of pensioners will die because they are scared to turn their central heating up from fear they will be unable to pay the bill. The royal family received a £5,000,000 pay rise while public sector workers had to make do with a 1% pay rise. I have nothing against this little baby whatsoever but, this country's government needs to get it's priorities right.
They won't. I already know that, because Cameron is an elitist and he doesn't even bother to deny it now. The crunch is coming, and it will not be pretty. The housing bubble is being inflated again and it will be far worse when the bubble bursts this time. No bailouts, which will lead to hyperinflation and extreme poverty. Civil unrest on a grand scale is a certainty. It's a nightmare scenario and I see no way out.
This is my opinion and believe me, If I am proved completely wrong I will be delighted. I sincerely hope I am.
Till next time.