I see that Hilary Clinton is in India for "friendly" discussions with the Indian leader. Rubbish. She has been sent to bully the Indian government into imposing sanctions on Iran because they are making a non existent nuclear weapon. If I was the Indian leader, I would be telling her to go away and bother someone else. It will be interesting to see what transpires.
Today in the UK parliament the Queen (parasite) will give her usual speech to mark the opening of another session of parliament. I have read that it will contain sections on job creation and investment. So did the last speech and unemployment has risen and the UK is back in recession. The thing about this speech that really bothers me and it should bother everyone who uses the internet, is the bill to allow the UK security services to monitor all, yes ALL internet activity. Whether you are looking for cheap car insurance or booking a holiday and even researching your family tree, you will be spied on. Not only that, but a record will be kept of each individuals activity. This is a step too far in the war against non existent terrorism. This has nothing to do with keeping us safe and everything to do with keeping us in check. It is all about control. personally I will go on criticising our government in any way I see fit using language I see fit. I don't care what happens. Cameron is using the Queen to sanitise this invasion of our privacy because if it is an old woman who is telling the nation that we need to be spied on then maybe we will accept it. Not me. To be fair to Cameron, when has he ever been fair to us? he is just carrying on the work Blair and Brown started. This is a license to spy and people will only realise this when their neighbours start disappearing in the middle of the night. You might think that I am overreacting, but it is actually happening in China right now.
I see that yet another underwear bomber has been caught. This time however the CIA have said that he is a double agent and he was carrying a new type of bomb, one that contains no metallic objects and also that it is almost undetectable. I smell the bovine excrement in this one. Yet another CIA patsy who will be hung out to dry.
I will say this one last thing and I say it to David Cameron. If you are looking for terrorists to arrest then why have you not arrested Tony Blair for the murder of UK troops and innocent Iraqi civilians, and, oh yes, the suspicious death of Dr. David Kelly. Just a thought David if you find yourself with a bit of spare time.
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