Thursday, 7 June 2012

European Political Union

The German Chancellor, Angela Merkel today, June 7th finally showed her true colours. She is proposing a full political union of Europe. This has always been the ultimate goal, and this is why the EU or Common Market as it used to be known was founded. The global elite want firstly to divide the planet into regions, ie. the European region, the American region, the African region and so on. Then they will combine the regions into three of four larger regions and then a one world government. Merkel today started the ball rolling for a European region. This must be opposed by all free thinking and freedom loving people, it is the road to tyranny and oppression. I find it very coincidental that only a few days after the Bilderberg meeting in Chantilly Virginia, that Merkel all of a sudden without even hinting about it, comes out with the phrase, political union. By the way, I don't believe in coincidences. This has Bilderberg written all over it. 
Yet another issue that requires vigilance.

UN Statement on Syria. A Farce.

I am watching a UN official making a statement on the current violence in Syria. He actually said that despite reliable corroborating evidence, the blame for the violence rests totally at the door of the Syrian government. This a complete falsehood. The government under Assad do have to take a portion of the blame, but the rebels, along with NATO forces must take their fair share of the blame. The latest "massacre" happened just before this UN statement and it is public knowledge that Obama has been trying to formulate a plan along with Cameron to sidestep the UN and intervene independently. This statement has been worded  for the UN to open a way for a Libyan style resolution to keep the UN in charge. The Syrian people are being exploited by the UN along with it's paramilitary wing, NATO as a way of isolating Iran. I have no evidence to back up what I will say next, but I strongly believe the there are Israeli agents operating in Syria and have been from day one. In fact it would be strange if the Israelis did not have a pressence in Syria. To finish, I would urge all who read this not to take anything at face value. Do your own research, the site is a good place to start.
I post this while I am angry so there might be a few mistakes, but I will update this as soon as new info comes my way.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

The Syrian Problem.

I have been reading an awful lot of articles and blogs about the disaster that is Syria. It has been obvious for months that this is more complicated than the lamestream media would force us to believe. Contrary to what they say, it is about a lot more than just establishing democracy. Reports have surfaced from Syria that lay the blame at the door of NATO who have allegedly infiltrated the rebel movement and have formed death squads who disguise themselves as government militia. Also, Al Qaeda have been mentioned, but while I have no doubts that all of the above are heavily involved, a further cause has been sighted, and that is that old festering sore that is sectarianism. Sunni vs Shiite and Islam vs Christian and all points in between. The US and UK's answer is send the troops in. You only have to look at Libya to realise what a disaster that would be. The NATO countries have already been caught shipping arms to the rebels so they obviously can't be trusted to broker a solution. I am wary of the UN being fair in this matter and what I am about to say will seem extremely controversial. Countries like Russia and China (I know all about their human rights abuses) could be asked to formulate a strategy for peace. You will notice that I don't say "regime change" I don't think that is the answer. My belief is that every faction has to get around the table and hammer out a solution that can be acceptable to all. Russia and China could chair such a meeting. Controversial I know but again as I said, take a look at NATO's handling of Libya.
I would like to know if I am being silly or if anybody agrees with me.