Friday, 25 November 2011

Divide and Rule

I have been noticing on youtube recently that there are an awful lot of factions developing, ie. Christian against Atheist, Roman Catholic against Protestant, Climate change supporters against climate change debunkers. Everyone is being set against one thing or another. I firmly believe that it is all part of the grand plan of the New World Order. They are distracting us and setting us up against one another. It doesn't matter to them who fights or argues against whom, just so long as we are fighting and arguing. If we are distracted by that, then we are leaving them alone to get on with their agenda. I believe that certain videos are uploaded to, not only youtube, but to google and a host of other sites as well, to create a divide and rule scenario.
My warning is, that if we don't start focusing on the real issues of the day and working to make the system work for us, instead of the other way round, then we deserve what we get. As David Icke often says, "daddy, where were you when the new world order was established?" "Oh, I was arguing with someone on youtube about whether X factor was better than Strictly Come Dancing." Wake up people. We are being manipulated by virtually everything we see on TV, the net, magazines, newspapers, etc. etc.
We are the many and they are the few. If we join together, we win, if not, we lose big time. For a start, if you all have time, research the name Rothschild.
I'm not sure if I've enabled comments, but if I have, I will be happy to answer any questions.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Sir Phillip Green

Sir Phillip Green is a billionaire business man who owns Vodafone, BHS, Miss Selfridge, Topshop and a few others.
Oh yes. He does not pay his fair share of income tax. His money is smuggled away to various offshore accounts held by his wife. (Allegedly) He has announced today that quite a few of his fashion outlets will be closed due to his profits falling from £213 million to £133 million. Shame, he must be really suffering. He blames the downturn on the weather. Yes, the employees who will be losing their jobs are losing them because it rained a few times during the last year. I wonder what the weather was like the year before when his profits were one third higher. The man is a disgrace, and I nearly forgot, he is also an advisor to the Conservative government. I wonder what he advised them of. " Hey David, I think it would be a good idea for me to pay no tax" (I jest of course)
I don't think this will be the last post on Mr. Green.

CIA Spys, Israel, US Election, Occupy.

The first thing I read when I went online this morning was that the Iranian authorities have arrested twelve suspected CIA agents. My first thought was that these agents were the ones who had been jumping from country inciting rebellion. If true, it's been quite a tour. Starting off in Algeria then to Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Libya, Syria and now Iran. This comes at the same time as the US has advised it's citizens, living in Syria to leave immediately. The Arab league is thinking of establishing a "no fly zone" over Syria. We know what that means for the civilian population. I look on with interest.
Israel has refused to make it's covert nuclear programme more transparent. No surprise there. It's about time that the Netanyahoo gang were held to account for their nukes and also for the appalling treatment of the Palestinians. Just a few days ago, two Palestinian fishing boats were boarded and the occupants arrested. Both boats were confiscated. It's a disgraceful state of affairs when people can't even do a bit of fishing to feed their families and make a bit of money for themselves.
I read yesterday that Mitt Romney's campaign to be nominated as the Republican candidate for President was being funded by Goldman Sachs to the tune of $354,700. also he receives $185,800 from Morgan Stanley and $195,250 from Credit Suisse Group. Best of all would be to listen to the reason Barclays Bank gave him $155,250. Why is a British bank contributing money to an American election campaign? What do they expect in return?
A question I am hearing a lot at the moment is, "has the occupy wall street movement become stagnant?" My answer to this is yes to a certain extent. At the beginning, the lack of leadership and one clear goal was its strength. The reason being, the authorities couldn't target one or more people and say, "if we silence them, the protest will die." Now, however, the lack of co-ordination and leadership is becoming a hindrance. The movement, especially in the US, need an objective to work for, and someone to co-ordinate it. The movement here in the UK, actually have a short term goal which is the national strike on the 30th of this month. They must be a part of it to keep people aware that it is still active. The coming cuts and the further austerity measures that will come when the Euro finally collapses should galvanise support for the movement in this country.
Well that is all for this post.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Various News items.

David Cameron says that new laws will be drawn up to make it harder for unions to call strikes and also make it easier for employers to sack workers. The man is a complete idiot. He is backing the ordinary working person into a corner and will reap the consequences sooner rather than later. The first opportunity to let our feelings be heard will be next Wednesday during the national strike. It will be very interesting to see just how the various marches and rally's are policed. A few weeks ago, the Metropolitan Police used undercover cops to try and stir up trouble. Didn't work, and hopefully it won't work next week.
Hilary Clinton is pressing Netanyahoo to release $100 million of Palestinian tax revenue. If she is serious about that, she could always divert the US aid budget from Israel directly to the Palestinian government in Gaza.
The Israeli foreign minister Lieberman is threatening to break up the coalition government if West Bank outposts are forced to evacuate. I would call his bluff because anything that would get this warmongering thug out of office would be a good thing.
There have been pro democracy protests in Tel Aviv and police have used pepper spray to try and disperse them. Sounds familiar.
GOP candidate, Rick Perry has stated that he believes that both Ha mas and Hezbollah are active in Mexico. I will be interested to read any evidence of that claim.
Herman Cain has said that if Israel comes up with a credible plan, then he would support a pre-emptive strike on Iran. Hold on to your hats people, this could be a bumpy ride.
I will end this little ramble here for the time being, but I will be back soon.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011


The video Congress does not want you to see. I'm not surprised. Members are legally making money by insider dealing. If we did it, we would go to jail.


Today in the UK we think we live in a democracy. we don't. We actually live in a cleptocracy. A society run by thieves, for the benefit of thieves. For instance, Phillip Green of Vodafone, Topshop, BHS etc. Since the ConDem mafia have been in power, he has paid zero tax. The fact that Green is a supporter of and donator to  Cameron, we shouldn't be shocked at this news, after all, to quote Cameron, "We're all in this together." I don't think anyone believes that statement anymore.
Today it was announced that top executives pay has risen by 4,000% since 1980. Now who was elected into power just the year before in 1979? Yes, you've guessed it, Thatcher and her Tory mafia. That led us to the greed is good era which is once again flourishing under Cameron. Don't get me wrong, Blair was just as much a part of the greed is good era as the Tories. The truth is, that in this country, we are not working to provide for our families. We are working so that the rich get richer and we just survive. I have read a lot of articles and comments saying that we should be doing what the Egyptians, Libyans Tunisians are and have done. In my opinion we should not be following their lead. For instance, in Syria, we are led to believe that the Syrian army is implementing a barbaric crackdown on peaceful demonstrators. That is what the BBC, Sky, Fox, CNN, Al Jazera would have you believe. If that is the case, then how come their have been up to 300 soldiers killed since the trouble started. I watched an interview on RT yesterday with the political analyst Webster Tarpley who was actually in Damascas. He has been talking to the people and a lot of them are saying that the demonstrators are being infiltrated by foreign fighters from the likes of Libya and Afghanistan who are there to stir up trouble. To get back to my original point which is that we should only engage in non violent protest about the state of our country. The police have been caught sending undercover agitators to demonstrations with the precise instructions to incite violence. This must be highlighted and exposed by ourselves, because the governments propaganda arm, otherwise known as the BBC will not.
I'e rambled on enough. Till next time.