Tuesday, 7 February 2017

A Few Bits and Bobs.

First of all, there is nothing new happening, it's all just a continuation of what has been happening for months. Trump is still ruffling the feathers of the 20 something trendy Wendy's who seem to be able to be offended by everything and everyone.
To be fair, a lot of the so called protests (riots) have been stirred up by George Soros run NGOs. Anyway, Soros is for another day.
At the moment, the UK is being visited by the leader of that apartheid state in the middle East. Yes, I mean Israel's very own Benny Netanyahoo. There have been some protests but nothing on the same scale of the Trump protests. Oh yes, the BBC have shown scant interest in covering them. I wonder why?
The brexit fiasco continues its weary way through parliament where Tories are allowed 25 minutes to speak and then an SNP MP is shouted down by the deputy speaker after less than half a minute. Balanced politics is certainly not in evidence in parliament.
I watched the Superbowl on Sunday. For three quarters Atlanta had the game in the bag, the fourth quarter however, their defense looked tired and to their credit, the Patriots took full advantage. I wish it had been Seattle but they fell short. Hey ho, on to next season.
Till next time.