I have a few things to get off my chest this morning. The first is the naked aggression shown by Israel against the Palestinians in Gaza. An Israeli official was interviewed on RT yesterday and categorically stated that there had been no collateral damage in the missile strikes on Gaza. He said that as RT were showing film of injured children being rushed into hospital. He said that Israel had a right to defend itself. He is correct on that score, but the use of white phosphorus against civilians is a crime against humanity. All this is taking place with the backdrop of the Israeli government authorising the houses of Palestinian people to be demolished to make way for Israeli settlers. This abomination looks set to continue for a while yet. How many innocent people on both sides have to die to feed Netanyahoo's already inflated ego?
On Thursday an election was held to choose who would be the inaugural Commissioners of Police in the various regions of England and Wales. The apathy of the vast majority of the population was there in abundance. The average turnout of voters ranged between 10% and 17%, and at one polling station in Newport in south Wales nobody turned out to vote, yes, you read it correctly, nobody could be bothered to get up off their couches and go to vote. This whole election was a complete farce from start to finish. The government spent 100 million pounds on an election that fell flat on its face.
Last night, the BBC held it's annual "Children in Need" telethon. No doubt millions were raised by the very generous donations by the British public. However, I am going to sow a little dissent into this yearly round of BBC's emotional blackmail fest. This has been going on for close on 25 years in which tens of millions of pounds have been raised. My question is, why are so many children in this country of plenty still living in poverty? Where has all the money actually gone? We are fed snippets of news about worthwhile causes that have been helped, but where has the bulk of the money gone? Until the BBC publish a complete breakdown of where the money has been spent, I will not be contributing a penny. Also, there is still the ongoing child sex abuse scandal from which the BBC have been trying to distance themselves. The fact that BBC officials and employees turned a blind eye to blatant child sex abuse in the 60s 70's and 80's and beyond is evidence enough for me to stop contributing to the blatant emotional blackmail employed by the BBC to get people to contribute. It's time the BBC became transparent, after all, it exists because of the license fee we all pay.
Till next time.