Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Cowardly Obama, Stupid Clegg, Criminal "Johnson & Johnson, Depraved Sky News.

I will start with "Cowardly Obama." The UN will vote on whether to ratify the formation of a sovereign Palestinian state on Friday. The vote will almost certainly pass in the assembly, but, and this is a big but, it will fail when it reaches the security council. The reason it will fail is, that the good old US of A will use their right of veto, and so the resolution will fail. Don't get me wrong, the use of the veto will have been used because Obama will tell the US ambassador to the UN exactly what he has been told to tell him by the people who own him, ie the military industrial complex which is in turn ruled by the global elite, NWO, Illuminati, the mega bankers, call them what you will.
The hope of the elite is that the failure will ignite trouble in the middle east and send orders for weapons soaring. The trouble could then spread to the wider middle east and a whole new ball game would ensue. I am hopeful, however that the long suffering Palestinian people will show restraint and keep up the diplomatic pressure on the UN. They could also hold talks with their Arab neighbours and get them, individually to recognise Palestine as a sovereign state, after all, it worked in Libya. The UK and the French recognised the rebels as the legitimate government before the UN did. I am confidant that it will all work out peacefully in the most part. There will be hiccups, but there always are.
Nick Clegg has come out and said that the economy is the biggest challenge. Not for him it isn't. Regaining credibility for his party is his biggest problem. At the moment they have little or none.
The Sky News headline reminded me that they once had a connection to the disgraced and thankfully no more, NOTW." UK  Launch Of Lockerbie Bombers Cancer Drug" is stupid, at best and a total insult to the cancer researchers who discovered it, at worst. For Johnson & Johnson to charge £3,000 for it is a complete disgrace. These massive Pharma companies should be nationalised and their profits plowed back into medical research instead of going straight into executives and shareholders pockets.
That is all for now. Friday is going to be a big day. I hope I am wrong and The vote passes in the UN without a hitch.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Rupert Murdoch bribes society.

Rupert Murdoch has announced that he has agreed to pay £2 million to the family of Milly Dowler and also a donation of £1 million to charity. In effect he has successfully bribed his way to freedom. When and if he ends up in court for knowing exactly what went on at the NOTW, his lawyer will cite the fact that he has made these payments in the hope that the judge will look favourably on him and give him a lighter sentence that he would have received. Hopefully, the judge will see through this smokescreen and throw the book at him and his idiot of a son. I have read a few articles that imply that Murdoch has links to Mossad and also that he is in fact a citizen of Israel. Whether this can be substantiated is a matter of some debate. The fact that the allegation has been made means that even more thorough investigations will have to be carried out. I await the outcome with some interest.

Liar Liar Pants On Fire, Banks, Palestine.

The main part of this post deals yet again with a Tony Blair Lie. When Blair last visited Libya for talks with Qaddafi, it was reported that there was no mention of the then proposed freeing of  Megrahi, the convicted (unjustly in my opinion) Lockerbie bomber. Blair, when asked if he had discussed Megrahi, he said that it was not discussed. It turns out that Qaddafi was meticulous at keeping records of his meetings with foreign heads of government, and the rebels found papers that specifically mentioned that, not only did they talk about Megrahi, they talked at some length about him. Yet again, Tony has been found out. He is an habitual liar and I am quite convinced that details of more lies will come out in the future.
I see the euro-zone bigwigs have come out with a plan to get the banks lending again. The plan is to raise a tax to give to the banks, who will then lend it back out, at interest to the very people who have to pay the aforementioned tax. They want us involved in it, but hopefully Cameron will tell them to get stuffed. I'm not holding my breath.
Friday sees the vote in the UN to ratify the founding of a Palestinian state. Long overdue, in my opinion. However, the USA look like they will veto the proposal, which will further alienate them from the Arab world. Benjamin Netanyahu has proposed direct peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian leaders." Too late Ben, it is being taken out of your hands." The time for talks was decades ago. Hopefully, common sense will prevail and the Palestinians will have their own country and real peace talks can get under way.