Today, our illustrious Prime Minister will announce the latest round of armed forces redundancies, with yet more to come in the near future. A lot of people would, in this world full of multi million dollar/pound of defence (war) spending, be glad that forces are being cut. However, the armed forces of the UK are already at breaking point. With our commitments around the world, there are precious few to actually defend the population. We have very few operational warships left, no aircraft carrier and no prospect of having one for around a decade. Air force personnel have also been and are continuing to be cut. The army has its lowest numbers since before WW1. Nobody wants war, but, there needs to be a sensible policy of defence, and cuts in spending are inevitable, however, the main cut should be to completely dismantle our nuclear arsenal. Trident is supposed to be a deterrent, but who exactly is it deterring? No one. Get rid of it and save billions. With a conventional defence capability, more people could be employed, generating tax revenue, more ships could be built, again, more employment and tax revenue. It is a sticky issue and deep down I know that the demise of our armed forces is a pre-planned exercise by Cameron and his band of traitors who should be facing a trial with charges of treason. This country's infrastructure is being run down to its bones along with the NHS and the welfare system. We are being systematically driven into abject poverty by a government of multi millionaires who only care about making more money for themselves and their bankster cronies.
Reading this post, you would be forgiven if you thought that I wished the government nothing but misery. You would be entirely correct in that assumption, and I make no apologies for it.
Till next time.