Thursday, 19 April 2012

India's Nuclear Threat.

India, today launched a test long range missile, the Agni-IV. This missile is capable of carrying a one ton warhead to anywhere in China and also to eastern Europe. a few days ago, North Korea tested a long range missile and the western governments and mainstream media went ballistic, pardon the pun. Nothing has been said about India's test, which is strange because India and China have an ongoing border dispute. They fought a war back in 1962 and the dispute continues. In March of 2009, a senior officer in the Indian army, after a major military exercise, predicted that India and China would be at war. Personally, I had absolutely no idea that there was still an ongoing border dispute between those two country's, far less a threat of war. Nothing, to my knowledge has been reported in the UK media about this, and from only fifteen or so minutes research about this, I would tend to believe that the threat of war is only too real. The only stabilising factor could be that both country's are members of the BRICS economic partnership, and a loss of economic revenue might negate the chance of a war over a piece of land high up in the Himalayas.

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