Thursday, 24 May 2012

The ongoing climate change debate.

It really makes my blood boil when I listen to politicians and so called celebrities discuss issues that really matter to the people of this country and totally miss the point by dancing around the subject instead of cutting right into the heart of the issue. One of the issues on tonight's BBC Question Time programme was the issue of climate change, and the country's energy needs in the future. Everyone on the panel was in favour of one energy source or another, but no one even remotely touched on the issue that man made climate change is a complete myth. Today I watched a series of videos about that very subject and found that the scientists, and there are many, that completely refute the idea that humans are the total cause of climate change and global warming, can actually back there reasoning with hard evidence that shows that it is not carbon that causes a rise in temperatures, rather, it is the rise in temperature that causes releases of carbon. Data obtained from samples of ice that formed in both the Arctic and Antarctica clearly show climate change  has occurred at various times during the history of the world, in fact if the climate wasn't in a constant state of change, then that would be a problem. Evidence also shows that heightened activity in the sun causes rises in the planets temperature. Man made climate change is a myth perpetrated by the big energy companies who now receive massive amounts of tax payers money to fund so called research into new ways of producing clean energy. We are constantly told that we have reached peak oil and that it will run out soon. Lies, new sources of oil are being found all over the planet. One site is the Falkland Islands which has huge reserves. What is correct is that burning fossil fuels creates carbon waste, however, that is exactly what plants need to help them grow. Has anyone noticed how lush with growth trees are when they grow at the side or a short distance away from major roads that have a lot of traffic on them? The good part of the pollution debate is the recycling part. Of course it is better to recycle that just to bury our rubbish in a landfill site. We still throw too much away, but not as much as we used to.
One of the so called solutions put forward by governments is to force us into paying a "carbon tax" literally, a tax on breathing out and breaking wind. Australia has already levied a carbon tax and it will be rolled out to other countries very soon. It is a con, used by governments to rob us and use the proceeds to fund tax breaks for the rich and bail out the criminal banks. I don't have to name the banks, you already know them. Go on then, I will name them. Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Barclay's, RBS, Lloyd's TSB, etc.
To conclude, we are not in imminent danger of dying due to global warming. We are in imminent danger of being driven into poverty by our criminal politicians and bankers. Question everything and research the issues for yourselves. More to come on this one.

Euro Crisis, Can Cameron handle it?

I have been watching David Cameron over the last week or so and have noticed a steady increase in him dictating to the countries in the Eurozone and more specifically, Greece. His tone is changing by the minute. It seems to me that the nearer Greece comes to leaving the Euro, the more he seems to panic. My question to him would be, "is there something you are not telling us David?" He has said all along that we in the UK are prepared for the possibility of Greece leaving, but, and this is a big but, he has never come out and said exactly how a Greek exit would affect us. He and his government, along with the Bank of England have a plan, they say, but, they will not divulge anything about the so called plan to us. No one in this country has mentioned the dreaded "run on the banks" but I would bet that there would actually be a run on the banks if Greeks withdrew. The only question is, how big a run would it be? In Greece, bank holidays and closing ATMs have been mentioned along with a military presence on the streets. Could it happen here in the UK? I wouldn't bet against it.
Interesting but scary times ahead.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Slavery In The UK.

A man called Adrian Beecroft has appeared on the news here in the UK over the last couple of days due to his slave master attitude to workers. First of all he is rich, second, he is a substantial donor of money to the Conservative party. His occupation is listed as venture capitalist. In other words, he does no work himself, he lets his money do the work. The main focus of my post is however, that he was commissioned by David Cameron to produce a report on employment law. His report, if implemented would take us back to Victorian times. In effect, workers would have absolutely no rights. Employers would be able to sack anyone for no given reason whatsoever. He advocates an end to company pensions and also flexible working hours which would affect single parents who would no longer be able to work which would drive up the unemployment figures. He also wants to do away with the employees right to take their employer to a tribunal if they feel that they have been unfairly dismissed. Basically, he advocates doing away with workers rights altogether. He is actually saying  that this financial crisis is the fault of working people in this country and that we have to pay for it with our livelihoods.
Number one, this crisis is not of the workers doing, it is entirely the fault of rogue financial companies manipulating the markets through blatant fraud and criminality. The fact that nobody has been brought to justice for it, says more about the state of our justice system and the governments who oversee it. The major financiers messed up and our equally culpable government rewarded them by bailing them out using the ordinary people's tax money with no prospect of getting it back. We have, in effect, been sold into slavery by an elite who don't care about anyone but themselves. Beecroft is yet another parasite who feeds off of our austerity and rakes in the money. I would be very interested in having a look at his tax records.
Another very interesting piece of this story is the fact that Ed Milibland (that is how I see him) the leader of the Labour Party who are supposed to be the champions of the working class in this country, has not uttered one word condemning this slaves charter. To his credit, Vince Cable, the business minister has called the report "a load of rubbish" You can probably tell that I am extremely angry about this.
Cameron will implement this at his peril. The working people will only be pushed so far and then a breaking point will be reached and who knows what will happen. Don't forget that it is only nine months since last years riots. That is all I will say, but I am sure I will have more to say as this story unfolds.