Friday, 1 June 2012

IMF Hypocrisy, US Election Silence. N Korea.

The head of the IMF, Christine Lagarde is a hypocrite of the first magnitude. She has been vomiting out her elitist propaganda about how the ordinary people in the Eurozone should stop moaning and keep paying their taxes. That would be all well and good except for the fact that out of her massive salary as head of the IMF, she, herself pays no taxes whatsoever. She keeps all of her money for her greedy little self. She should shut her mouth and actually try and find a way to ease the burden on the people of the Eurozone.
People in the US are wondering why Obama, since the announcement that Mitt Romney will almost certainly be the opposition to himself in the upcoming Presidential election, has not outlined any of the issues that he will fight the campaign on. The answer is simple. He has not received his orders yet. When the Bilderberg meeting in Chantilly Virginia ends on Sunday, he will be summoned and subsequently told exactly what he is to do to fight the election. the attendance list has been posted on the infowars website so that people from all over the world can see exactly who is attending from their particular country. From a UK point of view, two of the attendees are Peter Mandelson and Kenneth Clark. The fact that it is unlawful for a serving member of Parliament to attend any meetings that are held in private, doesn't seem to matter. In the past, the likes of Ted Heath, Thatcher, Blair, Ed Balls have all attended. There will be no coverage of this cabal on the likes of the BBC or Sky, and the only newspaper that has anything about it is the London Guardian. The alternative media, on the other hand if absolutely full of reports and articles with live video of the protests outside the venue. The coverage is well worth a look.
Lastly, I saw a report today from the US admitting that US special forces are at this moment operating inside North Korea. What are they doing? Spying of course. Is this the prelude to a "Korean Spring"? Never say never. You will find info to all this and much more on sites like The Drudge Report, CLG, Infowars, Wideshutuk, and a host of other sites on the net.
One last tip. When building your fallout shelters, go deep.

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