Please do not be fooled by Ed Miliband's "I'm one of the people" speech yesterday at the Labour Party conference. He is most certainly not "one of the people" He has been brought up and still is a devout Marxist. He wants control of the entire population. He kept mentioning that he would rebuild the UK as one nation. He definitely wants "one nation" but he doesn't want it to be the UK. His one nation is called Europe.
This extreme left winger is a very dangerous man. He has delivered speeches to the left wing Fabian Society and he attended the Fabian dominated London School of Economics. He maintains that he wants to take the Labour Party back to their 1945 values. This is a case of smoke and mirrors to woo back the voters that Blair lost when he founded the red herring that was New Labour. He, and all the other prominent Labour Party MP's are all paid up members of the New World Order globalist agenda and they will lie, cheat and whatever else is required to achieve their goal. He is not to be trusted and most definitely not to be voted for. Till next time.
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