Friday, 13 April 2012

Sarkozy, Hypocrite.

Can anyone believe the sheer hypocrisy of  Nicholas Sarkozy to criticise immigrants in France and say there are too many immigrants in France. He seems to have forgotten that his family are actually Hungarian immigrants. He also seems to have forgotten also, the strong rumors that his initial Presidential campaign was funded by the son of Col. Gaddafi. Sarkozy should stand back and take a good look in the mirror and be honest about what he sees.

Liam Fox, Obama Impeachment, US election, Yahoo secrecy.

I have a few things to talk about this morning. The first thing is the ex minister of defence and his "best man" Six months have gone by and we have heard absolutely nothing about the scandal of Liam Fox and Adam Werritty touring the world under the guise of government officials when in reality they were international arms dealers. I would be interested to know the reason why we have heard nothing since Fox's resignation. David Cameron is currently touring the far east under the guise of trying to drum up investment in the UK. In actual fact he is there as an international arms dealer, and he doesn't care who he sells to.
There is a growing consensus in the US that President Obama be impeached. Among the reasons why are the fact that he authorised the murder of an American citizen, Anwar Al Awlaki, without due process, a violation of the constitution. Also, the fact that Obama has taken the US to war without the required consent of the Congress, again, a violation of the constitution. Again, he has signed into law the N.D.A.A. bill which allows the security services to arrest US citizens and detain them without charge. Yet another violation of the constitution. If only we could do the same with Tony Blair. There is good news and bad news from the GOP struggle to find a candidate to stand against Obama. The good news is that Rick Santorum has removed himself from the campaign. The bad news is that Mitt Romney is now the overwhelming favourite to be nominated. I heard him called "The Mormon moron" the other day. It doesn't matter that he is Mormon, but the moron bit is entirely correct. The mainstream media have continued to ignore Ron Paul which shows how US politics is dominated by millionaire donors of massive amounts of money. If a candidate was judged only on his policies and recieved equal coverage by the media, Ron Paul would win hands down.
Proof, if were actually needed that I.S.P's were spying on their customers was presented to me just last month. I was searching for cheap flights to Italy for a city break. Only a day later I opened my e-mails to find my inbox full of different companies trying to sell me flights to almost every city in mainland Europe. Obviously, Yahoo take info and sell it on, but they do not ask permission to distribute my e-mail address and what I search for. I have looked at their terms and conditions and can find no mention of anything to do with sharing or selling personal info to other company's. With that said I will end this little parade through the murky waters of current affairs.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Israeli Hysteria.

Today I was reading a very interesting post on Steve Lendmans blog and felt I had to comment. The post was about Israel declaring the Nobel prize winner, (literature 1999) Gunter Grass "Persona non Grata" he had published a poem called "What Must Be Said" which criticised Israels threat to attack Iran. Extreme right wing Shas Party leader, Eli Yishai is leading the hysterical condemnation of Grass. The main focus is to do with his service with the Waffen SS during WW2. Not surprisingly, the fact that he was 17 when he was conscripted and that it was very near the end of the war has not been mentioned. He is not the only victim of Israeli hysteria. Conductor, Daniel Barenboim was almost banned from Israel for daring to perform music by Wagner. UK journalist, Peter Hounam was banned from entering Israel for corresponding with Israeli whistle-blower Mordecai Vanunu. US political scientist/activist Norman Finkelstein and UN human rights special rapporteur Richard Falk and famous Spanish clown, Ivan Prado have also been banned. The fact that Israel are breaking UN resolutions on a daily basis and getting away with it. People are telling the truth about Israel and are being ostracised by a government that is refusing to admit that they have a substantial nuclear arsenal, which is in itself an infringement of UN resolutions. The fact also that they seem desperate to unleash those weapons on a fellow member of the UN is a disgraceful state of affairs that should result in UN sanctions on Israel. It seems that public criticism of Israel is frowned upon, especially in the UK and the USA. As soon as someone speaks out against Israeli crimes, the charge of anti-semitism is levelled at them. Israel, it seems, is above the law and can ride roughshod over international law. It is time that they were told that enough is enough and a start would be the enforcement of the UN resolution which bans the forced occupation of Palestinian land. Will that happen? I am not holding my breath.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Abu Hamza Extradition from UK to USA.

I was embroiled in a heated discussion on the Yahoo news page reporting on the extradition of the radical Muslim cleric Abu Hamza. Most people missed the point I was trying to make. The point was that Hamza was being extradited for having ties to Al Qaeda and I mentioned that both the US and UK governments had been working with known Al Qaeda operatives in the Libyan uprising last year. I quoted the Libyan rebel leader as saying that jihadists who had been fighting allied forces in Iraq were now fighting for the NATO backed rebels in Libya. These facts are verifiable but still people were saying that I was a conspiracy theorist. I deal in facts and so the word theorist is not applicable. The main crux of my original post was to show the double standards adopted by the government of the UK. Some comments were so blinkered, for instance, "I don't care what methods the government uses to protect us" That is in itself double standards. They don't seem to realise that successive governments in this country were pursuing policies that were in fact putting the safety of the population in jeopardy. People have to be made aware that the elite that rule us are not acting in our best interests. Last month for instance, the chancellor, George Osbourne, gave the top earners a huge tax break while hammering the middle and lower classes with huge increases in tax for consumer goods and foodstuffs. The people who were posting were focusing on the fact that Abu Hamza was dangerous when in fact he couldn't possibly be. The UK security services are keeping a 24 hour observation on this man. Phone tapping and monitoring of his on line activity would be carried out as a matter of course. No one picked up on the fact that Hamza was able to disregard British sovereignty and take his case to the European Court of Human Rights. Criminal justice in this country should be the sole responsibility of our government. People would be horrified if they actually became aware of the amount of independence our government had transferred to Brussels. People need to wake up to the fact that freedoms that we take for granted are being eroded, not on the orders of Westminster, but on the orders of Brussels. This is unacceptable and we must fight to protect our freedoms. We are close to the point at which it will be too late to stop the full integration of the EU to a federal entity and when that happens it's goodbye to freedom.