Wednesday, 16 May 2012

The Proposed Trial Of Saif Gaddafi.

I have been hearing a lot over the last day or two about whether Col. Gaddafi's son Saif will receive a fair trial or not. This question has an easy answer, and the answer is most definitely no. At least he won't if the trial is held in Libya. Another consideration is exactly where he will be tried. there are moves for him to be tried in the Hague under Libyan jurisdiction or even for him to be tried in Libya under the Hague's jurisdiction. The fact that there is still massive amounts of fighting still going on in Libya will have an influence in the decision making process. There are reports that black skinned Libyans are still being targeted for ethnic cleansing. Don't you just hate that term "ethnic cleansing." It sort of puts a veneer on to the proper word for what is going on, and that is genocide. Genocide is being committed in Libya as we speak. The people responsible for orchestrating this so called continuation of the Arab Spring are of course the NATO governments ably assisted by that paragon of virtue, the UN. I am ashamed to say that my government here in the UK have to take, along with France and to a lesser degree, Italy, almost total responsibility for the devastation visited upon the innocent people of Libya, and if it means anything, I wholeheartedly apologise for what my government has done. I hope that when Saif Gaddafi faces trial, it will be a fair one and that he will be able to bring evidence that it was him and his father who funded Sarkozy's initial election campaign.
I for one will be watching this story unfold.

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