Friday, 3 February 2012

Paul Kagame. War Criminal.

I am blogging about these men because they seem to have slipped off the radar recently. I don't know if everyone actually knows about Paul Kagame but it it is time he was brought into the limelight. He started by receiving military training at Ft. Leavenworth in the USA in 1990. He was a Tutsi and was the leader of the RPF who, alongside the Ugandan army, invaded Rwanda in 1990. They were responsible for slaughtering unarmed civilians during the course of the invasion. He is also believed to be responsible for the assassination of Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana and Burundian President Cyprian Ntaryamira by shooting down the plane in which they were travelling. This took place in April of 1994. He has obviously denied all allegations of assassination. He has also denied instigating the Rwandan genocide that also started in 1994. A former ally, Theogene Rudasingwa has said that he heard Kagame boast that he had ordered the shooting down of the two presidents plane. My facts come from a report from BBC News reporter Mark Doyle. The Tony Blair connection is that Kagame recieved UK taxpayers money as aid to set up his government and also Blair has been a personal advisor to Kagame since 2008. I almost forgot to mention that Blair's best friend Kagame is also accused of carrying out revenge attacks (massacres) of Hutu people living in  eastern Congo. Yet again he has denied all charges. Last year the UK government agreed a 57% rise in the aid we give to the Kagame regime. It is now a total of £332 million per year.
Why are we even speaking to this genocidal maniac, far less giving him aid? Various human rights groups have condemned Kagame's regime and are pressing the UN to investigate him.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Believe Nothing. Research, Research, Research.

This is what our government controlled mainstream media would like us to become, thoughtless, clueless and dumb. I mean dumb in both contexts. Dumb, in not speaking out, and dumb in not being mentally able to speak out. As George Carlin once said, the government want us educated enough to be able to work machines but not educated that much that would make us capable of critical thinking. Our young people are being dumbed down to the level of morons. Listening to conversations between teenagers, they struggle to string a sentence together. They have the attention span of plankton and they have no clue what is going on in the world.
The first thing I have to say is that it is not their fault. The education system is part of the problem. Children are taught a curriculum that is devised by government think tanks. They are being taught to toe the government line and not question anything. Youth unemployment here in the UK is at it's highest for decades. Our economy is at rock bottom. It is very like what was happening before both world wars, and that is another thing. Our politicians are gearing up for war, especially as our security services have been stirring up trouble in many middle eastern countries. Cameron's rhetoric concerning Iran and Syria is very scary, and it is the young unemployed who will be conscripted into the armed forces to bolster an army that has been stripped to the bare bones by Cameron's government. Is this a deliberate act? Of course it is. As Roosevelt once said, "In politics, nothing is accidental. If something happens, be assured, it was planned that way." When you think about his statement, think 911, 7/7, gulf of Tonkin, Pearl Harbour and many more. There will be another false flag this year, make no mistake about it. Russia has just thwarted UK/US plans for an intervention in Syria by vetoing the resolution. All leave for the UK MI5/6 has been cancelled until after the Olympics at which troops will be deployed on the streets of London as a matter of course. You can be assured that after an Olympics at which we have got used to seeing armed troops on the streets, there will be many more events at which troops will be deployed. If you think that it will just be London events, then think again. this will be a feature in many UK cities.
I have rambled on for long enough now and I've strayed off my initial subject, although everything here is connected. My only advice to anyone reading this would be to question everything and research for yourselves.
My next post will (might) be about Internet censorship.

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Syria, One Step Nearer The Final Solution.

This is just to big an issue to ignore. I read this morning that there had been an escalation in the violence taking place in Syria. That got me thinking that only yesterday morning, the Russians had put forward a plan for Moscow to host peace talks to bring an end to the violence. President Assad duly accepted. The next thing was that the violence had escalated and casualties were extremely heavy. Was this a coincidence? Emphatically, NO. Let's get one thing straight, the succession of crises that have taken place throughout the middle east and North Africa over the last year was instigated by the CIA/MI6. It has been what David Icke has correctly termed, problem, reaction, solution. That is, operatives from the above terrorist organisations ( yes, both the CIA and MI6 are indeed terrorist organisations) infiltrate opposition groups in whatever country the are in. They then create unrest (Problem) The people then rise up (Reaction) and then NATO answers the call and flies in and saves the day (Solution) The only thing is, that the solution is most definitely worse than the original problem. After the conflict, the country's infrastructure has been erased and the new government, we will call it the NTC, is completely broke. Who do they turn to? That benevolent organisation the IMF of course. The last nail has been hammered into that country's coffin. Their sovereignty has gone forever. They will owe billions more than they ever borrowed due to the draconian interest rates the IMF have set. The multinational corporations then step in and rebuild the infrastructure at an exorbitant cost. That leads to more borrowing and then we have the implementation of austerity measures which means that the people are being forced into poverty to pay back the debt. It is already happening in the countries of the EU, Greece for instance. Here in the UK, we have already experienced massive cuts in public spending. Has that meant that our debt has lessened? Of course not, in actual fact, our debt has risen. That is the plan, to make the entire population of this planet debt slaves to the IMF. The name will change when the last country loses its sovereignty, it will become "The World Bank." With that, cash will disappear and an electronic currency will take it's place. The powers that be will then be able to decide who eats and who starves. One day you will go into a supermarket believing you have enough in your account to pay for your food, hand over your card to the assistant who then scans the card and they will tell you that your card has not been accepted, "next please" How do you eat and feed your family? The answer is you don't. You will be shipped off to a "Work (concentration) Camp" Where you will work till you pay off your debt (DIE) That is the ultimate goal of the global elite who instigated the problem in the first place. Population reduction is the aim, and not just by a few million, oh no, this is a plan to exterminate billions. Their ideas are that the planet can hold about a few hundred thousand, most of whom will be slaves to serve the elite.
You might think that this is a wee bit far fetched, but I assure you, it is anything but. Think on this as you think about who you will vote for at the next elections in your respective countries. What I have outlined here is what will unfold if we do not wake up. We are the 99% and we have a right to life. Stand up and be counted, before it's too late.
A big thank you to David Icke, Alex Jones, Ian R Crane, Alan Watt, and many others who are trying to enlighten us.