Friday, 20 April 2012

BBC Question Time

I thought BBC's question time would have been quite fiery, due to the appearance of the new MP for Bradford West, George Galloway. However, it was a low key George that we saw.
Question 1 was to do with the Home Office farce that is the continuing saga of the proposed deportation to Jordan of Abu Qatada. The home secretary, Theresa May appears not to know the rules regarding the timetable of appeal. The EU court of human rights says the appeal can go ahead and May says that the appeal was 24 hours late. She was wrong and the appeal can go ahead. Galloway said that the UK government must abide by the rule of law contrary to the extradition treaty that exists between the UK and the USA which allows the USA the luxury of not having to provide one shred of evidence as to the guilt of anyone they deem guilty of a crime against the USA. Tory peer, Baroness Warsi as expected absolved Theresa May of any blame and said that it was the EU court's fault. When asked if May should resign, she said no. The rest of the panel said she should consider her position, but the Lib Dem representative said "I haven't a clue," which should probably be his party's slogan for future elections.
Question 2 was about Galloway's victory in the recent Bradford West by-election. The three main party panelists played it down stating that it was a protest vote. Galloway answered back saying it was a massive cry for change. His version of the change wanted by the voters was completely different to the change proposed by the rest of the panel. The people want real change in politics which would include the way that political parties are funded. The message is to keep money out of politics and to make MP's more accountable to the people who vote for them. George Galloway fielded a few awkward comments from the audience quite well and put forward his plans very well.
The budget was next on the agenda and you could see the Tory and Lib Dem panelist squirming quite a lot. It came down to the abolition of the 50p rate of tax giving the rich in this country a cut of around £45,000 per year, while cutting benefits to the poorest section of our society. Also the tax on static caravans, which is a precursor to a tax on all property. The government panelists didn't have a leg to stand on when George Galloway mentioned that the chancellor, George Osbourne, didn't even realise that his earnings fell into the top bracket for tax. he in fact gave himself a huge tax break, while hammering the poorest in our society. The Tory panelist Warsi showed her true colours by mentioning her globalist agenda, and her Lib Dem colleague mentioned his green agenda.
The last question was about the Bahrain Grand Prix, due to be staged on Sunday. All members of the panel agreed that it should not take place. George Galloway went on to mention the imminent visit to Windsor Castle by the King of Bahrain whose government have been allegedly guilty of considerable human rights offences. Personally, I think it is a disgrace to even allow this man into the country at all. David Cameron is apparently the one who has allowed him in, but I firmly believe that the Queen has far more power than we think she has and has personally invited him in.
All in all, not the programme I had hoped for, but interesting all the same.
One other thin related to the Bahrain story. I watched Sky News this morning and the reporter on the ground in Bahrain, stated that the incident that saw the Indian Team car petrol bombed on their war back to their hotel was an "isolated" incident. What would he have said if the people in the car had been killed? Could his playing down of what could have been a disastrous incident have been that Sky Sports have exclusive rights to cover the Grand Prix and if it was cancelled it would hurt his employers in their bank account? As usual, a disgraceful piece of reporting by Sky.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Australia's Green Party Call For Global Government.

Just over a week ago, the Green Party of Australia called for Global Governance to combat the threat of Human caused global warming and climate change. This is just the first attack on state sovereignty by the so called protectors of the planet. Greens all over the world are starting to voice opinions in favour of a one world government. The Australian Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, last November, introduced the worlds first "carbon tax" in effect a tax on breathing. Polls showed that upwards of 80% of the Australian population were opposed to it's introduction. It was imposed on the population anyway. This is just the start. In the near future, more and more dictators, sorry, prime ministers/presidents will try and impose similar taxes. As usual the mainstream media have ignored this, further proving that they are themselves controlled by the globalist and New World Order agenda. This is a war and we had better start fighting back because the attacks will get bolder and if we continue to be indifferent to what is happening, we are finished.

India's Nuclear Threat.

India, today launched a test long range missile, the Agni-IV. This missile is capable of carrying a one ton warhead to anywhere in China and also to eastern Europe. a few days ago, North Korea tested a long range missile and the western governments and mainstream media went ballistic, pardon the pun. Nothing has been said about India's test, which is strange because India and China have an ongoing border dispute. They fought a war back in 1962 and the dispute continues. In March of 2009, a senior officer in the Indian army, after a major military exercise, predicted that India and China would be at war. Personally, I had absolutely no idea that there was still an ongoing border dispute between those two country's, far less a threat of war. Nothing, to my knowledge has been reported in the UK media about this, and from only fifteen or so minutes research about this, I would tend to believe that the threat of war is only too real. The only stabilising factor could be that both country's are members of the BRICS economic partnership, and a loss of economic revenue might negate the chance of a war over a piece of land high up in the Himalayas.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Scottish Justice. (Or the lack of it)

Today in Edinburgh a man was sentenced to eighteen years in prison for murder. Not unusual you would think, except that no body has ever been found and there was no concrete forensic evidence presented to the jury. The man, David Gilroy was convicted by a majority of the jury and so at least one of them had doubts as to his guilt. While I am not saying that he did not commit the murder of Suzanne Pilley, I would question the lack of evidence.
My thoughts are, is this the establishment saying to us that it does not matter how little evidence, we can make sure that you will be found guilty. It doesn't take me to tell you that murder is a serious crime, but if they can convict without even producing a body, what can they do with a less serious crime. Being framed for a crime is nothing new, but with the rise of secret courts in this country, is it too much of a leap to imagine the authorities doing it as a matter of course. We must be vigilant as to what is happening to our justice system. Justice has to remain in the public domain or we are really in trouble.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Update On A Previous Post

In April of last year I posted about the fact that Al Qaeda had a strong presence in Libya and that NATO knew about it and did nothing. I mentioned that at the end of the conflict, Al Qaeda would be unlikely to just walk away. The non-coverage by the mainstream media would lead one to believe that the conflict had in fact ended. Nothing could be further from the truth. We are forced to search the Internet to inform ourselves as to what is happening in Libya right now. Far from the war ending, it is actually escalating into tribal and factional violence. Atrocities are being committed on a weekly if not daily basis and NATO does not seem to care. We must realise now that this was the outcome that NATO in fact had planned for. Libya at the moment is flooded with arms and the NATO countries are solely to blame for this. The UN have been conspicuous by their silence and should have taken the lead in sorting out this disaster long ago.
I sincerely hope that I am not writing another update on this in a years time, but I wouldn't count on it.