I watched BBC question time again last night, and the thing I noticed was the way that the politicians are slowly twisting the facts about the financial collapse, credit crunch, call it what you will. Ian Duncan Smith (Tory) Harriet Harman (Labour) and Menzies Campbell (Lib Dem) are all starting to mention "personal debt" as being the cause of the financial crisis. The bankers are not even being mentioned by name any more, and people are even starting to forget the names of the banks we actually bailed out. Ian Duncan Smith only fleetingly mentioned the blame attached to the previous Labour government. Austerity was only mentioned in connection with the Eurozone, not with us in the UK. They started with the shambles that is the UK border agency and their inability to cope with passengers arriving at the various airports that serve London. Only Mark Serwotka, leader of the PCS. Public and Commercial Services Union mentioned the massive job cuts that are creating the huge queues at the airports. The first thing that Ian Duncan Smith said was "It is not my responsibility" typical Tory. Chaos in the run up to the Olympics was mentioned with horror, but, not because it would affect people arriving for the Olympics, but because it would look bad for the UK and the government. As usual, they have their priorities round the wrong way.
Rupert Murdoch was next. Only Mark Serwotka said that he agreed with the report produced by the parliamentary select committee that said that Rupert Murdoch was not fit to run a company. It stands to reason that the boss should know about the actions of his employees. The rest of the panel hedged their bets about the report.
The French presidential elections took center stage next with Harriet Harman and Mark Serwotka siding with the socialist candidate, Francois Hollande, and Ian Duncan Smith and Dragons Den participant Theo Paphitis opted for Sarkozy stating that there would be chaos in Europe if Hollande won. Theo Paphitis said "we live in a free market economy" If he thinks this is a "free market" then he is deluding himself. They went on to talk about the austerity measures that are in force throughout Europe. Ian Duncan Smith said that "austerity is a good thing." The man is an idiot. Paphitis said that "there is only so much money to go round." Wrong. The Bank of England, when there are signs that the banks are in trouble again just go ahead and print money. This was the point where the panel, apart from Mark Serwotka, focused on "personal debt" rather on national debt. Worrying.
On to yesterdays local elections and the fact that both the Tories and Lib Dems recieved an absolute battering from the electorate. The results are not all yet in but it is a disaster for the ConDem coalition.
That is all for now.
Friday, 4 May 2012
Thursday, 3 May 2012
Head of the Bank of England, Mervyn King Admits Failure. Too Late.
Today, Sir Mervyn King admitted that the Bank of England had failed to act to warn of the coming banking sector disaster in 2008/09. His excuse is that he was hamstrung by the decision to move the regulation to the FSA, financial services authority. Rubbish. He was doing exactly what he was told by the very same banks that were going to fail. If he had spoken out about his fears earlier, the banks might not have been able to make a case to be bailed out. A succession of governments have to take the blame for this shambles. Thatcher allowed a culture of greed to emerge in the city of London when she came to power in 1979 and her policies were continued throughout the eighties and into the nineties, and yes, even when Tony Blair became dictator, sorry Prime Minister, Thatchers policies were continued. To quote from the movie "Wall Street" "Greed is good." The downside to that culture is that it is only good if you are one of the top earners in the business world. They can be greedy, but we have to pay for it. This, is in fact tyranny of the worse kind. Throughout Europe, the same policies are being carried out by the governments of Greece, Spain, Portugal, to name but three, and things are coming to a head. When you look at financial crises in recent history, the problems were sorted by orchestrating huge wars, and we are heading for the same scenario today. The Israel/ Iran problem is ongoing. There is still fighting going on in Libya, the same in Syria and Afghanistan. Today, Russia said that it would consider a preemptive strike on the proposed US/NATO missile defence shield in Europe which they see as a direct threat to themselves.
Back to Mervyn King. His solutions to the financial crisis has been to just print money, yet another blast from the past, which led to hyper inflation. This is a road to destruction, in more ways than one. There is no sign that this crisis is going to end any time soon. The whole of Europe has gone back into recession. Rubbish, we are, and have been for a while, in a depression. No growth, no work, no hope, and what is our illustrious Prime Minister focusing his attention on? The Queens jubilee and the Olympics. More public money wasted. The Romans coined the phrase "bread and circuses" They at least had bread. We are running out of bread. the only hope is that the population of the world will wake up before it's too late. There are flickers of awakening in countries already, but it has to grow into an inferno. Only then can we turn this planet on it's head.
Back to Mervyn King. His solutions to the financial crisis has been to just print money, yet another blast from the past, which led to hyper inflation. This is a road to destruction, in more ways than one. There is no sign that this crisis is going to end any time soon. The whole of Europe has gone back into recession. Rubbish, we are, and have been for a while, in a depression. No growth, no work, no hope, and what is our illustrious Prime Minister focusing his attention on? The Queens jubilee and the Olympics. More public money wasted. The Romans coined the phrase "bread and circuses" They at least had bread. We are running out of bread. the only hope is that the population of the world will wake up before it's too late. There are flickers of awakening in countries already, but it has to grow into an inferno. Only then can we turn this planet on it's head.
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
Thy Destruction of the "Family"
The fact that Blair is targeting as yet unborn children is a scary scenario. The present government under David Cameron, despite what Oliver Letwin said on the video, is a staunch supporter of the work done by both Common Purpose and Demos. Despite his outspoken defence of family values, Cameron, through his governments policies, are secretly trying to undermine the very concept of family. In effect, he and his paymasters are in the process of destroying the "family" as we know it in this country.
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