Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Thy Destruction of the "Family"

This video should shock each and every one of you. Tony Blair is, in effect saying that children in this country should be brought up by the state. I can't believe that he even advocates that the behaviour of children should be assessed even before they are born. In effect, what he is actually saying is that any unborn child that shows signs of physical or even mental defects should be aborted, and no, I am not reading too much into this. Blair had been letting organisations like Common Purpose and Demos advise the people who set the curriculum for our centres of education. They use a system called NLP, Neuro Linguistic Programming. It is used to alter the way people behave in given situations. Common Purpose are heavily involved in training UK police forces using NLP. The results have been quite alarming. The policing of demonstrations and protests show signs of having been devised by people who have undergone NLP.
The fact that Blair is targeting as yet unborn children is a scary scenario. The present government under David Cameron, despite what Oliver Letwin said on the video, is a staunch supporter of the work done by both Common Purpose and Demos. Despite his outspoken defence of family values, Cameron, through his governments policies, are secretly trying to undermine the very concept of family. In effect, he and his paymasters are in the process of destroying the "family" as we know it in this country.

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