Friday, 9 December 2011

Weather Exaggeration.

I felt I had to write something about yesterdays severe weather here in Scotland. First of all, the weather was very severe with high winds and driving rain. However, that is all it was, severe. There was some damage, but that is expected with gale force wind, and a substantial number of homes are still without electricity. My point is, the way the BBC reported the weather yesterday. we were being lead to believe that something on a par with hurricane Katrina was heading our way, when in actual fact, the wind was nowhere near as strong. The highest gust of wind was measured at 91 miles per hour on the Hebridean Island of Tiree. We were being told that there was a wind speed on the mainland of "up to 165 MPH." In actual fact the highest speed was measured at 69 MPH near Glasgow to 77 MPH near Stirling. I have noticed in recent months that BBC reporters have been using exaggerated language when reporting a number of stories. Everything is either "mega" "massive" "awesome" etc. The weather reporting is especially prone to that kind of adjective. The phrase "global warming" is being touted about at various times. Does the BBC and the other mainstream media outlets still believe the rubbish that the only cause of global warming is we humans? We are being lead to believe that the Sun is playing little or no part in it. The planet has been in existence for eons and the climate has changed constantly throughout its existence, most of it before we even appeared. What makes them think that we are so dangerous that the planets very existence is in mortal danger from us? The truth is, that they don't. We are being conned into parting with yet more of our hard earned cash to pay what is basically, a carbon tax. A tax on breathing out. I'm not for one minute, saying that the likes of re-cycling and conservation and renewable electricity are bad things. They are the only sensible things to come out of all this war on carbon. My point is that the mainstream media is colluding with big business and governments to brainwash us into blindly accepting everything they say as fact, when in actual fact, very little they say is fact. I have researched the subject and I am now what I call, a human caused global warming sceptic. I urge all who read this to do a bit of research also.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Snippets of news. Talk Talk.

There is further proof that Obama's promise to "bring the troops home" was hollow. The USA are in negotiations with the Afghan authorities to keep a US troop presence in the country until 2024 and beyond. I'm sure there will be more to follow.
David Cameron has vowed to veto the proposed new EU treaty if it adversely affects the UK. I think he is just scared to hold a referendum on Europe because he knows full well what the result would be.
I keep hearing the name George Soros in various news stories. He was the little Hungarian who single handled, caused the UK to exit the Exchange Rate Mechanism twenty odd years ago. It seems that he is up to his little tricks again. He was quoted in 2009 as saying "I'm having a very good crisis" He was right. he was making untold millions off the back of ordinary people's misery. The man is a globalist who is hell bent on ushering in the New World Order as long as it is in accordance with his Zionist principles. They were two words I never thought I would hear in the same sentence, Zionist and principles. He is to be shunned by all and sundry.
My last snippet is a pet hate of mine. My I.S.P. is Talk Talk. They are the worst providers It has ever been my misfortune to be connected with. Today alone, my internet connection has been lost on no fewer than fifteen times, and this is from a company that allegedly promises to give "unlimited" internet connectivity. I will be terminating my contract as soon as possible. If anyone reading this has had similar problems, I would like to hear from you.
That is all for the time being.

Funny but True. Fascism

I found this bumper sticker on a Republican party supporters website and thought, "funny, but true." After a presidency of broken promises, lies and a complete disregard for the welfare of the American people, it would be complete idiocy to vote for him again. His broken promises are legendary, ie. "I will shut down Guantanamo Bay." Still open and torturing. "I will bring the troops home." Still out there and no sign of coming home. I know he is withdrawing some troops, but where are they going? Kuwait. His lies are even more blatant. "I, and my staff watched the Osama Bin Laden operation as it happened." No he didn't. The officer in charge shut the live feed down just before the operation began. Oh yes, he has just authorised the funding to fit out all the F.E.M.A. camps around the USA, along with details on how they will be used, ie. forced labour for the inmates. The map above shows the USA divided up into regions. This a scary scenario. What and who will be housed in these "concentration" camps. There is an interesting article on which is where I got the map from. Every day George Orwells society comes ever closer to reality.
I will post on this again. Beware the knock on the door in the middle of the night. Fascism is alive and well in the US/UK/

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Extradition Treaty, Eoro Zone, Occupy Terrorists, Snow.

Yesterday, MP's in parliament were debating the extradition treaty that exists between the UK and the USA. The existing treaty was signed by Tony Blair in the wake of the 911 farce. The treaty declares that in the event of the USA requiring a UK citizen to face criminal charges in the US he, or she must be extradited to the US without the need for the US to provide any evidence whatsoever as to the validity of the proposed charges. The reverse is not the case when the UK want to extradite a US citizen. Evidence must be provided. In my opinion, there is no need for a debate. The treaty must be set aside and a new fair treaty drafted. End of story.
I see that the insignificant little man who fronts the Federal Reserve mafia, Geitner, has arrived in Germany to tell the euro zone to get it's house in order. The cheek of him is astounding. With the US economy falling about his ears, we all know that the economic figures announced recently in the US were completely false, he has no right to be over in Europe telling the Germans and French to sort out the mess that is the Euro.
It was announced yesterday by the City of London Police that the Occupy movement were to be declared domestic terrorists. They ply their trade in the very place that houses the real terrorists in our midst. The big mega banksters are the real domestic and foreign terrorists, and it is they who should immediately be arrested and face charges of robbery against the people of this country.
Yet again the UK ground to a halt when faced with a mere two inches of snow. Our pitiful attempts to cope with snow and ice every winter is legendary. The bad weather was forecast days before, and still we were caught out. Thankfully, it hasn't lasted long, and the country is getting back to normal.
that is all for this little post. Till next time.

Friday, 2 December 2011

Execute Clarkson etc.

First things first, let's get the Jeremy Clarkson idiot out of the way. Number one, he is the most ignorant person on TV, bar none. He is also a bigot and a racist. The comment he made on the one show was just one more in a long line of comments he has made. Let's look at the timing of the comment. We are now getting into full swing with the Christmas shopping and he has a Top Gear DVD on sale. With the aforementioned comment, he has projected himself into the limelight in a huge way. Number two, the comment he made was wrong in so many ways. If I was to say that all gay men should be executed in front of their families, I would never be able to leave my house ever again. It is about time that the BBC took this idiot off the air. End of story.
Yesterday, Mervyn King, the head of the Bank of England, told UK banks to  hold on to reserves of cash to prepare for the collapse of the Euro. At the same time, our Prime Minister was holding talks with Sarkozy to try and save the Euro. If I was a betting man, my money would be with Mr. King. It's like if you were on a ship and there was a hole in the bottom and the pumps were not working, what would you do? Yes, you would abandon ship. Same with the Euro.
It seems that Obama is trying to resurrect the cold war, or maybe start the third world war. If he persists with the plan to move missiles into eastern Europe, then Russia will just move missiles to it's western borders. As for the warmongering speeches about Iran, it's just Iraq all over again. WMD's in Iraq, still not found any. Why? Because there were never any WMD's in the first place. What about this so called unfortunate accident in Pakistan when NATO slaughtered 28 Pakistani soldiers? Accident my back side. A deliberate act of aggression and the Pakistani authorities are to be commended for their low key response.
The unions took their case to the high court because they said that the government was breaking binding contracts by cutting the workers pensions. Of course the Judges sided with the government. They have long been in the politicians pockets. Very hard for anybody to get justice in this country now, especially if you are up against the government or the Police.
Well, that will do for this week. Tomorrow, I'm off to watch the fantastic Kilmarnock Football Club take on the not so fantastic Aberdeen. Till next time.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Day Of Action. Nov. 30th.

Yesterdays day of action here in the UK was a resounding success. My partner Jackie and I attended the march and rally here in Glasgow. Jackie is a member of the P.C.S. union and like most of her fellow workers, was on strike yesterday. The marchers gathered in a very small street in the east end of Glasgow at around mid day. The street was totally inadequate for the numbers who turned up, around twenty to twenty five thousand. We set off at about 12.45 and headed into the city centre. Contrary to what the government would have you believe, the vast majority of the general public were very supportive of the action taken. Most were standing applauding as we marched by. Cameron described the strike as a damp squib. He was either misinformed or just chose to lie about what was happening. This was a lot more than a damp squib. The march culminated in a rally in the Barrowland Ballroom, however, only a very few of the marchers could actually gain entry to the venue. unfortunately we were among the unlucky ones. All in all the day was a complete success and was a great start to the fightback against the Tory cuts. I await with interest the followup to this strike. In my opinion the unions should act quickly while the public support remains strong. I expect a government propaganda campaign to begin to discredit the unions and try to weaken their position. No doubt the BBC will be used for such a project.
That will do for now. There are numerous videos of the various marches that took place throughout the UK on youtube.

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight.

Today George Osborne, our beloved chancellor will give us his Autumn Statement. He will come up with billions of pounds for this project to stimulate the economy and hundreds of millions of pounds to boost jobs in this industry and that industry. Where is he getting the money to do all this? The answer is, out of thin air. He will let the Bank of England just print more money which in the end will just fuel inflation. The man hasn't got a clue how to get us out of this depression. Yes, you read it correctly, we are actually in a depression. The Tories are just waiting for the final collapse of the Euro zone and then they will blame them for the mess we are in. It is never their fault. It has been Labour's fault up until now, but the election was eighteen months ago, so that excuse is wearing a bit thin. Now, it is the fault of the Euro Zone. Tomorrow, the national strike takes place here in the UK. I hope every union member and also people who are not in a union will take part. The working people and also the unemployed need to stick together in this fight against the unnecessary cuts. The global elite under the guise of our government are after our pensions. This is only the first battle in the war. They are only after a small percentage of our pensions this time, but if they win this battle, the next one will be winner take all. Yes, they are after everything we have, pensions, both public and private, benefits, the whole lot. But we will be left with nothing, I hear you say. Correct, they don't care what happens to us. We don't matter to them. We are fleas on a dogs back to them. The fight will get nasty in the near future, we will suffer, but if we stick together we will triumph in the end. The key is sticking together. Don't be fooled by what you hear on the mainstream media. They are government propaganda agents. Josef Goebbels would be proud of the BBC and Sky etc. Research information for yourselves, and find out what is really going on in the world. As they say, "The Truth Is Out There" find it and it will set you free.
I will be attending the march and rally here in Glasgow tomorrow and I will be posting a review of how it all went.

Friday, 25 November 2011

Divide and Rule

I have been noticing on youtube recently that there are an awful lot of factions developing, ie. Christian against Atheist, Roman Catholic against Protestant, Climate change supporters against climate change debunkers. Everyone is being set against one thing or another. I firmly believe that it is all part of the grand plan of the New World Order. They are distracting us and setting us up against one another. It doesn't matter to them who fights or argues against whom, just so long as we are fighting and arguing. If we are distracted by that, then we are leaving them alone to get on with their agenda. I believe that certain videos are uploaded to, not only youtube, but to google and a host of other sites as well, to create a divide and rule scenario.
My warning is, that if we don't start focusing on the real issues of the day and working to make the system work for us, instead of the other way round, then we deserve what we get. As David Icke often says, "daddy, where were you when the new world order was established?" "Oh, I was arguing with someone on youtube about whether X factor was better than Strictly Come Dancing." Wake up people. We are being manipulated by virtually everything we see on TV, the net, magazines, newspapers, etc. etc.
We are the many and they are the few. If we join together, we win, if not, we lose big time. For a start, if you all have time, research the name Rothschild.
I'm not sure if I've enabled comments, but if I have, I will be happy to answer any questions.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Sir Phillip Green

Sir Phillip Green is a billionaire business man who owns Vodafone, BHS, Miss Selfridge, Topshop and a few others.
Oh yes. He does not pay his fair share of income tax. His money is smuggled away to various offshore accounts held by his wife. (Allegedly) He has announced today that quite a few of his fashion outlets will be closed due to his profits falling from £213 million to £133 million. Shame, he must be really suffering. He blames the downturn on the weather. Yes, the employees who will be losing their jobs are losing them because it rained a few times during the last year. I wonder what the weather was like the year before when his profits were one third higher. The man is a disgrace, and I nearly forgot, he is also an advisor to the Conservative government. I wonder what he advised them of. " Hey David, I think it would be a good idea for me to pay no tax" (I jest of course)
I don't think this will be the last post on Mr. Green.

CIA Spys, Israel, US Election, Occupy.

The first thing I read when I went online this morning was that the Iranian authorities have arrested twelve suspected CIA agents. My first thought was that these agents were the ones who had been jumping from country inciting rebellion. If true, it's been quite a tour. Starting off in Algeria then to Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Libya, Syria and now Iran. This comes at the same time as the US has advised it's citizens, living in Syria to leave immediately. The Arab league is thinking of establishing a "no fly zone" over Syria. We know what that means for the civilian population. I look on with interest.
Israel has refused to make it's covert nuclear programme more transparent. No surprise there. It's about time that the Netanyahoo gang were held to account for their nukes and also for the appalling treatment of the Palestinians. Just a few days ago, two Palestinian fishing boats were boarded and the occupants arrested. Both boats were confiscated. It's a disgraceful state of affairs when people can't even do a bit of fishing to feed their families and make a bit of money for themselves.
I read yesterday that Mitt Romney's campaign to be nominated as the Republican candidate for President was being funded by Goldman Sachs to the tune of $354,700. also he receives $185,800 from Morgan Stanley and $195,250 from Credit Suisse Group. Best of all would be to listen to the reason Barclays Bank gave him $155,250. Why is a British bank contributing money to an American election campaign? What do they expect in return?
A question I am hearing a lot at the moment is, "has the occupy wall street movement become stagnant?" My answer to this is yes to a certain extent. At the beginning, the lack of leadership and one clear goal was its strength. The reason being, the authorities couldn't target one or more people and say, "if we silence them, the protest will die." Now, however, the lack of co-ordination and leadership is becoming a hindrance. The movement, especially in the US, need an objective to work for, and someone to co-ordinate it. The movement here in the UK, actually have a short term goal which is the national strike on the 30th of this month. They must be a part of it to keep people aware that it is still active. The coming cuts and the further austerity measures that will come when the Euro finally collapses should galvanise support for the movement in this country.
Well that is all for this post.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Various News items.

David Cameron says that new laws will be drawn up to make it harder for unions to call strikes and also make it easier for employers to sack workers. The man is a complete idiot. He is backing the ordinary working person into a corner and will reap the consequences sooner rather than later. The first opportunity to let our feelings be heard will be next Wednesday during the national strike. It will be very interesting to see just how the various marches and rally's are policed. A few weeks ago, the Metropolitan Police used undercover cops to try and stir up trouble. Didn't work, and hopefully it won't work next week.
Hilary Clinton is pressing Netanyahoo to release $100 million of Palestinian tax revenue. If she is serious about that, she could always divert the US aid budget from Israel directly to the Palestinian government in Gaza.
The Israeli foreign minister Lieberman is threatening to break up the coalition government if West Bank outposts are forced to evacuate. I would call his bluff because anything that would get this warmongering thug out of office would be a good thing.
There have been pro democracy protests in Tel Aviv and police have used pepper spray to try and disperse them. Sounds familiar.
GOP candidate, Rick Perry has stated that he believes that both Ha mas and Hezbollah are active in Mexico. I will be interested to read any evidence of that claim.
Herman Cain has said that if Israel comes up with a credible plan, then he would support a pre-emptive strike on Iran. Hold on to your hats people, this could be a bumpy ride.
I will end this little ramble here for the time being, but I will be back soon.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011


The video Congress does not want you to see. I'm not surprised. Members are legally making money by insider dealing. If we did it, we would go to jail.


Today in the UK we think we live in a democracy. we don't. We actually live in a cleptocracy. A society run by thieves, for the benefit of thieves. For instance, Phillip Green of Vodafone, Topshop, BHS etc. Since the ConDem mafia have been in power, he has paid zero tax. The fact that Green is a supporter of and donator to  Cameron, we shouldn't be shocked at this news, after all, to quote Cameron, "We're all in this together." I don't think anyone believes that statement anymore.
Today it was announced that top executives pay has risen by 4,000% since 1980. Now who was elected into power just the year before in 1979? Yes, you've guessed it, Thatcher and her Tory mafia. That led us to the greed is good era which is once again flourishing under Cameron. Don't get me wrong, Blair was just as much a part of the greed is good era as the Tories. The truth is, that in this country, we are not working to provide for our families. We are working so that the rich get richer and we just survive. I have read a lot of articles and comments saying that we should be doing what the Egyptians, Libyans Tunisians are and have done. In my opinion we should not be following their lead. For instance, in Syria, we are led to believe that the Syrian army is implementing a barbaric crackdown on peaceful demonstrators. That is what the BBC, Sky, Fox, CNN, Al Jazera would have you believe. If that is the case, then how come their have been up to 300 soldiers killed since the trouble started. I watched an interview on RT yesterday with the political analyst Webster Tarpley who was actually in Damascas. He has been talking to the people and a lot of them are saying that the demonstrators are being infiltrated by foreign fighters from the likes of Libya and Afghanistan who are there to stir up trouble. To get back to my original point which is that we should only engage in non violent protest about the state of our country. The police have been caught sending undercover agitators to demonstrations with the precise instructions to incite violence. This must be highlighted and exposed by ourselves, because the governments propaganda arm, otherwise known as the BBC will not.
I'e rambled on enough. Till next time.

Thursday, 17 November 2011

The Eve Of Destruction.

The Euro crisis rages on. There are demonstrations going on in Italy right now, as well as in Greece. It was said today that Spain are in difficulties and that France is going to lose it's triple A rating. On top of all that, the USA and Israel are planning an invasion of Iran that will almost certainly be opposed by both Russia and China. The struggle in Syria is ongoing. I watched the news on Sky today and they showed a couple of bodies lying on the street after having been shot. The one thing that puzzled me was that there was a distinct lack of blood. This tactic was also used by Sky during the war in Libya. My one piece of advice when watching Sky, BBC, CNN, Fox etc. would be to not take everything at face value. Question everything.
Cameron has sold off part (the profitable part) of the bank, Northern Rock. The cash sum changing hands is £747,000,000 (a loss) We are being told that it is a good deal for the British tax payer. Yes, I can smell the B.S. as well. The best bit is that we, the taxpayer gets to keep the loss making part. Sounds like a s - - t deal to me.
The brutal police crackdown on the Occupy Wall Street protesters in various cities in the US continues unabated. Obama says that the authorities in Syria must stop their brutal crackdown on protesters, but virtually the same thing is happening on his doorstep. In my opinion, the police are trying to provoke violent reaction from the protesters. It is to their credit that the protesters are refusing to be drawn to violence. Here in the UK, the police have been taking a back seat so far. I think that they are hoping a harsh winter will force the protesters off the streets. Time will tell.
I'm just watching live film from New York and the protesters have marched into Wall Street itself. Arrests have been made but the protest continues.
That is all I have for now.
The Rothschilds must be destroyed.

Iran Surrounded.

As you can see from the above maps, the Iranian people are totally surrounded. This is naked aggression from the USA and Israel. Obama and Netanyahoo are very good at telling us that this state or that state is a rogue state. I think that most people who are capable of critical thinking, know just who the real rogue states are. Don't forget the UK in all of this. Cameron will be only too willing to back up the gruesome twosome when the time comes. Special notice should be taken of the fact that, with Saudi Arabia's permission, Israeli troops could attack via Saudi territory. This would have been unheard of twenty years ago, and we should be asking ourselves what are the Saudis getting in return. If this was to take place, it would definitely be a WW3 scenario. Yes, it is that serious.
The maps were copied from the website of Ian R. Crane. Well worth a visit.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Student Protest in London

I have just been watching coverage of the student protest and march taking place in London today. The Metropolitan Police say that there are 2,000 protesters. The leaders say that there are 10,000 protesters. Going by the film of it, I think the actual figure would be around 4,000 to 6,000. The ammount of Police deployed to keep order is 4,000. That is about one Policeman to every one and a half protesters. The cost must be astronomical. Up to this moment, there have been no reports of any violence but a few protesters tried to occupy Trafalgar Square and attempted to erect tents. They were forcibly removed. Hopefully, it will go off peacefully and the authorities will see the error of their ways and stop the cuts. If you believe that, then you will believe anything.


Further to my post earlier today. The Care2 online petition site is starting a petition calling for world wide population control. It is not for me to tell anyone to support or not support one issue or another, but, I will definitely not be signing the aforementioned petition.

A Brave Woman Called Elaine Riddick Vs A Eugenics System.

This is a video with a horrific story. It is all to do with the globalist, NWO agenda as it stands today. This particular story starts in 1967. A 13 year old black girl, Elaine Riddick was raped and fell pregnant. This took place in Winfall, North Carolina. The state, on the advice of a five person eugenics (remember that word) board, gave orders that Elaine was to be sterilized. This was legal under state law. Oh yes, the rapist was never charged. Elaine was one of thousands of people who were forcibly sterilized throughout the US at that time. Some of the males were castrated.
This is the ultimate goal of the global elite, the NWO, the 1%, call them what you will. They think that the planet is here for their benefit and their benefit alone. It is thanks to that brave woman, Elaine Riddick that the barbarity of the North Carolina state government has been brought to the fore. I urge each and every one of you to be vigilant because this could be coming to a town near you very soon.

Incompetant Theresa May, Cashless Society, FEMA, EAS Test

Morning all. First on the agenda is our illustrious home secretary, Theresa May, or may not, as the case may be. She is in fact not accepting any blame for the recent scandal to do with the UK Border Agency who said that pressure of work because they are under staffed led to over 100,000 migrants being admitted into the country with no record of who they were or why they were coming in. The fact that Theresa May had relaxed border controls, according to her, had nothing to do with her. The head of the border agency resigned yesterday but May was refusing to take any blame whatsoever. She blamed the last Labour government (of course) who lost power eighteen months ago. How long will the tories be in power for before something is actually their fault? Clegg has not uttered a dicky bird about it. Par for the course for the Lib Dems.
Last month the state of Louisiana banned the use of cash to buy second hand goods. The reason being, that it would make the sale of stolen goods easier to track. Yes, I can smell the bull as well. Now, here in the UK, the government are trying to make the buying of scrap metal with cash illegal. Yes, you've guessed it. To make the tracking of stolen scrap easier to track. Is this the first tiptoes towards what the NWO want. A cashless society. Time will tell.
Today at 2PM EST in the USA, FEMA will be testing the EAS. Emergency Alert System. All media will be shut down and a message broadcast. I don't know if it will affect the internet but I wouldn't be surprised. There are already rumours that the US government have developed a "kill switch" which would be used in time of national emergency. If everyone thinks this is a minor issue, the US are putting into place street lighting poles, or as we call them, lampposts fitted with cameras, microphones and recievers. Orwellian or what. I bet Cameron is watching with interest.
Well that is all for now.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

The Adversarial Society and Consumerism

I thought that I would talk about society, and in particular our society here in the UK. First of all our society is an adversarial one. It consumes us all. From being the best in the school classroom to our government and all points in between. Our governmental system is, and always has been, adversarial. Tory against Labour and Lib Dem against everybody. The fact that the present coalition seem to be getting along is a diversion. The Lib Dems have backtracked on every promise they made in their election manifesto. However, I digress. Due to the system, each and every government we have ever had has failed to put the people first in almost every piece of legislation they passed. Parliament should be working for the people instead of for the party and the mega corporations that support them, and both Labour and Tory are guilty.
We move on to society in general. People call it competitive, but in reality it is most definitely adversarial. Someone makes a product which becomes popular, then someone else makes a similar product that does the same job as the first. The promotions for it read that the first one is outdated and useless and the second one is innovative and looks better when in fact both are equally as good. Don't get me wrong, "competition" is a good thing, but in the business world it is more about squeezing the competition out than providing us with a reliable and long lasting product. Governments today call it "The Free Market." Rubbish. There is no such thing as a truly "FREE" market. Everything is ruled by self interest and exploitation. The workers in what were known as third world countries are definitely being exploited. They are making goods that will be sold in western shops at hugely inflated prices. The only thing that distinguishes one, say for instance, polo shirt from another, is the little label inside with one silly name or another. The people fall for it hook line and sinker. More fool them. I would bet that nearly everyone has had the experience of being elbowed aside in a shop on the first day of the winter/spring/summer sale.
I started talking about the adversarial nature of society and I have drifted off onto consumerism. I will finish there before I move onto sport or religion or something completely different.
That's All Folks.

Friday, 4 November 2011

A Pair Of Public Enemies

Two pictures, the first is Lloyd Blankfein, the head of Goldman Sachs. This is what the Occupy Wall Street people would like to happen. I can't blame them because he is a criminal of the highest order.
Second picture." Hi Mr Gaddafi, you're my new best friend." I wonder if Tony went to his funeral. There is no difference between Lloyd and Tony. They are major pawns in the New World Order. I wouldn't urinate on them if they were on fire.
Till next time.

New World Order. 1

It is time we all faced up to what is really going on in the world. The first thing everyone should understand is that the various prime ministers, presidents, including Cameron, Obama, Sarkozy etc. are not in charge of their various countries. Neither are the major shareholders of the major banks like Bank of England, J.P.Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup etc. They answer to people even higher up in the pecking order. The family whose name turns up at every turn of my research is Rothschild. They control over half the wealth of the entire planet. Also, at the same level of influence, are the various royal families in the world, especially our own. For instance, the queen is the major shareholder in BP. The amount of money it generates for the royal bank account is enormous. Prince Charles estate of the duchy of Cornwall generates an income of £18 million per year into his bank account. The royal families of europe as is well known, are all related. They have been inbreeding for centuries and even William and his wife are indeed distant relations. The Queen, in fact owns all of England. Every single piece of land is owned by her. The income that is generated by people paying the numerous property taxes could run a small country. She, however, only owns Balmoral, Holyrood House in Scotland, because the law in Scotland is different. The monarch is titled King or Queen of Scots, the people, not the land. As far as I am aware, there is no law of trespass in Scotland. If I find out different I will post it here.
Getting back to the main issue, wehen we vote in elections, we think we have a choice. We don't. Both parties are run by the same people and they are run by the Rothschild family. It is the same in the USA, Democrat or Republican, both the same. As to the ultimate goal of the elite, that is easy to see. First of all, they want the planet divided into regions. We already have the EU, and we have the US, Canada and Mexico secretly negotiating a treaty which will go on to include central and south america. The Soviet Union was deliberately disbanded by the global elite to allow an Asian union to form. Included in all this is, eventually, is a one world digital currency. Take note of the word digital. At the moment, if we don't have a credit card, we can pay cash. Imagine what would happen if currency was made digital only. The populations spending could be controlled by central government. Did I say could? I actually meant would. I'm getting ahead of myself. After the planet is divided into regions, the process that will lead to a one world government will start. We will already have a planetary army whose only allegiance will be to the then equivalent of the UN, which, by the way, is already controlled by the global elite. We now come to the endgame, the ultimate goal of what is already being called the New World Order. I don't know if everyone has heard of the term Eugenics. In it's basest form, it is population control. This has nothing to do with an environmental policy. It has everything to do with the elite thinking that the world is too crowded for them and some of us have to go. When I say some of us, I mean that they want to get rid or to put it bluntly, exterminate up to 98% of us. You might think I'm being a bit dramatic, but if, for instance you research a term "Useless eaters" you will realise that we are in danger.
I have skipped quite a lot of the detail of the above agenda, but I will read through and I will post more detail in future posts.
Till next time.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

It's all happening.

Well, it looks as if the brown stuff is about to hit the fan. That warmongering fool who is in charge of that rogue terrorist state of Israel, Netanyahoo, is going to start WW3 by authorising a strike on Iran. Obama, Soetoro, or whatever his name is will stand by it's ally and of course our, the UK's, mentally defective leader, Cameron will want in on the act. If ever the term "The lunatics have taken over the asylum" was appropriate, it is most certainly, now. As private Fraser used to say in "Dads Army" We're doomed"
Back in reality, I don't think it will be a case of doom. It will however, be a close run thing. The Cuban missile crisis was bad, this has the potential to be a whole lot worse. The global elite, whoever they are, hang on a minute, we know very well who they are. The Rothschild family. Are engineering this whole event and it will go as far as they want it to and I don't think total destruction is their ultimate goal just yet. That comes later.
Next, I see that the Occupy Glasgow folk have come to an amicable agreement with Glasgow City Council to move the protest. I don't know where yet, but I hope it will be in a prominent place instead of Glasgow Green which is a bit out of the way.
Well that is about all for the time being. I hope to be a wee bit more prolific with the blog in future but I also have a youtube channel which I make videos for and that takes up time as well. Till next time.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Fabian link to Saif al-Gaddafi.

While doing a bit of research on the Fabian Society, I came accross a piece of info on Saif al-Islam Gaddafi. It turned out that he attended the London School of Economics which is a Fabian Society dominated institution. Further to that, in 2009 he was a guest of Lord Mandleson at Waddesdon Manor which turns out to be the home of the financier Jacob Rothschild, the fourth Baron Rothschild. Nathaniel Phillip Rothschild was also present at this weekend meeting. What was discussed I haven't been able to find out yet. Later in 2009, Nathaniel was present at Saif's 37th birthday celebrations in Montenegro. Some people would not think that these meetings were in any way sinister, but i believe differently. The Rothschild don't do anything that does not directly or indirectly benefit the family, and why would Peter Mandleson invite someone with suspected links to terrorism to the UK? More research necessary.
The other thing I happened upon was that on August 9th 2008, Dr John Reid MP the then home secretary made a speech to the DEMOS think tank conference in which he said, "Britons may have to modify their notion of freedom." The reason given was to help fight the war on terror. I wonder what he meant by "modify"
At present, i am doing a bit of research into "DEMOS" and I will blog on it at a later date.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Sky News Ad.

While watching TV last night, I saw an advert for Sky News. It was a female reporter who was supposed to be in Libya. The pictures of a young boy writhing about in pain on a stretcher was distressing, but, after the ad had ended, I thought to myself, "I didn't see any evidence of trauma or injuries or any blood anywhere. I waited for the next commercial break and on it came again. The reporter was being filmed outside in front of a wall which looked like any other wall you would have seen anywhere. There were no marks or bullet holes anywhere. The street was not littered with debris of any kind, in fact it was cleaner than the street outside my house. I watched carefully, the little boy and still couldn't find any evidence that he had been injured in any way. Another thing about the reporter was that she was not wearing any body armour whatsoever. Every reporter I have seen in Libya has been well protected with a helmet and body armour.
I have been hearing regular accusations towards the BBC and Sky that some of their news reports have been staged and have not come from the places they were supposed to come from. My opinion of the commercial is that it is a totally staged event. I personally do not trust the mainstream media. I, in fact always do my own research on most of the important news stories, and make my own mind up about them. I urge you all to do the same. Question everything.

Friday, 21 October 2011


A lot of people might not like what i am about to say, but I have to be true to myself.
The butchery of Qaddafi is an absolute disgrace and an affront to justice. The mainstream media are having a feeding frenzy over the horrific pictures of his body. This is something that should be abhorrent to all decent human beings.
On to his death. Some people are doubtful that the body shown was actually Qaddafi. Steven Lendman, a well respected author and blogger, has expressed doubts as to whether the body was actually Qaddafi. As far as I am concerned, there is still doubt. Like Saddam Hussein, doubles are a possibility.
And so to the aftermath. For all his faults, and they were many, Qaddafi invested in huge engineering projects that benefited the people of Libya. ie. Irrigation, Fresh water treatment plants, free education and health care for all, and more. NATO, in it's wisdom bombed it all into extinction. Now, it will all have to be rebuilt, and who is going to pay for it? The people of course, which will lead to a never ending cycle of massive personal debt. I fear they will regret inviting NATO in for a long time to come. I'm disgusted with the whole thing and the likes of Cameron, Obama, Sarkozy and Hilary Clinton should be ashamed of themselves. At the end of the day I don't think that taking him alive was even considered. If he had faced a trial, by the end of it, he would not have been the only leader on trial. The NATO governments will sleep easy tonight. Terrorists rule the west and we must fight to get rid of each and every one of them.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

More complete nonsense from the tories.

I was watching BBC's breakfast news this morning and I heard, in my opinion, the biggest load of rubbish that I've heard for quite a while. They were talking about the state of Britain's housing market and how, at the moment thousands of adults are having to live with their parents because they can't afford to get on to the property ladder. An idea was proposed in which couples or even individuals would be "encouraged" to give up their houses if they were adjudged to be to big for them. In other words older people who have bought and paid for their houses are going to be emotionally blackmailed to sell their houses to let younger people buy them. Is this the start of forcing people who have often struggled to keep up with hugely inflated mortgage payments for twenty five years and more to move to inferior housing. This all started with Thatcher, who came up with the "Right to Buy" scheme, which was a good thing, as far as it went. The big mistake was that little or no replacement housing was built to provide affordable housing for people who didn't earn enough to buy houses, and so the housing boom was born. Older people are now about to be forced to work longer for reduced pensions, and now they are to be made to feel guilty because they are living in houses that are deemed too big for them. The proposal is to offer tax breaks to entice them to move. Stuff them. The government should cough up and build the affordable housing that is clearly needed.
I went to the Occupy Glasgow demo' on Saturday. The turn out was slightly disappointing but, from small acorns etc. It was a good day out and I met and talked to a lot of interesting people. The Police took a back seat and it passed with no incidents whatsoever. They are still there in George Square and look like staying for a while yet. I hope to be paying frequent visits and dropping off some much needed supplies. Donations of food, money, blankets, sleeping bags etc. will be gratefully accepted.
That's about all for the time being. I will be keeping a weathered eye on news of the Greek general strike today, which I hope passes peacefully. Bye for now.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Underwear Bomber and the demonstration in Glasgow on Saturday.

I couldn't let the underwear bomber's change of heart go without a comment.
Yesterday morning I watched an interview on the infowars youtube channel by Alex Jones and Kurt Haskell. Kurt Haskell, if anyone doesn't know is the passenger on the plane that the underwear bomber was trying to blow up. In the interview, he had told Alex Jones that he had been contacted by the bomber's legal advisor, I think on Monday the 10th Oct. to tell him that he was going to be called as a witness for the defence. Don't forget that Mr. Haskell observed the bomber being escorted on to the plane by what is described as the sharp dressed man. He possessed no passport, visa, or even a ticket, but he was ushered on without having to go through security or even a customs check. Mr. Haskell has a blog on which are a number of entries dedicated to this case.  The bomber has insisted that he was not guilty of anything up until now. It is only now, just after informing Mr. Haskell that he was going to be his only witness that he, all of a sudden announces a change of plea to guilty. I don't know about anyone else, but this smells somewhat. Could it be that he has been got at, made an offer he couldn't refuse, or something similar? Of course he has. The upside to this, is that Kurt Haskell, who is a lawyer, is going to file a civil suit with a view to getting to the truth. He is hoping that the preliminaries will be commenced before the turn of the year. He fears, however, that it might not even come to court. One excuse could be that it would be detrimental to national security if the truth came out. Whatever happens, I imagine that this case has a while to run yet.
On Saturday, a demonstration is scheduled to take place in Glasgow city center, George Square to be precise, at 11 O'clock. I will be attending and I urge everyone to attend also. I think it is connected to the "Occupy" demonstrations throughout the world. If you are there and you recognise me, come over and say hi.
That's all for now.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Financial meltdown

The bank of England has just announced it's latest weapon in the fight for financial stability. Is it a new weapon? NO, it is back to quantitative easing, ie. printing money. On what is this money valued? Your guess is as good as mine. I see more inflation and a return(it never ended) to recession.
It turns out that the e-mail I received last week about what is going on in Libya was quite accurate. The desert tribes are now starting to fight on the side of Qaddafi and have been successful in recent engagements. Tripoli, it seems is still not under the control of the rebels, or rats as the pro Qaddafi forces are calling them. It will be interesting to see what the mainstream media report. News items on Libya are very few and far between now.
Well done to Russia and China for vetoing the US and UK's latest attempt to become more hands on in the ongoing Syrian crisis. I will watch with interest what transpires out of the further discussions that are taking place as we speak.
We have a fledgling "Occupy" movement starting in the UK.  The website has info on branches in various places throughout the UK.
On the back of the last item, I feel I have to say the following. I am a proud Scot, and I am an avid supporter of the SNP and what they stand for. Our independence from westminster, but, in view of the current state of the whole country, I feel that we in the UK should be standing together to fight the tyranny that is threatening to engulf us all. We can worry about borders and whose oil it is at a later date. The people of the USA are waking up rapidly and we should be voicing our support for their struggle because their struggle is no different from ours. The "Occupy" movement is spreading to other countries, but the mainstream media are telling lies about who controls it. They are saying that it is run by communists, fascists, hippies, neocons, the tea party etc. They are only trying to scaremonger because they, and the elite who control them are terrified of what is happening. The people of the world are waking up to the agenda of the NWO ie. one world government, one currency, big brother watching everyone, total control of the internet and information in general. This must be fought because their ultimate aim is population reduction or to give it it's sanitised name, eugenics. If you don't believe me, then research the term, and also "useless eaters" You will be amazed and hopefully angry at what turns up.
That's all I have for the time being.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Miscellaneous Items.

One or two things caught my attention in the last few days. I will start with a criticism of  the Sunday broadsheet, Scotland on Sunday, which I read every week. It has seriously blotted it's copybook, in my opinion, by the omission in it's article on the upcoming US presidential campaign, written by Matt Williams in New York, of any mention of Ron Paul. This man has been in the top two or three of just about every poll relating to the republican nomination for president. To be fair, it is not alone in ignoring Ron Paul. The mainstream media in general have to a large extent, ignored him also. Well, ignore him at your peril. If I lived in the US, I would be voting for him.
Next on the agenda is the continuing occupy wall street protest. It is still being ignored by the likes of the BBC, even though there are rumors of a similar style protest being organised in this country. Watch this space.
The row in the Scottish Conservative Party is providing a little light relief from the economic debacle. Murdo Fraser wants to form a new party here in Scotland. I wonder if he is trying to get prepared for our possible independence. Does he know something we don't?  As far as Labour are concerned, Miliband couldn't even remember all three names of the candidates for  Scottish Labour's leadership election. Says it all really.
The assassination of Anwar Al Awlaki in Yemen has opened a real can of worms in the US. The killing of an American citizen by Obama, he signed the order, without going through due process of law, is causing a storm in the alternative, and even some of the mainstream media. He has set a dangerous precedent, and it is even rumoured that the CIA have compiled a hit list of people earmarked for the same treatment, a lot of them, US citizens.
Staying with the US, there are rumblings from certain sources that have outlined the scenario of next years elections being cancelled due to, either the continuing economic crisis or even a proposed terrorist attack (false flag) One to follow.
Ever since it was leaked that google were keeping a database of everyone's online activity, and selling the information to marketing companies, I have seen my spam folder bulging at the seams. It is an absolute disgrace and should be stopped. Who else are they giving the info to? MI5/6 the CIA?
That's all for now.

Friday, 30 September 2011

BBC News, Or, Lack Of News

The BBC have reached a new low in their lack of coverage of issues that we should know about. Anyone who relies on the BBC for their news will be quite unaware that over in New York City there is a huge protest going on. It is called "Occupy Wall Street" and hundreds, if not thousands of concerned people are taking part in it. The NYPD have not covered themselves in glory in their policing of the protest. There have been instances of women being herded into a taped off area and then indiscriminately spraying mace directly into their faces. Why? you may ask. No explanations have been forthcoming from New York's finest. There have also been numerous arrests, which have been carried out with maximum force. I have seen absolutely nothing on the BBC relating to any of this.
Libya is another ongoing story that has received scant attention for the last fortnight. This lack of coverage would lead you to think that the rebellion had ended. On the contrary, Gaddafi's forces are still holding on in numerous parts of Libya. There has been reports that a group of rebels confronted a family and asked for their names. Unfortunately, their name was Qaddafi, no relation, and they were all butchered on the spot. Was this covered by the BBC? No.
I watched question time last night, expecting to hear about events world wide. For twenty minutes of an hour long programme, the proposed rise in the UK speed limit took center stage. Pathetic. The trader who was interviewed the other night was mentioned and ridiculed for telling the truth. He had the downright cheek to say that traders don't care about what happens to our money when they go about their business. They just care about making money for themselves and their companies. If he had said that the Bank Of England ruled the world, instead of what he did say, that Goldman Sachs ruled the world, he probably would have been applauded by the pathetic bunch of weasels that the BBC had assembled as the panel.
To say that the BBC have not covered themselves in glory this past few days is a bit of an understatement. Now, if I want to see real news, I watch RT, Al Jazeera or the alternative media on the internet. They still have their agendas, but, it's a bit more balanced.
Till next time.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Cowardly Obama, Stupid Clegg, Criminal "Johnson & Johnson, Depraved Sky News.

I will start with "Cowardly Obama." The UN will vote on whether to ratify the formation of a sovereign Palestinian state on Friday. The vote will almost certainly pass in the assembly, but, and this is a big but, it will fail when it reaches the security council. The reason it will fail is, that the good old US of A will use their right of veto, and so the resolution will fail. Don't get me wrong, the use of the veto will have been used because Obama will tell the US ambassador to the UN exactly what he has been told to tell him by the people who own him, ie the military industrial complex which is in turn ruled by the global elite, NWO, Illuminati, the mega bankers, call them what you will.
The hope of the elite is that the failure will ignite trouble in the middle east and send orders for weapons soaring. The trouble could then spread to the wider middle east and a whole new ball game would ensue. I am hopeful, however that the long suffering Palestinian people will show restraint and keep up the diplomatic pressure on the UN. They could also hold talks with their Arab neighbours and get them, individually to recognise Palestine as a sovereign state, after all, it worked in Libya. The UK and the French recognised the rebels as the legitimate government before the UN did. I am confidant that it will all work out peacefully in the most part. There will be hiccups, but there always are.
Nick Clegg has come out and said that the economy is the biggest challenge. Not for him it isn't. Regaining credibility for his party is his biggest problem. At the moment they have little or none.
The Sky News headline reminded me that they once had a connection to the disgraced and thankfully no more, NOTW." UK  Launch Of Lockerbie Bombers Cancer Drug" is stupid, at best and a total insult to the cancer researchers who discovered it, at worst. For Johnson & Johnson to charge £3,000 for it is a complete disgrace. These massive Pharma companies should be nationalised and their profits plowed back into medical research instead of going straight into executives and shareholders pockets.
That is all for now. Friday is going to be a big day. I hope I am wrong and The vote passes in the UN without a hitch.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Rupert Murdoch bribes society.

Rupert Murdoch has announced that he has agreed to pay £2 million to the family of Milly Dowler and also a donation of £1 million to charity. In effect he has successfully bribed his way to freedom. When and if he ends up in court for knowing exactly what went on at the NOTW, his lawyer will cite the fact that he has made these payments in the hope that the judge will look favourably on him and give him a lighter sentence that he would have received. Hopefully, the judge will see through this smokescreen and throw the book at him and his idiot of a son. I have read a few articles that imply that Murdoch has links to Mossad and also that he is in fact a citizen of Israel. Whether this can be substantiated is a matter of some debate. The fact that the allegation has been made means that even more thorough investigations will have to be carried out. I await the outcome with some interest.

Liar Liar Pants On Fire, Banks, Palestine.

The main part of this post deals yet again with a Tony Blair Lie. When Blair last visited Libya for talks with Qaddafi, it was reported that there was no mention of the then proposed freeing of  Megrahi, the convicted (unjustly in my opinion) Lockerbie bomber. Blair, when asked if he had discussed Megrahi, he said that it was not discussed. It turns out that Qaddafi was meticulous at keeping records of his meetings with foreign heads of government, and the rebels found papers that specifically mentioned that, not only did they talk about Megrahi, they talked at some length about him. Yet again, Tony has been found out. He is an habitual liar and I am quite convinced that details of more lies will come out in the future.
I see the euro-zone bigwigs have come out with a plan to get the banks lending again. The plan is to raise a tax to give to the banks, who will then lend it back out, at interest to the very people who have to pay the aforementioned tax. They want us involved in it, but hopefully Cameron will tell them to get stuffed. I'm not holding my breath.
Friday sees the vote in the UN to ratify the founding of a Palestinian state. Long overdue, in my opinion. However, the USA look like they will veto the proposal, which will further alienate them from the Arab world. Benjamin Netanyahu has proposed direct peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian leaders." Too late Ben, it is being taken out of your hands." The time for talks was decades ago. Hopefully, common sense will prevail and the Palestinians will have their own country and real peace talks can get under way.

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Stupid politicians

I have just finished watching one of Alex Jones's recent videos and one of the topics he mentioned was a website started by Obama and his staff. It is called attack watch, and is the most ridiculous site I have  visited for a while. It encourages individuals to report people who try to smear Obama. You can give their name, address, phone no. if you know it. What action will then be taken by the smear police is unclear. It is, along with the report that the TSA have been caught asking for money not to pat you down, a reminder of how far society has travelled down the road of tyranny. I also posted a wee video about it on my youtube channel.
I was reading the comments section of the yahoo news article about the unions decision to hold a series of strikes in protest against the proposed pension cuts. The amount of selfish people who were calling for the unions to be banned from striking was sickening. Don't people realise that it is not just union members pensions that will be cut, it is everyones pension that will be cut. The first one day strike is on the 30th Nov. and I urge everyone in whatever city they live to get out and join this protest. Don't forget that employers cannot penalise anyone for refusing to cross a picket line. You will not lose your job.
This is the real beginning of the fightback against the criminal bankers and politicians who got us into this mess and if we stick together in peaceful protest, we will prevail. The New World Order elite will fail spectacularly, then we can get on with our lives in peace.
I have to say that sometimes researching all this bad news really gets me down, but I realise that it is something that has to be told and hopefully people will listen.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

911 anniversary

There have been a myriad of articles written and TV documentaries aired recently about 911 and depending who writes or films them, determines the quality of the  information put forward. Mainstream media and press without exception, stick to the official story laid out in the 911 commission report. The alternative media and press also give out the official line, but then put forward alternative information, mostly meticulously researched and written. I for one tend to believe one tenth the official story and nine tenths alternative. I'm not going to put forward my reasons for not believing the official story completely because the information is readily available online and any individual who is interested can research it for themselves. I wish the reporters for the mainstream media would do some research for themselves and realise that officialdom do not have all the answers. The BBC are really guilty of toeing the line. A couple of weeks ago when the Libyan rebels entered Tripoli, the breakfast telly brigade showed film that they said was from Green Square,now Martyr Square in Tripoli. What they actually showed were people in India celebrating something, what, I don't know. The reason I know they were Indians is that they were waving Indian flags. The colours in Indian flags are nothing like Libyan flags, so this was not just a mix up. The BBC blatantly tried to fool the public with a ridiculously inept piece of journalism. The fact that very few people spotted it right away shows how indifferent a large portion of the UK public are to what they are actually watching. The reporters said that it was Tripoli and most people believed it. It is time that everyone in this country paid attention to what they are being told by the mainstream media, because the way the world is going now, a hell of a lot of what is happening in the world directly affects us all here. The way we live our lives is being threatened on a daily basis and we better get wise to it or we won't have any freedom whatsoever. Wake up and take notice, or face the consequences.

Wednesday, 31 August 2011


The continuing butchery in Libya should be a concern of everyone who lives under the banner of NATO. While the city of Sirte is being bombed by NATO, the rebels are preventing any person, be it man, woman, or child from leaving. I read this in Steve Lendmans blog and I researched it myself. This is genocide, pure and simple. In the rest of Libya, rebel gangs are going round killing black Africans as they find them, a fact completely ignored by the BBC and all other mainstream propaganda outlets. The pictures coming out of Tripoli show people celebrating their newly won freedom. Well, I have some news for them, and it's all bad. They lost whatever freedoms they ever had when they invited NATO in to help them. NATO has systematically destroyed every bit of infrastructure they had, and who is going to go in and repair it? Yes you guessed it, the same western multinational companies that gave NATO their target list. The globalists will charge exorbitant prices for the repairs and when the new Libyan government say they can't pay, the IMF will be invited in to lend them the money at hugely inflated interest rates. The interest payments will be made for a few months and then Libya will default and they will be told that the NATO backed multinationals will take their oil and any mineral resources they have in lieu of payment. When the oil runs out, the west will leave and Libya will revert to being an impoverished third world country up to their ears in debt. And nobody lived happily ever after. Yes, that is what the Libyan people signed up to when they invited the UNs paramilitary wing in to help them gain their freedom.

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Wasting Police Time

Essex police have arrested a 20yo man for trying to organise a water fight, yes, a water fight. He was using facebook and his blackberry to arrange this violent and anarchic event and so had to be arrested. (my words) If ever police time was wasted, this was it and the arresting officers should be charged with it.                           Another item worth a mention is that Shell are revising upword, their estimate of how much oil has flooded, sorry, leaked into the north sea off the Aberdeenshire coast. BP on the other hand have informed the authorities that the oil leak in the gulf has started up again and they have hired a number of shrimp boats to place a boom around it.                                                                                                                                                      Now we come to Mervyn Kings policy of QE and the fact that the only people this policy has helped, is of course, the rich. Since the inception of QE, wages have fallen and profits have risen substantially. Need I say more. Still on financial issues, Osbourne and Clegg have teamed up to let Vodafone escape a two billion pound tax bill. YES A TWO BILLION POUND TAX BILL. I predict a peaceful demonstration. hang on a minute, that wasn't the title of a Kaiser Chiefs song.                                                                                                         Till next time. Unless I'm arrested for calling the law an ass.


Monday, 11 July 2011


I've been neglecting my blogs of late, so time for another post. I'm getting sick and tired of our elected representatives dancing round the subject of that criminal Murdoch's proposed takeover of Sky. There is nothing to consider. The takeover should have already been consigned to the dustbin. He is not fit to run anything. He presides over a sleazy empire of false, censored news channels, ie Fox, and newspapers, ie NOTW, sorry, no longer relevant, but the sun, yet another sleazy rag that has long since ceased to be relevant and should have been shut down years ago. Murdoch should be told that if his publications won't report the news fairly, then they should not be reporting the news at all.
Rant over.

Thursday, 26 May 2011


I found this picture on Jim Wests blog and I thought, I'm not with Israel. So what does that make me?
Well, I haven't shot, bombed or even punched anyone lately. Logically, that means the people who printed this flyer are STUPID. I would say more, but that might make me a T-------T.

Tuesday, 24 May 2011


Reported in the Times of India on May 5th. The Indian army are practicing a "blitzkrieg" type attack for use in the event that war breaks out with Pakistan. China has gifted Pakistan at least five state of the art fighter jets, probably in return for the offer of a deep water port for use by the Chinese.
Personally, I can't blame the Pakistan government for looking to China for help against US and UK aggression.
We are heading towards a precipice and we don't seem to realise how serious this is.
WAKE UP and smell the danger.

Friday, 20 May 2011


Globalists beware. We the people are coming after you. There is no hiding place.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

World Crisis

This world is in one hell of a mess, and to a certain extent it is we, the people's fault. The fact that we, the people in the NATO, and other countries, have voted into power, a bunch of incompetent people who call themselves politicians. OK, I know that the likes of Cameron, Obama, Sarkozy and Merkel are not really in charge. I realise that they are only doing the bidding of the major banks of the world and the IMF. The oil companies have a part to play as well, but it's the banks who rule the roost. The point I'm trying to make however is that we should have woken up by now and done something about it. Protests are starting to take place and the alternative news media are informing people of the corruption rife in this country and in many others. Do the research yourselves and write,e-mail and phone your local MP and councillor.
This is not a religious blog, but I thought that this verse from the Gospel of Thomas (I know it is apocryphal) was appropriate to what I am on about.
"Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled he will be astonished, and he will rule over all."
Please wake up before it is too late.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Good or Bad

The news that Donald Trump(et) has announced that he will not be seeking the republican nomination to run for president is good news for most people. He said he wants to concentrate on his tv show celebrity apprentice. Not much of a difference between that show and a presidential election. He could always finish trying to forcebly evict the residents on the land near Aberdeen that he wants to build "The worlds greatest golf course" on. His words, not mine. The man is a parasite and the ONLY reason he has withdrawn from the race is that he had NO chance of beating Ron Paul for the nomination. He is a coward. The only people who will be dissappointed will be stand up commedians who would have been kept in matierial for years. His hair alone is worth an hour of fun anyway. At least the good people of the USA can now get stuck into what bothers them most. Loss of freedom, rising prices, a lying,cheating president, a complete governmental lack of respect for the constitution and bill of rights. Choose freedom America.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011


We here in the UK and also all the other member states of NATO should be thoroughly ashamed of our governments for letting this happen. We are allegedly there to PROTECT civilians and yet a boatload of 600 were knowingly left to die. This was a CRIME and those responsible must be brought to justice. Write, e-mail, your respective governments and voice your anger at what has happened. Maybe the "JUSTICE" meeted out to Bin Laden" allegedly, is called for.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011


I can't believe how easily the people of this country are taken in by this bin laden rubbish. It defies all logic that, without any credible evidence, most people just take Obama's word for it. Conveniently his body was buried at sea, and as for the photo, well, that is just laughable. There is evidence to suggest that bin laden died in 2002. To view the truth go to and there you will be able to read all about this hoax. Enlighten yourselves, and also do your own research.

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Waste Of Space

This is a rant about a blight on our society. It's a section of our society that is totally obsessed by this cult of celebrity. It is quite a sizeable section that includes magazine editors,journalists? papperrazi, and a whole host of meaningless individuals (the people who buy the magazines) The "celebrities" themselves are some of the most ignorant (Paris Hilton, Jordan etc.) stupid ( peter andre, kerry katona) and down right pains in the arse (russell brand, johnathon ross) It is this obsession with these ridiculous people that is stopping us waking up to the pathetic state of our country. We are being ground down by a government that do not care that we are slowly sinking into the bottomless pit of a economic depression.
PLEASE PLEASE stop this constant bombardment of celebrity gossip and concentrate on real issues that actually mean something.

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

BBC reports that the UK has sent ten army officers into Libya to "liaise" with the rebels. William Hague said that they were not there to train or fight with the rebels. He must think we are all totally stupid.
Could this be a prelude to invasion? We wait with interest.

Sleeping With The Enemy

The title of the blog entry in the Financial Times Westminster Blog by Jim Pickard on March 29th read, "Our New Allies Eastern Libya and Al Qaeda. It turns out that  the NATO supreme allied commander in Europe said that there had been flickers of intel' indicating the pressence of Al Qaeda and Hezbollah in eastern Libya. The Conserative peer, Baroness Warsi said on Sky that it was very concerning. Strange that we have not heard a thing from our illustrious PM about this matter. We just carry on as allies with our supposed worst enemies. If NATO think that Al Qaeda will just walk away when this war eventually ends, then I think they are in for one huge dissappointment.

Friday, 15 April 2011


I don't think I have to say much about this video. It speaks for itself. GREAT Britain, I DON'T THINK SO.
We should be ashamed. Our empire was the same as every other empire that ever existed, EVIL.
Enough said.


This is a new blog and it will be different to my other one. This will be for having a rant at the system, the government, no matter which party is in power.
I'm against our involvement in Iraq, Afghanistan,Lybia, and basically anywhere we are trying to manipulate to our deluded way of thinking. I used to be pro EU, but now after reading into it a lot, I'm not so sure about it. As someone once said (Groucho Marx) I would not want to be a member of a club that would have me in it. Anyway, that will do for now. Till next time.