Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Liar Liar Pants On Fire, Banks, Palestine.

The main part of this post deals yet again with a Tony Blair Lie. When Blair last visited Libya for talks with Qaddafi, it was reported that there was no mention of the then proposed freeing of  Megrahi, the convicted (unjustly in my opinion) Lockerbie bomber. Blair, when asked if he had discussed Megrahi, he said that it was not discussed. It turns out that Qaddafi was meticulous at keeping records of his meetings with foreign heads of government, and the rebels found papers that specifically mentioned that, not only did they talk about Megrahi, they talked at some length about him. Yet again, Tony has been found out. He is an habitual liar and I am quite convinced that details of more lies will come out in the future.
I see the euro-zone bigwigs have come out with a plan to get the banks lending again. The plan is to raise a tax to give to the banks, who will then lend it back out, at interest to the very people who have to pay the aforementioned tax. They want us involved in it, but hopefully Cameron will tell them to get stuffed. I'm not holding my breath.
Friday sees the vote in the UN to ratify the founding of a Palestinian state. Long overdue, in my opinion. However, the USA look like they will veto the proposal, which will further alienate them from the Arab world. Benjamin Netanyahu has proposed direct peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian leaders." Too late Ben, it is being taken out of your hands." The time for talks was decades ago. Hopefully, common sense will prevail and the Palestinians will have their own country and real peace talks can get under way.

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