Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight.

Today George Osborne, our beloved chancellor will give us his Autumn Statement. He will come up with billions of pounds for this project to stimulate the economy and hundreds of millions of pounds to boost jobs in this industry and that industry. Where is he getting the money to do all this? The answer is, out of thin air. He will let the Bank of England just print more money which in the end will just fuel inflation. The man hasn't got a clue how to get us out of this depression. Yes, you read it correctly, we are actually in a depression. The Tories are just waiting for the final collapse of the Euro zone and then they will blame them for the mess we are in. It is never their fault. It has been Labour's fault up until now, but the election was eighteen months ago, so that excuse is wearing a bit thin. Now, it is the fault of the Euro Zone. Tomorrow, the national strike takes place here in the UK. I hope every union member and also people who are not in a union will take part. The working people and also the unemployed need to stick together in this fight against the unnecessary cuts. The global elite under the guise of our government are after our pensions. This is only the first battle in the war. They are only after a small percentage of our pensions this time, but if they win this battle, the next one will be winner take all. Yes, they are after everything we have, pensions, both public and private, benefits, the whole lot. But we will be left with nothing, I hear you say. Correct, they don't care what happens to us. We don't matter to them. We are fleas on a dogs back to them. The fight will get nasty in the near future, we will suffer, but if we stick together we will triumph in the end. The key is sticking together. Don't be fooled by what you hear on the mainstream media. They are government propaganda agents. Josef Goebbels would be proud of the BBC and Sky etc. Research information for yourselves, and find out what is really going on in the world. As they say, "The Truth Is Out There" find it and it will set you free.
I will be attending the march and rally here in Glasgow tomorrow and I will be posting a review of how it all went.

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