This world is in one hell of a mess, and to a certain extent it is we, the people's fault. The fact that we, the people in the NATO, and other countries, have voted into power, a bunch of incompetent people who call themselves politicians. OK, I know that the likes of Cameron, Obama, Sarkozy and Merkel are not really in charge. I realise that they are only doing the bidding of the major banks of the world and the IMF. The oil companies have a part to play as well, but it's the banks who rule the roost. The point I'm trying to make however is that we should have woken up by now and done something about it. Protests are starting to take place and the alternative news media are informing people of the corruption rife in this country and in many others. Do the research yourselves and write,e-mail and phone your local MP and councillor.
This is not a religious blog, but I thought that this verse from the Gospel of Thomas (I know it is apocryphal) was appropriate to what I am on about.
"Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled he will be astonished, and he will rule over all."
Please wake up before it is too late.
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