Tuesday, 22 November 2011


Today in the UK we think we live in a democracy. we don't. We actually live in a cleptocracy. A society run by thieves, for the benefit of thieves. For instance, Phillip Green of Vodafone, Topshop, BHS etc. Since the ConDem mafia have been in power, he has paid zero tax. The fact that Green is a supporter of and donator to  Cameron, we shouldn't be shocked at this news, after all, to quote Cameron, "We're all in this together." I don't think anyone believes that statement anymore.
Today it was announced that top executives pay has risen by 4,000% since 1980. Now who was elected into power just the year before in 1979? Yes, you've guessed it, Thatcher and her Tory mafia. That led us to the greed is good era which is once again flourishing under Cameron. Don't get me wrong, Blair was just as much a part of the greed is good era as the Tories. The truth is, that in this country, we are not working to provide for our families. We are working so that the rich get richer and we just survive. I have read a lot of articles and comments saying that we should be doing what the Egyptians, Libyans Tunisians are and have done. In my opinion we should not be following their lead. For instance, in Syria, we are led to believe that the Syrian army is implementing a barbaric crackdown on peaceful demonstrators. That is what the BBC, Sky, Fox, CNN, Al Jazera would have you believe. If that is the case, then how come their have been up to 300 soldiers killed since the trouble started. I watched an interview on RT yesterday with the political analyst Webster Tarpley who was actually in Damascas. He has been talking to the people and a lot of them are saying that the demonstrators are being infiltrated by foreign fighters from the likes of Libya and Afghanistan who are there to stir up trouble. To get back to my original point which is that we should only engage in non violent protest about the state of our country. The police have been caught sending undercover agitators to demonstrations with the precise instructions to incite violence. This must be highlighted and exposed by ourselves, because the governments propaganda arm, otherwise known as the BBC will not.
I'e rambled on enough. Till next time.

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