Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Sky News Ad.

While watching TV last night, I saw an advert for Sky News. It was a female reporter who was supposed to be in Libya. The pictures of a young boy writhing about in pain on a stretcher was distressing, but, after the ad had ended, I thought to myself, "I didn't see any evidence of trauma or injuries or any blood anywhere. I waited for the next commercial break and on it came again. The reporter was being filmed outside in front of a wall which looked like any other wall you would have seen anywhere. There were no marks or bullet holes anywhere. The street was not littered with debris of any kind, in fact it was cleaner than the street outside my house. I watched carefully, the little boy and still couldn't find any evidence that he had been injured in any way. Another thing about the reporter was that she was not wearing any body armour whatsoever. Every reporter I have seen in Libya has been well protected with a helmet and body armour.
I have been hearing regular accusations towards the BBC and Sky that some of their news reports have been staged and have not come from the places they were supposed to come from. My opinion of the commercial is that it is a totally staged event. I personally do not trust the mainstream media. I, in fact always do my own research on most of the important news stories, and make my own mind up about them. I urge you all to do the same. Question everything.

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