Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Incompetant Theresa May, Cashless Society, FEMA, EAS Test

Morning all. First on the agenda is our illustrious home secretary, Theresa May, or may not, as the case may be. She is in fact not accepting any blame for the recent scandal to do with the UK Border Agency who said that pressure of work because they are under staffed led to over 100,000 migrants being admitted into the country with no record of who they were or why they were coming in. The fact that Theresa May had relaxed border controls, according to her, had nothing to do with her. The head of the border agency resigned yesterday but May was refusing to take any blame whatsoever. She blamed the last Labour government (of course) who lost power eighteen months ago. How long will the tories be in power for before something is actually their fault? Clegg has not uttered a dicky bird about it. Par for the course for the Lib Dems.
Last month the state of Louisiana banned the use of cash to buy second hand goods. The reason being, that it would make the sale of stolen goods easier to track. Yes, I can smell the bull as well. Now, here in the UK, the government are trying to make the buying of scrap metal with cash illegal. Yes, you've guessed it. To make the tracking of stolen scrap easier to track. Is this the first tiptoes towards what the NWO want. A cashless society. Time will tell.
Today at 2PM EST in the USA, FEMA will be testing the EAS. Emergency Alert System. All media will be shut down and a message broadcast. I don't know if it will affect the internet but I wouldn't be surprised. There are already rumours that the US government have developed a "kill switch" which would be used in time of national emergency. If everyone thinks this is a minor issue, the US are putting into place street lighting poles, or as we call them, lampposts fitted with cameras, microphones and recievers. Orwellian or what. I bet Cameron is watching with interest.
Well that is all for now.

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