We are constantly reading in newspapers and hearing in news reports that the British police forces are constantly receiving more powers, especially when it concerns protests. The latest police brutality crimes are being carried out at the various protests around the country against the proposed fracking sites. Also, even run of the mill protests, and I specifically mean in my home city of Glasgow. All protests are being treated as a major threat to public order and policemen and women are appearing in riot gear and in some cases armed. The amount of surveillance cameras in Glasgow city centre is Orwellian in the extreme. The normal policeman on the beat looks at you as if you are about to pull a gun out and shoot him. My point is that our police forces now seem to have the feeling that everyone is a potential criminal and they would rather, to use a western movie analogy, "shoot first, and ask questions later." At some point in this downward spiral towards total police control something will have to give. I don't see the authorities relaxing their policies any time soon, so that leaves the ordinary citizen. Knowing the Glasgow mentality, and it is normally quite a relaxed and easy going mentality, they will eventually be pushed too far and then watch the shit hit the fan. It won't be pretty and it won't be peaceful. The one thing that could avert this catastrophe could be a yes vote in next years referendum. First of all I am not using the threat of a no vote to stir up trouble, I am using the yes vote to make the point that with a yes vote, Scotland should be free of ever having a Conservative government that rules us from Westminster and therefore a more relaxed relationship with authority and everyone working together to better all members of society.
I can hope. Till next time.
Tuesday, 17 December 2013
Wednesday, 4 September 2013
Syria, and Beyond.
The first thing I have to say about the conflict in Syria is, that it is not, and I repeat, not, a civil war. It is not even Syrian against Syrian. There are definitely Syrian nationals fighting on both sides but, it is not a civil war. On the rebel side, there are Libyans, Pakistani Taliban, Iraqi and Afghan fighters to name a few. One of the main factors is that on the whole, this a western sponsored proxy war, that is to say that the US CIA and UK MI6, Israel's Mossad and the Saudis are the main backers of the uprising. Syria and it's people mean nothing to the western powers, they are being used as pawns in a massive game of chess, the objective being, Iran and then comes the big confrontation. That big confrontation will be between the USA, Russia and China. It can be summed up in a "wild west" analogy. Instead of "this town isn't big enough for all of us" It's a case of "this planet isn't big enough for the three of us." Two of the three have to go and when it comes to the crunch, there is only one way this can go, WW3. Now. Two of the three could join forces and I don't see it being Russia and the US. China and the US could happen, they are already quite close economically but, it would be an alliance that would be shaky at best. China and Russia could probably be the most likely option because although the Russians have adopted democracy? Politically, they are still slightly similar. Anyway, that is jumping the gun so to speak. My point is that although the Syrian crisis is the focus of the worlds attention at the moment, it is but a stepping stone to a more serious crisis in the not to distant future. I watch with interest.
Till next time.
Looking back to what I wrote last year. I have to say that the "crisis" I saw was not the Crimea, Ukraine. I didn't think that the EU and USA would make such a large jump forward to direct confrontation with Russia. There must be some poker players in the EU/US military, although in this case, they seem to have overplayed their hand. With Russia already having military bases in Crimea, stand by for them to be enlarged and substantially reinforced in the near future. Putin has promised total equality to all the ethnic groups within the Crimea. Time will tell whether his promises will be kept. Interesting times to come.
Till next time.
Till next time.
Looking back to what I wrote last year. I have to say that the "crisis" I saw was not the Crimea, Ukraine. I didn't think that the EU and USA would make such a large jump forward to direct confrontation with Russia. There must be some poker players in the EU/US military, although in this case, they seem to have overplayed their hand. With Russia already having military bases in Crimea, stand by for them to be enlarged and substantially reinforced in the near future. Putin has promised total equality to all the ethnic groups within the Crimea. Time will tell whether his promises will be kept. Interesting times to come.
Till next time.
Wednesday, 21 August 2013
The Real Plan of the UK Government.
People are a funny lot, and by that, I don't mean in a joking sense. I mean a negative sense. The vast majority of the UK population actually still believe that our elected politicians are looking after our best interests. In actual fact, they are doing the exact opposite. Next, the aforementioned population actually believe that when they vote in elections for a change of government, that their vote means something and there is a change for the better. There isn't any change in the policy of a particular party in government. All parties are interchangeable, they are one and the same. The right to vote is meaningless, it changes nothing and mostly, things get a whole lot worse.
The UK's present government has a plan and contrary to public opinion, it is working perfectly. The public are being hoodwinked into believing that the plan is failing. The mandate of a government is to govern fairly and in accordance with the law of the land and common law. In other words, they are supposed to be looking after our interests. This government and also past governments were patently failing to do their duty. This country is degenerating into a state of have and have not population. The haves will eventually have everything, and the have nots will have nothing. The 90 odd percent are being deliberately, yes, I mean deliberately, impoverished and the elite are being enriched with tax payers money. Yes again I mean the government are taking our money raised in tax and are giving it to their corporate masters. Thousands of families in this country have been forced to rely on food banks. This is a country that is a member of the top eight wealthiest countries on the planet and food banks are springing up in every town and city in the country. Our health care is being covertly sold off to the highest bidder, as is our education facilities. I could go on and on but, I don't think I need to. My warning is that this has already been rolled out in the USA and is coming to a country near you soon. All you have to do is research the term UN Agenda 21.
Till next time.
The UK's present government has a plan and contrary to public opinion, it is working perfectly. The public are being hoodwinked into believing that the plan is failing. The mandate of a government is to govern fairly and in accordance with the law of the land and common law. In other words, they are supposed to be looking after our interests. This government and also past governments were patently failing to do their duty. This country is degenerating into a state of have and have not population. The haves will eventually have everything, and the have nots will have nothing. The 90 odd percent are being deliberately, yes, I mean deliberately, impoverished and the elite are being enriched with tax payers money. Yes again I mean the government are taking our money raised in tax and are giving it to their corporate masters. Thousands of families in this country have been forced to rely on food banks. This is a country that is a member of the top eight wealthiest countries on the planet and food banks are springing up in every town and city in the country. Our health care is being covertly sold off to the highest bidder, as is our education facilities. I could go on and on but, I don't think I need to. My warning is that this has already been rolled out in the USA and is coming to a country near you soon. All you have to do is research the term UN Agenda 21.
Till next time.
Friday, 2 August 2013
Fracking. The Pros and Cons. There Really is no Pros.
Fracking. The extraction of shale gas from dense geological strata. This has at last reared it's ugly head in the UK. A company called Cuadrilla are at present trying to open numerous wells to get to potentially valuable pockets of shale gas. Previously, they drilled two test wells on the Fylde peninsula near Blackpool in the north west of England. Both test drills caused minor earthquakes. The first was only about 1.5 on the Richter scale, the other was about 2.4 and it caused minor structural damage. Needless to say, the public started to take notice of this practise and uncovered some rather negative points about the whole business of farcking. The first was that the procedure uses millions of tons of fresh water and once the water has been used, it is contaminated to such an extent that it cannot be used for human consumption. Also, it was discovered that the process releases methane gas into the atmosphere. The fact that it is colourless and odourless means that the general public cannot tell when they are breathing it in. It causes serious neurological problems for anyone exposed to it. The soil around the drill sites is also contaminated to the point of being useless for growing anything. People in Queensland Australia have found out to their cost what fracking brings to their communities. The loss of all fresh water and severe illness being just two of the negatives. Plummeting property prices being another. Would you want to live near a fracking site? The only benefit I can see are the huge profits for the various companies involved. They come, drill and then leave a virtually uninhabitable wasteland.
The company involved in the UK, Cuadrilla has a managing director called Lord John Browne. Tony Blair made him a lord when he worked for BP. He is now an adviser on business ethics for David Cameron and he has a seat in the cabinet. He is completely unelected and yet he sits at the highest table of government. It's the ethics part of his remit that bothers me. First of all, when was there ever any ethics in business? The other thing about him is that when he took charge of BP, he had a mantra that he spouted at every opportunity, it was "profit above ALL else." As soon as he took over the reins of BP, standards started to slip. Maintenance budgets were drastically cut and accidents started happening. Accidents like spillages and machinery breakdowns, however, profits rocketed and that made it all right. I highlighted his past to emphasise the point that surely his sitting in the Tory cabinet is a conflict of interest with his main job with Cuadrilla? This corruption at the highest level.
There is a little town in Sussex England called Balcome that is the first battle being fought to rid the country of this disgusting practise. There are hundreds of demonstrators, many of them camping out at the entrance to the proposed fracking site. The local police have arrested numerous demonstrators for so called minor offences and they are using strong arm tactics to do it. I think that the government and Cuadrilla realise that if they lose this battle, they will lose the war, and it is a war. Public opinion is 80% plus against fracking and growing. This story will run for a good while yet and I will post any updates.
Till next time.
The company involved in the UK, Cuadrilla has a managing director called Lord John Browne. Tony Blair made him a lord when he worked for BP. He is now an adviser on business ethics for David Cameron and he has a seat in the cabinet. He is completely unelected and yet he sits at the highest table of government. It's the ethics part of his remit that bothers me. First of all, when was there ever any ethics in business? The other thing about him is that when he took charge of BP, he had a mantra that he spouted at every opportunity, it was "profit above ALL else." As soon as he took over the reins of BP, standards started to slip. Maintenance budgets were drastically cut and accidents started happening. Accidents like spillages and machinery breakdowns, however, profits rocketed and that made it all right. I highlighted his past to emphasise the point that surely his sitting in the Tory cabinet is a conflict of interest with his main job with Cuadrilla? This corruption at the highest level.
There is a little town in Sussex England called Balcome that is the first battle being fought to rid the country of this disgusting practise. There are hundreds of demonstrators, many of them camping out at the entrance to the proposed fracking site. The local police have arrested numerous demonstrators for so called minor offences and they are using strong arm tactics to do it. I think that the government and Cuadrilla realise that if they lose this battle, they will lose the war, and it is a war. Public opinion is 80% plus against fracking and growing. This story will run for a good while yet and I will post any updates.
Till next time.
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
The UK's so called royal baby.
The news yesterday that the duchess of Cambridge had given birth to a baby boy left me indifferent at best and openly hostile at worst. There has been almost total coverage on BBC, Sky and ITV to the exclusion of every other news story on the planet. To say that the coverage has been over the top is, in my opinion, an understatement. The celebrity worshipping UK public have become hysterical in it's admiration for what is actually just another woman who has given birth. I am full of admiration for every woman, including my ex-wife who gave birth to our daughter in 1982, that gives birth. It's a little miracle. However, this birth is being celebrated as if it is the second coming of Christ. It isn't. It's a little boy who will be privileged beyond belief. He will want for nothing, get the best medical treatment our money can buy and be educated at the best schools and universities in the country. It's not his fault that he was born into such disgusting wealth, just an accident of birth.
My point is that while he will be fed the best food, 350,000 families in this country will have to rely on food banks. He will be kept warm throughout the coming winter while hundreds of pensioners will die because they are scared to turn their central heating up from fear they will be unable to pay the bill. The royal family received a £5,000,000 pay rise while public sector workers had to make do with a 1% pay rise. I have nothing against this little baby whatsoever but, this country's government needs to get it's priorities right.
They won't. I already know that, because Cameron is an elitist and he doesn't even bother to deny it now. The crunch is coming, and it will not be pretty. The housing bubble is being inflated again and it will be far worse when the bubble bursts this time. No bailouts, which will lead to hyperinflation and extreme poverty. Civil unrest on a grand scale is a certainty. It's a nightmare scenario and I see no way out.
This is my opinion and believe me, If I am proved completely wrong I will be delighted. I sincerely hope I am.
Till next time.
My point is that while he will be fed the best food, 350,000 families in this country will have to rely on food banks. He will be kept warm throughout the coming winter while hundreds of pensioners will die because they are scared to turn their central heating up from fear they will be unable to pay the bill. The royal family received a £5,000,000 pay rise while public sector workers had to make do with a 1% pay rise. I have nothing against this little baby whatsoever but, this country's government needs to get it's priorities right.
They won't. I already know that, because Cameron is an elitist and he doesn't even bother to deny it now. The crunch is coming, and it will not be pretty. The housing bubble is being inflated again and it will be far worse when the bubble bursts this time. No bailouts, which will lead to hyperinflation and extreme poverty. Civil unrest on a grand scale is a certainty. It's a nightmare scenario and I see no way out.
This is my opinion and believe me, If I am proved completely wrong I will be delighted. I sincerely hope I am.
Till next time.
Thursday, 11 July 2013
The Victorian Era is Called "The Good Old Days" I Don't think so. Not Much Better Today.
I have heard in the past from people, mainly elderly relatives that they were born in "The Good Old Days" and I seriously wonder if they truly believe it. The good old days lacked for instance, indoor sanitation, a national health service, union representation, holiday pay, sick pay. I could go on but those examples will do for starters. If we go right back to Victorian Britain, we would have experienced cholera, typhoid, tuberculosis, diphtheria, polio, to name a few killer illnesses. Housing was primitive to say the least, with large families living in two roomed and three roomed tenements with little or no sanitation or washing facilities. My great grandmother said that when she was a child, her and her brothers and sisters were bathed once a week in a galvanised metal bath with the eldest child first and the rest in order of age, in the same water because he mother and father could not afford to heat more water. Health care had to be paid for. You couldn't just turn up at a doctor's surgery and consult him for free. I think I have made the point that it wasn't a bed of roses living in the past. My point for bringing this up is the fact that our society is rapidly heading back into that bygone era. The austerity measures being used by our government are pushing our standard and cost of living back into the dark ages. Our health care system is being undermined by corrupt managers and MP's. There have been numerous cases of patient mistreatment and at Mid Stafford health trust, around 1,000 patients were found to have died unnecessary deaths due to poor levels of care. More and more health care services are being put out to private tender. Privatisation by the back door. There is virtually no chance of our children, once they grow up, of having access to affordable housing. The cost of food nowadays is forcing at the last count, at least 300,000 families to rely on food banks. I could go on and on but I think I have made my point. There will undoubtedly be more to follow on this subject.
Till next time.
Till next time.
Thursday, 6 June 2013
Mass graves from 1948 found in Jaffa. Israel
Mass graves from 1948 found in Jaffa
When is Israel going to be held to account for the crimes against humanity they have committed since the very founding of the country? It is disgraceful that the UN have been continually silent about Israeli violations of UN directives. Could it be a fear of the Jewish run Anti Defamation League who brand anyone critical of Israel, anti Semitic? Well, they can brand me anything they want because I will continue to criticise the Israeli government until they end the disgusting treatment of the Palestinian people.
Till next time.
When is Israel going to be held to account for the crimes against humanity they have committed since the very founding of the country? It is disgraceful that the UN have been continually silent about Israeli violations of UN directives. Could it be a fear of the Jewish run Anti Defamation League who brand anyone critical of Israel, anti Semitic? Well, they can brand me anything they want because I will continue to criticise the Israeli government until they end the disgusting treatment of the Palestinian people.
Till next time.
Wednesday, 29 May 2013
CIA Rendition Flights. Ex Head of MI5 U Turn. Draconian Child Care.
If people in the UK thought that the adverse publicity concerning CIA rendition (torture) flights landing at UK airports had persuaded the CIA to stop them, they were wrong. It turns out that they still occur at RAF Leuchars in Fife and also at Dundee airport. My question to Scotland's First Minister, Alex Salmond is, why is he tolerating it? People are being tortured on Scottish soil and Salmond is turning a blind eye. How much are they paying you?
Next on the agenda is the dramatic U turn of the ex head of Britain's MI5, Dame Stella Rimington. On the 16th February 2009 she was quoted in the Daily Telegraph saying that the UK's progress to becoming a police state was wrong and had to be fought. The Daily Mail have now quoted her on 28th May 2013 saying that the only way to combat terrorism in this country is to actually become a police state. She has obviously been got at and told to toe the official line. What will she say next?
Back to Scotland now. Paul Joseph Watson has written an article I read on the propagandamatrix website stating that it is the plan of the Scottish government to assign every newborn child born in Scotland, a "state minder" I will provide a link to the article. If anyone thinks that this is just a Scottish initiative they are wrong. This is just a pilot scheme to see if it works, and if so, it will be wheeled out everywhere.
Till next time.
The link I provided is dead but it can be read at Prison Planet website. Sorry about that.
Next on the agenda is the dramatic U turn of the ex head of Britain's MI5, Dame Stella Rimington. On the 16th February 2009 she was quoted in the Daily Telegraph saying that the UK's progress to becoming a police state was wrong and had to be fought. The Daily Mail have now quoted her on 28th May 2013 saying that the only way to combat terrorism in this country is to actually become a police state. She has obviously been got at and told to toe the official line. What will she say next?
Back to Scotland now. Paul Joseph Watson has written an article I read on the propagandamatrix website stating that it is the plan of the Scottish government to assign every newborn child born in Scotland, a "state minder" I will provide a link to the article. If anyone thinks that this is just a Scottish initiative they are wrong. This is just a pilot scheme to see if it works, and if so, it will be wheeled out everywhere.
Till next time.
The link I provided is dead but it can be read at Prison Planet website. Sorry about that.
Sunday, 19 May 2013
The EU. In or Out for the UK.
The war between the "in the EU" and the "out the EU" factions continues apace here in the UK. First of all, I am in the "out" camp, but, and this is a big but. The Conservative Party in this country have been seen as the party of the upper class and the well off sections of society. They have continuously denied it but it is definitely and undeniably true. Taking that into consideration, it is not surprising that when the "minimum wage" was introduced, the Conservatives were against it using the "business will suffer" argument. Didn't really make a difference because the Conservative government amended the tax laws to compensate. They were also against most of the rules and regulations to do with the European Court of Human Rights and workers rights because it made it difficult to get rid of so called "troublesome workers." My point is that if and when we vote to leave the EU, a Conservative government will ride roughshod over all the laws imposed by the ECHR. Minimum wage will go, workers rights will be drastically reduced and Trade Union law will make it virtually impossible to go on strike.
Being in the "out" camp, I have probably made a very good case for staying in the EU, but, my belief is that the EU, and Barrosso stated this last week, is headed for federalisation and this is far worse that anything the UK Conservatives could come up with. All of Europe governed from Brussels and no sovereignty for individual countries. Foreign troops on the streets of cities all over Europe to control the population. One more step to a one world fascist government, which brings with it, UN Agenda 21, Codex Alimentarius and drastic population reduction, 80% at least. A nightmare scenario.
Till next time.
Being in the "out" camp, I have probably made a very good case for staying in the EU, but, my belief is that the EU, and Barrosso stated this last week, is headed for federalisation and this is far worse that anything the UK Conservatives could come up with. All of Europe governed from Brussels and no sovereignty for individual countries. Foreign troops on the streets of cities all over Europe to control the population. One more step to a one world fascist government, which brings with it, UN Agenda 21, Codex Alimentarius and drastic population reduction, 80% at least. A nightmare scenario.
Till next time.
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
The State Opening of Parliament. The Queens Speech. Farce.
Today saw the state opening of Parliament in the UK. The usual array of grown men in fancy dress fawning all over the queen. She was sat in a throne whose value would have matched the GDP of a small country. As for her, she was swathed in ermine and silk topped off with gold and jewels, the value of which I cannot begin to calculate. To cap it all she spouted off about the deficit coming down, in actual fact it's at an all time high. Welfare reforms was next, "reforms" really mean cuts and the driving of the most vulnerable in this country into abject poverty. We are facing austerity on a grand scale while the queen is being given a £5 million pay rise. The elite are no longer trying to hide their theft of taxpayers money, it is right out in the open. For someone who has wanted for nothing during her 80 odd years to sit their and say we have to tighten our belts is the ultimate insult to the decent people of this country. She never once mentioned the innocent victims of a growing number of prominent paedophiles. Not a mention of her involvement with Jimmy Saville. Her silence on the subject could be taken that she has something to hide. I believe she and her moron of a husband do have something to hide. I am sick to death of seeing this woman strolling about flaunting her considerable wealth in front of people who are being forced to rely on food banks to survive. It's time the people of this country woke up and took back what is rightfully theirs. Freedom to work and earn a fair days wage for a fair days work. It won't happen while we vote for these public school idiots and the so called lefties on the other side. Three parties, Labour, Lib Dem and Tory, stand them together and you couldn't tell the difference. Look at their policies and yet again you couldn't tell the difference. I can't tell you my solution, if I did, I would be arrested. I might just hint about my solution in further posts.
Till next time.
Till next time.
Tuesday, 7 May 2013
Lord Nigel Lawson. Altruistic or just plain Selfish?
Today, Lord Nigel Lawson, Thatcher's longest serving chancellor, changed his stance on the EU. Way back in the 70's and 80's he was all for it, but now, he is totally against the UK's membership of the EU. Some people might applaud him for taking the populist stance, but I for one see through his supposed altruistic gesture. Lawson is deeply embedded in the City of London financial sector, in fact since he left parliament he has made millions on financial transactions. His stance on the EU is 100% to do with the EU's aim to regulate European financial businesses. He is scared that meddling by the EU will destroy his and his cronies cash cow. Far from being altruistic, Lawson is a totally selfish individual. He lives for monetary gain, no matter how it is achieved. Don't get me wrong, if there was a referendum on our membership of the EU tomorrow, I would follow Lawson into the voting booth and put my cross in the no box, just like Lawson. My point is that people like Lawson are rarely motivated by a sense of fair play and need to be watched like a hawk. There will be another financial crash and the next one will be more terrible than the 2007/8 debacle. It is people like Lawson who caused the last one and it will be people like Lawson that will cause the next one. Keep alert.
Till next time.
Till next time.
The Israeli Client States Of the USA and UK.
Israel bombed Syria over the last few days, and it was reported that traces of depleted uranium were found at the sites that were bombed. My question is, why hasn't the UN come out and openly condemned Israel for the crime? Why hasn't UK foreign minister William Hague condemned the mental defective Netanyahoo for ordering the air strike? Nothing from the USA either. Chuck Hagel is noticeable by his silence. The answer is that the UN is a Zionist organisation and the likes of Obama, Hagel, Hague, Cameron and the rest are Zionist puppets. They work for Israel, which means that they have no loyalty to the US and UK. That makes them traitors. Cameron just turns a blind eye to what is going on. He is the lamest Prime Minister the UK has had since Chamberlain in the 1930's. Obama is obsessed with the CIA/FBI created, domestic terrorists. Oh yes, and making money for his retirement. It's sickening to watch politicians look serious when they say that the Assad regime is using chemical weapons when they know it is the rebels using US/UK provided chemical weapons. They are liars of the highest order and they make me ashamed of this country. I am angry and so I will finish now.
Till next time.
Till next time.
Friday, 3 May 2013
Last update for English Local Elections.
This will be a short post. Still a few results to come in but for the Tories and Lib Dems the slaughter continues. This is more than a protest vote, it's a vote of no confidence in the government. The public want change. They are fed up with austerity, privatising of the NHS, bailouts for banks and offshore tax dodgers. After this electoral debacle, the Tories are un-electable, but if I am going to be fair, all of the big parties are un-electable as far as an overall majority is concerned. Politicians of all persuasions had better take notice.
Till next time.
Till next time.
England and Wales Local Election Update.
Well, so far the elections have seen UKIP and Labour have given the Tories and Lib Dems a battering. UKIP have made the biggest impact so far, although, the big three, Labour, Tory and Lib Dem have dismissed the results as a "protest" vote. If I was them I would be treating this a lot more seriously that they are doing. If these results were transferred to a general election we would be having a three or maybe even four party coalition. The voters are so disillusioned with politicians that no one party can count on winning a majority of any kind. In my view, the rising stars, UKIP are not the answer. The only difference between UKIP and Tories is the question of the EU. Nigel Farage, UKIP's leader is a devout Thatcherite which puts him firmly into the Tory camp. No one really knows what their economic, welfare, defence or industrial policies actually are. Farage will not be pinned down on what he would do about the fiscal deficit. I don't believe they would be any different from the Tories. As for the Lib Dems, they are getting absolutely pummelled.
The results are not all in yet. I will update this afternoon.
Till next time.
The results are not all in yet. I will update this afternoon.
Till next time.
Thursday, 2 May 2013
England and Wales Local Government Elections
Voting takes place today in many of England and Wales's local authority areas. As usual the voting public will put a cross beside a candidate who belongs, and I mean "belongs" to one of the three main parties. It is time people realised that a vote for Conservative, Lib Dem or Labour is a vote to continue the implementation of big government policy at the local level. We do have a new kid on the block by the name of UKIP. UK Independence Party. Their main policy is, as their name suggests, is to take the UK out of the EU. I will admit that I am in agreement with us leaving the EU, but unfortunately UKIP's other policies differ little from the policies already being implemented by the present government. What can you expect from a party made up of ex Tories, Lib Dems and Labour?
It will be interesting, looking in from the outside, I live in Scotland, to see the outcome of the elections. Whatever happens, I have no doubt that it will have no effect in changing the policies of the coalition. Austerity will be with us for a long time to come.
I will post my views on the election results.
Till next time.
It will be interesting, looking in from the outside, I live in Scotland, to see the outcome of the elections. Whatever happens, I have no doubt that it will have no effect in changing the policies of the coalition. Austerity will be with us for a long time to come.
I will post my views on the election results.
Till next time.
Tuesday, 30 April 2013
A Bit Of Fun.
Who is who? One of these women is the host of the BBC game show, "The Weakest Link" and the other rules Germany.
Just a bit of fun.
Till next time.
Thursday, 25 April 2013
Bogus Economic Stats.
Statistics released today in the UK said that we had avoided a triple dip recession because the economy had grown by the massive figure of 0.3%. Impressive isn't it. Of course it isn't but Chancellor Osborne seems to be basking in the glory of it anyway. The simple fact is that UK lower income families are really experiencing a depression, the middle income families are experiencing a recession, and the top income families are asking, "what is all the fuss about."
There are a substantial amount of children in this country that have either lived in or under the threat of recession all their short lives. They are under the impression that this state of affairs is normality. A lot of their brothers and sisters will never have a job, never own a house, never be able to have any ambitions other than survival. Hopefully, they will learn enough to know that our politicians will never do anything to help them and hopefully they will learn enough to know that they cannot ever trust a politician. At the moment, the government, through the NHS are vaccinating their immune systems into oblivion. Education is not about actually learning anything, it's now a state programming centre to condition the children to become obedient citizens without the ability to employ critical thinking. They are being brainwashed to believe everything the politicians and mainstream media tell them. In reality, George Orwell's vision is manifesting itself before our very eyes.
Hope. A good word because when we have hope, we have something to hold on to, and at the moment hope is the only thing we can hold on to. Hope however is justified by the simple reason that we are waking up. We re slowly but surely climbing up out of our TV induced slumber and tuning in to alternative and independent news sources. We are being educated as to the true nature of what is happening in the world. Research Research Research. Then action. Concerted but peaceful action is needed. We are many and they are few. They can only control us if we let them.
Till next time.
There are a substantial amount of children in this country that have either lived in or under the threat of recession all their short lives. They are under the impression that this state of affairs is normality. A lot of their brothers and sisters will never have a job, never own a house, never be able to have any ambitions other than survival. Hopefully, they will learn enough to know that our politicians will never do anything to help them and hopefully they will learn enough to know that they cannot ever trust a politician. At the moment, the government, through the NHS are vaccinating their immune systems into oblivion. Education is not about actually learning anything, it's now a state programming centre to condition the children to become obedient citizens without the ability to employ critical thinking. They are being brainwashed to believe everything the politicians and mainstream media tell them. In reality, George Orwell's vision is manifesting itself before our very eyes.
Hope. A good word because when we have hope, we have something to hold on to, and at the moment hope is the only thing we can hold on to. Hope however is justified by the simple reason that we are waking up. We re slowly but surely climbing up out of our TV induced slumber and tuning in to alternative and independent news sources. We are being educated as to the true nature of what is happening in the world. Research Research Research. Then action. Concerted but peaceful action is needed. We are many and they are few. They can only control us if we let them.
Till next time.
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
Thatcher's death.
I wasn't going to, but I feel I have to get a few things off my chest with regard to the death of Margaret Thatcher. First of all I have not and will not shed any tears at her demise. In fact, I am glad she is dead and it's a pity her draconian policies won't die with her.
She came within a whisker of completely destroying the social fabric of this country. Greed was (and still is) good, and not only good but virtually compulsory. Everyone for his or herself and to hell with those left behind. The UK no longer has any heavy industry left. We now only assemble parts of cars or electrical goods that have been manufactured abroad. The so called tributes that are being vomited out about her being a "great leader" are complete misrepresentations of what she was really like. First of all, she was not a leader, she was a bully of the first order. True leaders admit they were wrong when they were wrong. They apologise for mistakes made. She never uttered one word of apology in her life. One instance was the forced implementation of the "Poll Tax" which was wheeled out in Scotland first as a test case. It was opposed from the start and various "Don't Pay" organisations sprung up all over Scotland. Thatcher never acknowledged that there was a problem with it and after a few months of almost daily protests in Scotland, she wheeled it out in the rest of the UK. Rioting spontaneously broke out in major cities in the UK. People power eventually won through and the tax was scrapped. Till the day she died, she never had any regrets about this policy despite the opinions of the vast majority of the population. In her view it was still a good idea. The Falklands war was a bit too coincidental with an upcoming general election in which she was widely tipped to lose. All of a sudden we had a crisis that we could all come together to face. It fell into her lap at exactly the right time and she exploited the situation to the full. From the moment the Argentinian Junta invaded, Thatcher's election victory was secure. The deaths of British and Argentinian servicemen was the tool she used to win. The sinking of the Argentinian cruiser, General Belgrano was torpedoed and sunk with great loss of life, was a war crime that she has to take the blame for. The ship was outside the "Exclusion Zone" and headed away from the Falklands and therefore as no threat to the UK task force. A definite war crime that will not see justice.
She had a poor choice of friends that included the apartheid government of South Africa. She was quoted as saying that Nelson Mandela was a "common terrorist" Chilean dictator General Pinochet was another "friend" along with Pol Pot from Thailand.
I could go on and on about her but it's starting to depress me.
Till next time.
She came within a whisker of completely destroying the social fabric of this country. Greed was (and still is) good, and not only good but virtually compulsory. Everyone for his or herself and to hell with those left behind. The UK no longer has any heavy industry left. We now only assemble parts of cars or electrical goods that have been manufactured abroad. The so called tributes that are being vomited out about her being a "great leader" are complete misrepresentations of what she was really like. First of all, she was not a leader, she was a bully of the first order. True leaders admit they were wrong when they were wrong. They apologise for mistakes made. She never uttered one word of apology in her life. One instance was the forced implementation of the "Poll Tax" which was wheeled out in Scotland first as a test case. It was opposed from the start and various "Don't Pay" organisations sprung up all over Scotland. Thatcher never acknowledged that there was a problem with it and after a few months of almost daily protests in Scotland, she wheeled it out in the rest of the UK. Rioting spontaneously broke out in major cities in the UK. People power eventually won through and the tax was scrapped. Till the day she died, she never had any regrets about this policy despite the opinions of the vast majority of the population. In her view it was still a good idea. The Falklands war was a bit too coincidental with an upcoming general election in which she was widely tipped to lose. All of a sudden we had a crisis that we could all come together to face. It fell into her lap at exactly the right time and she exploited the situation to the full. From the moment the Argentinian Junta invaded, Thatcher's election victory was secure. The deaths of British and Argentinian servicemen was the tool she used to win. The sinking of the Argentinian cruiser, General Belgrano was torpedoed and sunk with great loss of life, was a war crime that she has to take the blame for. The ship was outside the "Exclusion Zone" and headed away from the Falklands and therefore as no threat to the UK task force. A definite war crime that will not see justice.
She had a poor choice of friends that included the apartheid government of South Africa. She was quoted as saying that Nelson Mandela was a "common terrorist" Chilean dictator General Pinochet was another "friend" along with Pol Pot from Thailand.
I could go on and on about her but it's starting to depress me.
Till next time.
Wednesday, 3 April 2013
Our Fight For Survival.
I have been having a conversation on twitter with a young lady from Australia about just what kind of a fight for survival we are involved in. When I say we, I mean all of us. Well, not all, just about 95% of us, and yes, the fight is for our very survival on this planet. Not because of the bogus "man made global warming" farce, but because the other 5% want us dead. Yes, you read it correctly, DEAD. The term "Eugenics" will be coming more into mainstream thought as the elite put their plans into overdrive. They are having to speed up because millions of people throughout the world are waking up to what is going on. The elite, through the mainstream media, that they control, think that the planet is overcrowded and that they need more space to live their lives in the manner they have become accustomed to. To get that "more space" things have to change. We, the surplus to requirements, cattle need to be culled. Not all of us, just leaving enough cattle to be able to serve their every need. They need slaves to keep them alive. Eugenics is just another term used to describe population control. For years in China, it has been an offence to have more than one child. That is a form of Eugenics. That was just for starters and it didn't really lower the population of China. Drastic action is needed and they have started on vaccines. Bill Gates and his foundation have gone into the vaccine business and they can claim huge successes. Not from curing anyone, but from the fact that tens of thousands of children in India were given a Bill Gates supplied polio vaccine and are all now paralysed for the rest of their, which will be short, lives. War was usually the tried and trusted method of culling humans, WW1, WW2 for instance, and nowadays it is still being used, for instance, Libya, Syria, Viet Nam, Iraq, Former Yugoslavia to name a few. My point is that war, although a bit messy, is still the method of choice for the elite to control us. They love to see us suffer, it's what they live for. They get pleasure out of us suffering. They are negative energy vampires who crave the sight of dying humans. You might think I am scaremongering or even making this all up. I wish I was, but I can assure you, I am not. I could go on about the elite's involvement in paedophilia but I won't, yet. I will write about that in further posts. Do some research and come to your own conclusions.
Till next time.
Till next time.
Monday, 1 April 2013
Peaceful Protest. The Only Way.
It is very hard to find someone in the UK who will admit to having voted Conservative in the last general election. The fact that people actually voted for one of the three main parties and expected a better life were either delusional, stupid or both. It has been apparent since the Thatcher era that none of the three main parties care one hoot for any ordinary member of society. There is no longer a "left" or a "right" wing in mainstream politics which is hardly surprising as they are ruled by the same people, ie. corrupt banksters. People in this country need to come to terms with the fact that politicians do not care about what happens to them. They have an agenda that does not take the people into consideration when deciding policy. If a few thousand die in the process, that is totally acceptable, and I would go on to say, even desirable. We are cattle to them to be used as they see fit. The point I am trying to make is that the time for complaining and talking about the state of the country is past. It is time for action. There were protests last Saturday in most cities in the UK about the governments new "bedroom tax" The main news programme on the BBC didn't even give it a mention. It was reported on my local news programme, BBC Scotland, but the main national news remained silent. The "action" I am advocating is peaceful protest in every city, town and village in the UK. The people must take back what is rightfully theirs, the freedom to elect to parliament, people with the best interests of the entire population at heart. The key is to keep it peaceful. To resort to violence would be to play right into Cameron's hands. Together we stop this banker driven plutocracy/cleptocracy. Divided we fail.
Till next time.
Till next time.
Thursday, 28 March 2013
My Take on George Soros.
I have just stopped following "Human Rights Watch" on my twitter account. The reason being, because George Soros is funding them to the tune of millions of dollars. I have found that whenever you get multi billionaires funding anything, it is being run primarily for the benefit of these aforementioned billionaires. Soros himself admits while being an atheist, he thinks of himself as a god. he also admitted that, in the past, he has funded and caused the downfall of at least four governments, Slovakia and Hungary included. He has been forced out of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. He admits that he caused "Black Friday" otherwise, the currency collapse in the UK in 1992. That does not sound like a man that has any interest in "Human Rights" In fact it suggests the exact opposite. He is a Bilderberg attendee, and a supporter of the Al Gore man made global Warming lie. To finish, please don't take my word for this, there is plenty of information about this man online. Please do a bit of research and make up your own mind.
Till next time.
Till next time.
Friday, 22 March 2013
Afghanistan: The Legacy of the British Empire. A Brief History
Afghanistan: The Legacy of the British Empire. A Brief History
A very interesting article which shows the British Empire in all it's shame.
A very interesting article which shows the British Empire in all it's shame.
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Celtic's Green Brigade's Peaceful Protest. Saturday 16th March.
The people protesting were members of the Glasgow Celtic supporters group, The Green Brigade. The vast majority of the around 1,000 people were under the age of 25. They were protesting about the anti sectarian law that was passed a few years ago, and the way the law was being interpreted by the authorities to put an end to street protests. the actions of the police last Saturday, 16th March, were heavy handed to say the least and according to witnesses, downright barbaric. My own view is that this is part of the governments plan to further erode our personal freedoms. The Green Brigade are themselves being used by the police to falsely highlight a fictitious public order problem. Don't get me wrong, Glasgow does have a sectarian problem of long standing, but to my knowledge The Green Brigade have only been sighted once for any sectarian incident, and that has been proven to have been a fabrication in the extreme. To sum up. The police are maliciously targeting The Green Brigade with a view to provoking a violent reaction and to their credit, The Green Brigade members have not taken the bait. long may it continue. I am sure their will be more to say on this issue.
Till next time.
Tuesday, 19 March 2013
UK Press Regulation.
Britain's three horsemen of the apocalypse, David Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg, yesterday, agreed to take the first step towards complete control of the press by agreeing to appoint a press regulator by Royal Charter. The regulator is to be independent of government which is a load of crap because he or she will be appointed by the aforesaid government and therefore cannot be called independent. The government of the day, be it Tory, Lib Dem or Labour will then be able to censor all press stories that they deem to be sensitive or anti-government. The whole Leveson enquiry was a complete farce from the start and was designed to lead us to this very scenario. A group was formed by so called activists called "The Hacked Off Campaign" that turned out to be connected to the Media Standards Trust and also to the pseudo political charity, Common Purpose. In reality they were a pressure group formed to push and lobby government ministers into arriving at this very decision.
The upshot is that we have taken a step into the murky waters of government censorship which starts with the press and then proceeds to media and internet, including bloggers and really anyone who posts anything online. Freedom has once again been compromised in the guise of "protecting" the public from "rogue journalists."
Till next time.
The upshot is that we have taken a step into the murky waters of government censorship which starts with the press and then proceeds to media and internet, including bloggers and really anyone who posts anything online. Freedom has once again been compromised in the guise of "protecting" the public from "rogue journalists."
Till next time.
Tuesday, 12 March 2013
The British Lack of Justice System.
Yesterday the British justice was shown up for what it was, one level of justice for the privileged, and one for the not so privileged. Ex MP and government minister Chris Huhne and his ex wife Vicky Pryce were sentenced for perverting the course of justice. The sentences in my mind were totally inadequate for the crime that was committed. They were both sentenced to eight months in prison, however, that does not mean that they will actually spend eight months in prison. They could both be freed after just four months, and not only that, they could be out in two months to serve the rest of their sentence at home with an electronic tag attached to a leg. This case has dragged on for years with both Huhne and his ex consistently lying under oath. Eight years might have been more appropriate. I'm surprised they weren't tried in one of the secret courts that his party (Lib Dem) voted for last week. Business minister, Vince Cable said that the sentences were sad. Yes sad that they were not extensive enough.
Till next time.
Till next time.
Wednesday, 6 March 2013
Hugo Chavez, Banks, Secret Courts.
With the death of Hugo Chavez, the US, UK, IMF etc. will reckon they will be able to move into Venezuela and loot the oil and mineral resources of the country and then use the IMF to totally in debt the population for decades to come. Hopefully, Chavez successor will be strong enough to stand up to the likes of Obama and continue the good work started by Hugo Chavez. This will be a story worth following. RIP Hugo, you were a man of the people.
UK news now and the outgoing head of the Bank of England, Mervyn King said today at the enquiry into banking standards that banks were too important to fail. My answer to him is that he is talking a load of rubbish. I had a house with a mortgage provided by Northern Rock. When they got into trouble through incompetence they were bailed out using taxpayers, my, money. When I got into financial trouble, my own fault, was I given any help? No, my house was repossessed and I was made homeless. To say that I have no sympathy for the banking sector would be putting it mildly. banks should be treated no differently to other businesses. When they fail, they should be allowed to go under.
The UK parliament voted on Monday to extend the use of secret courts. That is courts where there is no jury present, no journalists and no public observers present. The Lib Dems voted with the Tories on this which was contrary to their election manifesto pledge to block the rise of secret courts. his country is turning into a dictatorship. Slowly but surely the power in the UK is being centralised. The agenda of the government however is to then pass powers over to the EU parliament. Our armed forces are being cut to dangerous levels that make it uncertain that we have enough personnel to defend the country. If however you look at it from an EU perspective, we have enough personnel to provide forces for a combined EU defence force. Our country and every other country in the EU is going through the same agenda's. A federal Europe is the goal in the short term. The long term is a one world government. Don't just take my word for it, do some research yourselves.
Till next time.
UK news now and the outgoing head of the Bank of England, Mervyn King said today at the enquiry into banking standards that banks were too important to fail. My answer to him is that he is talking a load of rubbish. I had a house with a mortgage provided by Northern Rock. When they got into trouble through incompetence they were bailed out using taxpayers, my, money. When I got into financial trouble, my own fault, was I given any help? No, my house was repossessed and I was made homeless. To say that I have no sympathy for the banking sector would be putting it mildly. banks should be treated no differently to other businesses. When they fail, they should be allowed to go under.
The UK parliament voted on Monday to extend the use of secret courts. That is courts where there is no jury present, no journalists and no public observers present. The Lib Dems voted with the Tories on this which was contrary to their election manifesto pledge to block the rise of secret courts. his country is turning into a dictatorship. Slowly but surely the power in the UK is being centralised. The agenda of the government however is to then pass powers over to the EU parliament. Our armed forces are being cut to dangerous levels that make it uncertain that we have enough personnel to defend the country. If however you look at it from an EU perspective, we have enough personnel to provide forces for a combined EU defence force. Our country and every other country in the EU is going through the same agenda's. A federal Europe is the goal in the short term. The long term is a one world government. Don't just take my word for it, do some research yourselves.
Till next time.
Thursday, 7 February 2013
The Irish Don't Care About Children.
Till next time.
Wednesday, 6 February 2013
The Same Sex Marriage Distraction
It seems that the entire focus of the political media and press for the last two weeks has been the debate about same sex marriage. I don't want to offend but, I feel that there are far more important issues facing the UK than same sex weddings. This country has the highest rate of youth unemployment in the G8. Thousands of families in this country are being forced to rely on "food banks" to feed themselves. We are on the brink of a triple dip recession, although when did we ever truly come out of the first recession? Our troops are still dying in the hopeless and never ending war in Afghanistan. Cameron has designs on Mali's natural resources and wants to intervene in Syria. I could go on about criminal banks, disgraced criminal MP's, not to mention the Metropolitan Police admitting that the identity of dead children were given to undercover policemen without consent of the parents. This country is in total disarray and yet all the focus is on same sex marriage.
My point other than a level of importance for these issues is, what are the authorities trying to distract us from? Or, is this issue yet another attempt by the criminal elite to undermine the traditional idea of a family, ie. Man, woman and children. You may not believe me, but there is a move to negate the value of the traditional family and gay people are unwittingly being used by the elite to drive a wedge between the straight and gay communities. They are already well down the road to dividing the various religious communities. The old adage divide and rule most definitely applies and if we do not stay alert, we, ourselves will end up doing the elite's dirty work for them.
I support gay marriage and think that the whole debate should actually have been completed at last nights vote.
My point other than a level of importance for these issues is, what are the authorities trying to distract us from? Or, is this issue yet another attempt by the criminal elite to undermine the traditional idea of a family, ie. Man, woman and children. You may not believe me, but there is a move to negate the value of the traditional family and gay people are unwittingly being used by the elite to drive a wedge between the straight and gay communities. They are already well down the road to dividing the various religious communities. The old adage divide and rule most definitely applies and if we do not stay alert, we, ourselves will end up doing the elite's dirty work for them.
I support gay marriage and think that the whole debate should actually have been completed at last nights vote.
Tuesday, 5 February 2013
aangirfan: POLITICIANS LIKE BOY BROTHELS?: Politicians seem to like boy brothels. According to the Sunday People and ExaroNews a boy brothel was advertised in a newsletter issue...
Thursday, 31 January 2013
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
UK Defence Cuts, or Leaving the UK Defenceless.
Today, our illustrious Prime Minister will announce the latest round of armed forces redundancies, with yet more to come in the near future. A lot of people would, in this world full of multi million dollar/pound of defence (war) spending, be glad that forces are being cut. However, the armed forces of the UK are already at breaking point. With our commitments around the world, there are precious few to actually defend the population. We have very few operational warships left, no aircraft carrier and no prospect of having one for around a decade. Air force personnel have also been and are continuing to be cut. The army has its lowest numbers since before WW1. Nobody wants war, but, there needs to be a sensible policy of defence, and cuts in spending are inevitable, however, the main cut should be to completely dismantle our nuclear arsenal. Trident is supposed to be a deterrent, but who exactly is it deterring? No one. Get rid of it and save billions. With a conventional defence capability, more people could be employed, generating tax revenue, more ships could be built, again, more employment and tax revenue. It is a sticky issue and deep down I know that the demise of our armed forces is a pre-planned exercise by Cameron and his band of traitors who should be facing a trial with charges of treason. This country's infrastructure is being run down to its bones along with the NHS and the welfare system. We are being systematically driven into abject poverty by a government of multi millionaires who only care about making more money for themselves and their bankster cronies.
Reading this post, you would be forgiven if you thought that I wished the government nothing but misery. You would be entirely correct in that assumption, and I make no apologies for it.
Till next time.
Reading this post, you would be forgiven if you thought that I wished the government nothing but misery. You would be entirely correct in that assumption, and I make no apologies for it.
Till next time.
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