Wednesday, 21 August 2013

The Real Plan of the UK Government.

People are a funny lot, and by that, I don't mean in a joking sense. I mean a negative sense. The vast majority of the UK population actually still believe that our elected politicians are looking after our best interests. In actual fact, they are doing the exact opposite. Next, the aforementioned population actually believe that when they vote in elections for a change of government, that their vote means something and there is a change for the better. There isn't any change in the policy of a particular party in government. All parties are interchangeable, they are one and the same. The right to vote is meaningless, it changes nothing and mostly, things get a whole lot worse.
The UK's present government has a plan and contrary to public opinion, it is working perfectly. The public are being hoodwinked into believing that the plan is failing. The mandate of a government is to govern fairly and in accordance with the law of the land and common law. In other words, they are supposed to be looking after our interests. This government and also past governments were patently failing to do their duty. This country is degenerating into a state of have and have not population. The haves will eventually have everything, and the have nots will have nothing. The 90 odd percent are being deliberately, yes, I mean deliberately, impoverished and the elite are being enriched with tax payers money. Yes again I mean the government are taking our money raised in tax and are giving it to their corporate masters. Thousands of families in this country have been forced to rely on food banks. This is a country that is a member of the top eight wealthiest countries on the planet and food banks are springing up in every town and city in the country. Our health care is being covertly sold off to the highest bidder, as is our education facilities. I could go on and on but, I don't think I need to. My warning is that this has already been rolled out in the USA and is coming to a country near you soon. All you have to do is research the term UN Agenda 21.
Till next time.

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