I have been having a conversation on twitter with a young lady from Australia about just what kind of a fight for survival we are involved in. When I say we, I mean all of us. Well, not all, just about 95% of us, and yes, the fight is for our very survival on this planet. Not because of the bogus "man made global warming" farce, but because the other 5% want us dead. Yes, you read it correctly, DEAD. The term "Eugenics" will be coming more into mainstream thought as the elite put their plans into overdrive. They are having to speed up because millions of people throughout the world are waking up to what is going on. The elite, through the mainstream media, that they control, think that the planet is overcrowded and that they need more space to live their lives in the manner they have become accustomed to. To get that "more space" things have to change. We, the surplus to requirements, cattle need to be culled. Not all of us, just leaving enough cattle to be able to serve their every need. They need slaves to keep them alive. Eugenics is just another term used to describe population control. For years in China, it has been an offence to have more than one child. That is a form of Eugenics. That was just for starters and it didn't really lower the population of China. Drastic action is needed and they have started on vaccines. Bill Gates and his foundation have gone into the vaccine business and they can claim huge successes. Not from curing anyone, but from the fact that tens of thousands of children in India were given a Bill Gates supplied polio vaccine and are all now paralysed for the rest of their, which will be short, lives. War was usually the tried and trusted method of culling humans, WW1, WW2 for instance, and nowadays it is still being used, for instance, Libya, Syria, Viet Nam, Iraq, Former Yugoslavia to name a few. My point is that war, although a bit messy, is still the method of choice for the elite to control us. They love to see us suffer, it's what they live for. They get pleasure out of us suffering. They are negative energy vampires who crave the sight of dying humans. You might think I am scaremongering or even making this all up. I wish I was, but I can assure you, I am not. I could go on about the elite's involvement in paedophilia but I won't, yet. I will write about that in further posts. Do some research and come to your own conclusions.
Till next time.
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