Thursday, 2 May 2013

England and Wales Local Government Elections

Voting takes place today in many of England and Wales's local authority areas. As usual the voting public will put a cross beside a candidate who belongs, and I mean "belongs" to one of the three main parties. It is time people realised that a vote for Conservative, Lib Dem or Labour is a vote to continue the implementation of big government policy at the local level. We do have a new kid on the block by the name of UKIP. UK Independence Party. Their main policy is, as their name suggests, is to take the UK out of the EU. I will admit that I am in agreement with us leaving the EU, but unfortunately UKIP's other policies differ little from the policies already being implemented by the present government. What can you expect from a party made up of ex Tories, Lib Dems and Labour?
It will be interesting, looking in from the outside, I live in Scotland, to see the outcome of the elections. Whatever happens, I have no doubt that it will have no effect in changing the policies of the coalition. Austerity will be with us for a long time to come.
I will post my views on the election results.
Till next time.

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