Today, Lord Nigel Lawson, Thatcher's longest serving chancellor, changed his stance on the EU. Way back in the 70's and 80's he was all for it, but now, he is totally against the UK's membership of the EU. Some people might applaud him for taking the populist stance, but I for one see through his supposed altruistic gesture. Lawson is deeply embedded in the City of London financial sector, in fact since he left parliament he has made millions on financial transactions. His stance on the EU is 100% to do with the EU's aim to regulate European financial businesses. He is scared that meddling by the EU will destroy his and his cronies cash cow. Far from being altruistic, Lawson is a totally selfish individual. He lives for monetary gain, no matter how it is achieved. Don't get me wrong, if there was a referendum on our membership of the EU tomorrow, I would follow Lawson into the voting booth and put my cross in the no box, just like Lawson. My point is that people like Lawson are rarely motivated by a sense of fair play and need to be watched like a hawk. There will be another financial crash and the next one will be more terrible than the 2007/8 debacle. It is people like Lawson who caused the last one and it will be people like Lawson that will cause the next one. Keep alert.
Till next time.
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