You can't help but laugh at the mainstream media coverage of the debacle that is the US presidential election campaign. It's the fact that they take it seriously. Trump or Clinton, Clinton or Trump. The public are told that they have a choice. Lie, they have no choice. Both candidates are ruled by one set of corporations or another. Clinton for instance is a liar, Benghazi for one. Trump just says the first thing that comes into his head no matter who he annoys. If the American voters think that anything will change, post election day, they are delusional. They were promised change by G. and G.W. Bush and also Obama. What exactly changed? Apart from yet more involvement in regime change, nothing else has changed. Corporations still rule the White House and banksters still rob their customers blind.
The French had the right idea to herald change in the 17th century. Got it in one, revolution. I'm not advocating that the American people use violence, am I?
Till next time.
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