For those who are unaware, the BBC screen a programme on Thursday nights called question time. Politicians, celebrities and journalists make up the panel who debate questions put by a studio audience.
The reality is that a certain percentage of the audience are hand picked and ask questions that seem to be loaded in favour of present government policies.
Last night for instance, the last question asked was about middle East policy. It quickly degenerated into anti Russian propaganda. Putin was blamed for everything except the crucifixion of Jesus.
No mention was made of the UK/USA police of regime change throughout the middle East since 9/11. Only film director Ken Loach mentioned Tony Blair's crimes that led to UK involvement in the Iraq war. There was no mention of the bombing of civilians in Mosul by coalition forces or, the war crimes committed by Israel in Gaza. Especially, there was no mention whatsoever of the fact that UK weapons are being used by Saudi Arabia to slaughter civilian men, women and children in Yemen. The last point compounded by the UK foreign minister, Boris Johnson and I quote, "If we didn't sell weapons to Saudi Arabia, someone else would" A pathetic reason put forward by a pathetic human being. One of the worst things is that the BBC by showing this become guilty by association. The propaganda spouted by the alleged journalists who work for the BBC on a daily basis is sickening. They accuse Russia of horrendous war crimes and yet never produce one shred of concrete evidence.
I could rant on for days about this but I will end it now before anger takes over completely.
Till next time.
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