Thursday, 29 March 2012

US election, Spanish General Strike, BRIC conference.

I thought I would say a few words about the Republican party's struggle to find someone to stand against the dictator Obama. The favourite is Romney who was heard to say recently that Russia is the USA's biggest foe. I suggest that he look nearer to home for someone or something that fills that title better than Russia. Wall Street for instance. Santorum is even worse as he was heard to say "I want to go to war with China." He is clearly insane. Gingrich is just a joke. He actually wants people to pay $50 just to be photographed with him. The candidate who is the most credible is almost completely ignored by the mainstream media is of course Ron Paul. He has tremendous backing from within the US armed forces and there is strong support from large sections of the general public. The fact that there have been strong allegations of voter fraud during this campaign says a lot as to why Romney is the front runner. This story has a bit to run, and I fear that Ron Paul will fail to win the nomination.
Spanish workers today are staging a national strike to protest against new labour laws that make it easier for companies to get rid of workers. Yet another country that is being destroyed by design. People in the rest of the Euro zone need to wake up to the fact that this crisis is a deliberate attack on peoples freedom. This is a drive towards slavery. Wage cuts and so called pension reforms are being implemented across the board. Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Italy. Who is next?
The BRIC nations are meeting in Delhi and amongst the issues being discussed is the drive to move away from the dollar and euro as trading currencies. Europe and USA take note, you are going to be left behind as a new economic power arises. For people who don't know about BRIC, the countries involved are Brasil, Russia, India, China. I'm not sure but I think South Africa are represented at this meeting.
Definitely more coming on all these issues.

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