Wednesday, 28 March 2012

The Continuing Tragedy That Is Libya.

I uploaded this video to highlight the fact that despite the end of the Qaddafi regime in Libya, the violence continues. The violence is of a particular nasty kind. The kind that results in ethnic cleansing, or as it was once known, genocide. Needless to say, the NATO powers don't care what is taking place in Libya, in fact they can now go in and loot the country while everyone is fighting everyone else. The BBC, Sky, CBS, Fox, etc. are not covering it and so it is down to the likes of RT, Press TV, to cover it. Even the UN are ignoring it. Our western governments are no different to the regimes that have been toppled in the last year except that they are more corrupt and mercenary than anyone. The next time we go to vote at election time we should stop and think for a moment as to whom we are electing. After thinking, we should turn round and just go home. It does not matter what party wins an election, they just carry on the dirty corrupt work of the previous party.

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