Thursday, 17 April 2014

World Financial Armagedden. (Possibly)

There are still many people in the UK that think the Prime Minister David Cameron is failing in his job. That view could not be further from the truth, on the contrary, Cameron and his cronies plan is working perfectly. His policies are nothing to do with the betterment of the country and all to do with controlling the population within the country. One method used is to stop people being self reliant and to be provided for by the state. The fact that yesterday it was announced that 1,000,000 people in the UK which is the 6th largest economy in the world, now rely on food banks to be able to feed themselves and their family illustrates this policy of control perfectly. Another method of control was initiated by past PM Margaret Thatcher. She gave everyone renting council houses the opportunity to buy their house for a knock down price. On the surface this would seem to have been beneficial for the populace but, thousands of these people sold their house and made a large profit which they then used to purchase a larger house. By that time a house price bubble had been inflated and people found that they had to take out large mortgages to progress to a larger property. That was when Thatcher knew she had the people by the neck. Inflation was deliberately encouraged to rise and therefore interest rates on these mortgages rose dramatically. People started defaulting on the loans and losing their homes. Thousands became totally dependent on the state to provide a roof over their head. The only winners were of course the ruling elite who bought up these vacant properties at pennies in the pound. Cameron says now that our economy has turned the corner and a return to prosperity is in sight. There is only one thing wrong with that statement and, that is that it is a lie. The London stock market is booming and yet again the housing market is fuelling that boom. Another bubble is inflating but, when this bubble bursts it will be like being hit by a nuclear bomb. The whole world will suffer when this crash occurs. It won't be just London that collapses, every financial market throughout the world will be affected. Ponder that thought.
Thankfully people are waking up to what is and what could happen but, the awakening needs to speed up. People have to realise that it will be them that suffers and the 1% will carry on as normal. Wake up to that fact and it can be stopped.
Till next time.


Anonymous said...

Oh your back, where have u been ?

Anonymous said...

Anyway, interesting reading. You hav stated u don't believe anything that comes out of a politicians mouth, neither do I .
So ......what r u voting for......a yes or a no...or don't u want to say".......

Aristilus said...

I will be voting yes in the coming referendum. A lot of people not connected to political parties have voiced interest in standing for an independent Scottish Parliament. I will have a lot of soul searching to do before I choose which candidate to vote for. That is on the proviso that we vote yes.
I have been in hospital having a hip replacement operation. All went well, the NHS still works well in some places.