Thursday, 12 April 2012

Israeli Hysteria.

Today I was reading a very interesting post on Steve Lendmans blog and felt I had to comment. The post was about Israel declaring the Nobel prize winner, (literature 1999) Gunter Grass "Persona non Grata" he had published a poem called "What Must Be Said" which criticised Israels threat to attack Iran. Extreme right wing Shas Party leader, Eli Yishai is leading the hysterical condemnation of Grass. The main focus is to do with his service with the Waffen SS during WW2. Not surprisingly, the fact that he was 17 when he was conscripted and that it was very near the end of the war has not been mentioned. He is not the only victim of Israeli hysteria. Conductor, Daniel Barenboim was almost banned from Israel for daring to perform music by Wagner. UK journalist, Peter Hounam was banned from entering Israel for corresponding with Israeli whistle-blower Mordecai Vanunu. US political scientist/activist Norman Finkelstein and UN human rights special rapporteur Richard Falk and famous Spanish clown, Ivan Prado have also been banned. The fact that Israel are breaking UN resolutions on a daily basis and getting away with it. People are telling the truth about Israel and are being ostracised by a government that is refusing to admit that they have a substantial nuclear arsenal, which is in itself an infringement of UN resolutions. The fact also that they seem desperate to unleash those weapons on a fellow member of the UN is a disgraceful state of affairs that should result in UN sanctions on Israel. It seems that public criticism of Israel is frowned upon, especially in the UK and the USA. As soon as someone speaks out against Israeli crimes, the charge of anti-semitism is levelled at them. Israel, it seems, is above the law and can ride roughshod over international law. It is time that they were told that enough is enough and a start would be the enforcement of the UN resolution which bans the forced occupation of Palestinian land. Will that happen? I am not holding my breath.

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