Friday, 3 February 2012

Paul Kagame. War Criminal.

I am blogging about these men because they seem to have slipped off the radar recently. I don't know if everyone actually knows about Paul Kagame but it it is time he was brought into the limelight. He started by receiving military training at Ft. Leavenworth in the USA in 1990. He was a Tutsi and was the leader of the RPF who, alongside the Ugandan army, invaded Rwanda in 1990. They were responsible for slaughtering unarmed civilians during the course of the invasion. He is also believed to be responsible for the assassination of Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana and Burundian President Cyprian Ntaryamira by shooting down the plane in which they were travelling. This took place in April of 1994. He has obviously denied all allegations of assassination. He has also denied instigating the Rwandan genocide that also started in 1994. A former ally, Theogene Rudasingwa has said that he heard Kagame boast that he had ordered the shooting down of the two presidents plane. My facts come from a report from BBC News reporter Mark Doyle. The Tony Blair connection is that Kagame recieved UK taxpayers money as aid to set up his government and also Blair has been a personal advisor to Kagame since 2008. I almost forgot to mention that Blair's best friend Kagame is also accused of carrying out revenge attacks (massacres) of Hutu people living in  eastern Congo. Yet again he has denied all charges. Last year the UK government agreed a 57% rise in the aid we give to the Kagame regime. It is now a total of £332 million per year.
Why are we even speaking to this genocidal maniac, far less giving him aid? Various human rights groups have condemned Kagame's regime and are pressing the UN to investigate him.

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