Friday, 6 April 2012

Minimum Price For Alcohol In The UK.

I have to write about the proposal to fix the minimum price for alcohol. This has got nothing whatsoever to do with stopping binge drinking in the UK. It has everything to do with making it too expensive for people to go to the pub for a night out. The reason being, that, at the pub, people get together and talk. They exchange ideas about various things, such as how badly the government are screwing us with all the cuts and wage freezes they are implementing. What the government really want us to do is to sit in our houses watching the propaganda that masquerades as entertainment on our TVs. back to the minimum price farce. You can bet your boots that there will be a loophole placed in the legislation to allow the big supermarkets, ie Tesco, Morrison's, Salisbury's etc to escape the minimum price law, which means that we will only be able to afford to sit in our houses and drink ourselves into oblivion. This law has to be fought and fought vigorously.
With all the legislation to restrict our rights already in place, this is one more step to total government control of our lives. Yes it is that serious.

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