Friday, 10 February 2012


I am going to take this opportunity to list a few things that we should all be looking into. The first is the UN projects "Agenda 21" and "Codex Alimentarius" I won't say anything about them except to say that they are sinister projects that need to be brought out into the public gaze. Next we have P.N.A.C. The Project for the New American Century. Again I won't try and explain what this organisation's aims are except to say that they are not for our benefit. The Tavistock Institute is another organisation that needs looking into and also The Fabian Society, The Club Of Rome, The Committee of 300, The Council On Foreign Relations and The Jesuit Order.
There is probably enough there to keep even the most ardent of researchers busy for years.
I will be posting pieces on those organisations in the days and weeks to come.

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