Tuesday, 12 May 2015

UK General Election Result

The result of the UK general election result surprised everyone. Well, the level of surprise depends on exactly where you live in the UK. Scotland for instance, was not really surprised by the result even the scale of it was predicted weeks in advance. In England however, what happened was a huge surprise. The fact that the Conservative Party won an won with an outright majority, albeit a narrow majority, took everyone by surprise. The opinion polls had been predicting a hung parliament for weeks. It was in Scotland that a seismic change took place that will have a huge impact on the political stage. The Scottish National Party won 56 out of the 59 seats in Scotland and took them by overturning huge majorities. The highest percentage swing was 39% a UK record. The Labour party shadow foreign secretary was defeated by a 20 year old Glasgow University student who works in her local fish and chip shop in Paisley to help with her finances. Jim Murphy, the leader of the Labour Party in Scotland, was predicted to hold his seat but, lost it with a huge swing of 20%.
The result leaves Scotland with one Labour Party MP, one Conservative Party MP and one Liberal Democrat MP. Unprecedented in the entire history of politics in Scotland.
What does it mean for politics in the UK? At this stage no one knows. It will definitely make politics far more interesting in the future. I nearly forgot to mention that the leaders of both the Labour and Liberal Democrat Parties resigned the day after the election. The main opposition party, Labour, are at the moment a party without a leader, without a policy direction and most of all without credibility. During the campaign they lied as a matter of course, even on the live TV debates. Their campaign failed on the doorsteps, in the election meetings and in TV debates. In my humble opinion, the cause of their demise can be traced back to that arch warmonger and professional liar, Tony Blair. His influence is still hanging over the Labour Party like the sword of Damocles and, if they want to get some credibility back, they have to rid themselves of these "Blairites" who want to drag what was once the party of social justice as far as possible to the right to the extent that they are indistinguishable from the Conservatives. This country, and I mean the whole UK, needs a credible opposition with policies that are fair, progressive and relevant to a modern society. At the moment, the only party that encompasses those values are the Scottish National Party and hopefully they will live up to the principles they stand by.
There is a war going on in the UK and it's a war of class. The establishment and the media will try and tell you that class is non-existent now but it's a lie. The 1% don't seek to govern us. They seek to rule us and with an iron fist. However, the population are waking up and are aware of what is going on. The future of this country will depend on the people coming together and speaking out against social injustice and greed.
Right now, politics in this country has become more interesting and I hope, entertaining. I hope the combined opposition will be able to rein in the excesses of the Conservatives I won't hold my breath.
Till next time.

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Western Responsibility For the Entire Middle East Refugee Crisis.

A strong heading but, fully justified in my view. It starts off for real with G.W.Bush and Tony Blair's lie ridden excuse for war with Iraq. It continued with the mass occupation of Afghanistan leading to strikes in Pakistan, a supposed ally of the west, a crime for which the powers that be have still to answer. Then again UK USA with NATO think they are above the law. we move on to the "Arab Spring" and the US involvement in Egypt and various other North African countries. A case of Obama not liking the various governments and so sends in agitators to stir up the pot and encourage the population to protest and in most cases they don't know what they're protesting about. The western media then ramp up the rhetoric and a full blown rebellion ensues, although not every country degenerated into anarchy. The likes of Syria, Iraq, Libya and now Yemen are in chaos. The repercussions are in all cases a mass migration of refugees to any country that will accept them. That is when it becomes complicated. It only takes a short time until these various countries say enough is enough, we have taken our fair share of refugees and it's someone else's turn. The results are now being felt in southern Europe in a big way. Unscrupulous people are taking advantage by taking extortionate sums of money from these vulnerable people and loading them on to a myriad of boats that leave a lot to be desired on safety precautions.
It seems that the main point of departure for the refugees is Libya, a country which NATO bombed into near oblivion to rid the Libyan people of Colonel Gaddaffi. Once rid of him, NATO abandoned the country into anarchy. Now, Libya is a fertile breeding ground for Al Qaeda and ISIS to recruit untold numbers of fighters. Also, various warlords are exploiting the refugee crisis and making money at the expense of the aforementioned refugees. The EU have sat back for years and taken no steps to alleviate the problem. The likes of Italy, Malta and Greece seem to be bearing the brunt of trying to in actual fact save thousands of lives. It's only the fact that in the last two weeks there have been numerous cases of boats that have capsized and sunk with the loss of hundreds of lives, a good number of them children. The UN are virtually silent on the matter and will probably do the usual and start a fund to which gullible people will send money that will disappear into the usual UN black hole and will help nobody.
Up till now, no efforts have been made by the UN to effect a diplomatic solution to the crises in the Middle East. I haven't even mentioned Israeli atrocities in Gaza. A side note to that is that Nicola Sturgeon, leader of the Scottish National Party announced that the government of the UK should officially recognise a free Palestinian state.
The upshot to this is that in effect the West including the EU and USA governments do not care what happens to these refugees. The only thing that seems to matter is the procurement of weapons from the big arms manufacturers using taxpayers money. Yes, Obama, Cameron, Merkel et al do not care about people's lives, especially if they come from the Middle East. They care about corporate business and feathering their own nests
Yes, they have started all these wars, and that is what they are, deliberately with the sole aim of making profit for their backers, and they are all backed by the same people.
Sorry for finishing on such a negative note but, it's up to us, the people to change the system that rules us. The system does not govern us, it rules us and we have to change this corrupt system that has been built up over hundreds of years in various countries by only a few very powerful families, Rothschilds for one.
Till next time.

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Jim Murphy and The Scottish Labour Party.

In the last few days, Scottish Labour Party leader Jim Murphy has been virtually abandoned by the London based UK Labour Party. Why? Number one, Murphy became leader during the aftermath of last years Independence referendum. He took over the party which was in actual fact in total disarray due to the resignation of previous leader Joanne Lamont. The reason she felt the need to resign was cited as "the Scottish Labour Party being treated as a branch office of the main party." Despite masterminding a "NO" vote that kept Scotland within the UK, the Scottish "branch" were vilified by a substantial number of Scottish voters for standing side by side with the Conservatives and Lib Dems during the referendum debate.
Number two. The result of the referendum did not in fact end the debate or, even the campaign. Promises made immediately before the vote by Gordon Brown, Cameron et al. were watered down or even abandoned after the vote which up till now has resulted in unprecedented levels of membership of the Scottish National Party. At the last count the membership has increased from 25,000 in September 2014 to over 154,000 today which makes the SNP the third biggest party in the UK.
Number three. All public opinion polls relevant to the Scottish electorate puts the SNP on course to virtually wipe out all other parties in Scotland. It could mean that SNP has 53 seats, Labour has 4 seats and Lib Dems have 2 seats. There is talk that it could be even more. That would give Scotland a huge voice in Westminster. The fact that since Murphy became leader, the Labour party has made no inroads into the SNP lead and, is a really devastating sign of disaster on May 7th.
Number four. I'm going to be blunt here. Murphy is completely useless at public speaking. Not totally his fault. He doesn't have the strongest speaking voice in the political cauldron which makes him sound half hearted and not totally convincing. The main thing however is, that he seems to have trouble with the truth. His economic arguments were found wanting even before he stopped speaking in the televised debate a couple of weeks ago. Only yesterday it was a case of Murphy says one thing and Miliband and Ed Balls said the complete opposite. They have cut him loose.
A potential remedy. Jim Murphy could save the day in one bold gamble. He should, yes SHOULD, come out officially and lead the Scottish Labour Party to a split from UK Labour. He should then announce a manifesto that returns Labour to it's original socialist roots. These actions would at least make the Scottish electorate take a step back and think about who to vote for. The fact is that despite deserting Labour in droves, the Scottish people are inherently socialist in nature and, I think, just might be inclined to return to the fold. Murphy would be seen in a new light as a decisive and patriotic Scottish politician.
Will it happen? One hundred percent NO. If it did, would it make me change my vote? Again no but, it would make me think in the Scottish parliamentary elections in 2016.
The fact is, is that Murphy and his Blairite cronies are no different to the Tories. Power at all cost and then line their own pockets with our money.
To sum up, it was probably pointless writing all this but I felt I had to get it off my chest. Any reader can make up their own mind.
Till next time.